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Det var relativt lite i den profilen som liksom skriker "islamistisk fundamentalist", ja...
In October, Latif found the word “terrorist” written outside her dormitory room and decided to do something positive about it.
“I decided to channel student energy by spearheading a two-week campaign against hate speech, entitled ‘Eliminate the Hate,’” Latif told the Truman Scholarship judges. “The next day, I reached out to 70 minority organizations, both undergraduate and graduate, to mobilize students who were tired of apathy toward bigotry.”
Latif is student director of the Multicultural Student Center, represents the College of Arts & Sciences on UVA’s Honor Committee and is a member of the Raven Society. She received a Harrison Undergraduate Research Grant and a Meriwether Lewis Fellowship. She served as an ambassador for the Middle Eastern Leadership Council and writes a blog for the Huffington Post.
En sånn person går langt utenpå tre dusin "tenke sjæl"-tullinger. Fortjener virkelig ikke å få dritt slengt etter seg. Noen må gjerne forsøke å føre bevis for påstandene om at hun "hater" både det ene og det andre. Vil du forsøke, @Torja?Farzaneh Milani, Raymond J. Nelson Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures in the Women, Gender and Sexuality Department, said she was impressed with Latif from the first day she met her.
“In 35 years of teaching, I have come across exceptionally few students who match Attiya in her brilliance, rigorous work ethic, sharpness of mind, dignity and dedication to the welfare of the community,” Milani said. “In Attiya, one can see neither one extreme nor another, but a most harmonious balance of seemingly incongruous opposites. She is wise beyond her years and combines a generous supply of pragmatic wisdom with visionary perspectives. She is able to take risks in a state of perfect calm and grace. She holds certain principles non-negotiable, and at the same time is flexible and tolerant in the best sense of the word – full of humility, passion and compassion.”
Kim Forde-Mazrui, Mortimer M. Caplin Professor of Law and the director of the Center for the Study of Race and Law, said Latif is driven by empowering others.
“Attiya’s leadership manifests in so many forms that it is difficult to describe her leadership succinctly,” he said. “She engages in public speaking and advocacy; writing periodical articles and grant applications; producing video, radio and podcast programs; collaborating; organizing; mobilizing; training and mentoring. She does so, moreover, while excelling in her studies.
“There is also a special quality about her, an inner force and light, which is difficult to capture in words. She is confident, yet humble; bold, yet sweet; unfailingly proper, yet willing to describe injustices with gruesomely graphic candor.”
Det finnes skivebom men også dem som skyter i motsatt retning av blinken.Det var relativt lite i den profilen som liksom skriker "islamistisk fundamentalist", ja...
UVA’s Latest Truman Scholar, Attiya Latif, is a Clear, Strong Voice for Muslim Women
Attiya Latif, who chairs UVA’s Minority Rights Coalition, will receive $30,000 toward graduate school and the opportunity to prepare for a career in public service
En sånn person går langt utenpå tre dusin "tenke sjæl"-tullinger. Fortjener virkelig ikke å få dritt slengt etter seg. Noen må gjerne forsøke å føre bevis for påstandene om at hun "hater" både det ene og det andre. Vil du forsøke, @Torja?
Hadde HiFi duppeditter vært prisa på 70tallet slik de er idag, da hadde Bicpenner vært jævla dyre.
Jeg hadde cherrox på slutten av 60 tallet.Du må være yngre enn meg, cherrox hadde ennå ikke kommet, men Nesnalobber bak blåbussen i Nordbyveien var helt konge.
Cunt on a bundt?
Husker jeg var veldig stolt, jeg fikk de vinteren 70-71 var mitt første skoleår. Regnet litt feil på årene. Må få tilbake skolepengeneHm... Cherrox er en sko/støvel som ble utviklet av norske Viking.... og lansert i 1969.. ifølge Wikipedia....
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