Her er en brukeromtale til for de som synes London Decca virker spennende:
Den litt rå og overivrige diskanten som nevnes på noen 80-talls LPer er noe som temmes med Decca Pod. Pod er dyrt, men verdt pengene.
Det er også en myte at London Decca er røff mot rillene eller at de er veldig skjøre. Divine Audio i England sier de holder like lenge som vanlige gode MCer før de må inn på service. Ca 1500t.
http://www.hifiwigwam.com/showthread.php?72864-Decca-London-Super-Gold-CartridgeSo does it live up to the hype? In spades. It has a wide though not too deep soundstage and great resolution of detail. Dynamics are it's forte though, on Rock music drums and guitar power chords almost assault you with visceral impact. Voices are stunningly real and vocals that are a bit back in the mix are much easier to follow than on any other cartridge I have ever heard. The cartridge manages a chameleon act as well though, spinning some Melody Gardot and Tom Waites showed that it can reign in it's violent tendencies and deliver the laid back grooves with delicacy and aplomb. It does like a good recording though, any inadequacy in the source material is mercilessly exposed and this can make some albums somewhat less enjoyable. I have some 80's albums with a bright, thin production that really is too much when 'Deccafied'. But feed it balanced, well produced recordings and it will bring a smile to your face that few other transducers will manage.
It's not going to be for everyone. And even if it is for you, it probably wont be your only cartridge because of the painful way it will treat some of your LP's. It needs careful setting up, it's expensive and fragile. But like most primadonnas, when it's on song it will make you weak with joy.
Den litt rå og overivrige diskanten som nevnes på noen 80-talls LPer er noe som temmes med Decca Pod. Pod er dyrt, men verdt pengene.
Det er også en myte at London Decca er røff mot rillene eller at de er veldig skjøre. Divine Audio i England sier de holder like lenge som vanlige gode MCer før de må inn på service. Ca 1500t.
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