Takk for detGratulerer med nye forsterkere mfufu, blir spennende å høre lytteinntrykk! Hva var det du byttet fra forresten?
TakkerHei grattis med nye produkter har levd med pass forsterkere i mange år å det blir fler
mvh Baard.
Hei du for sifra når ting er på plass hadde hvert morro å hørt systemet ditt bor i Porsgrunn er jo ikke så langt unna mvh BaardTakkerHei grattis med nye produkter har levd med pass forsterkere i mange år å det blir fler
mvh Baard.
Håper å ha funnet noe jeg også kan ha i mange år, tenkte Pass ville være ett sikkert valg både ifm kvalitet og hva jeg liker i musikkgjengivelse. Er veldig fornøyd så langt ihvertfall![]()
Will do, effektforsterkeren begynner nok å bli innspillt nå, men for øyeblikket er både (hoved) dac'en og riaa'n ute av systemetHei du for sifra når ting er på plass hadde hvert morro å hørt systemet ditt bor i Porsgrunn er jo ikke så langt unna mvh BaardTakkerHei grattis med nye produkter har levd med pass forsterkere i mange år å det blir fler
mvh Baard.
Håper å ha funnet noe jeg også kan ha i mange år, tenkte Pass ville være ett sikkert valg både ifm kvalitet og hva jeg liker i musikkgjengivelse. Er veldig fornøyd så langt ihvertfall![]()
Jeg er helt på linje med deg der.Preen har gjerne større betydning enn man tror.
Nelson Pass skriver selv på DIY-audioAt Pass Labs we build Fet amplifiers with excessive output stages, huge heat sinks and massive power supplies. We use the highest quality components in simple linear topologies, assembled and tested with care and subtlety in Auburn, California. They measure well, sound great, and are reliable. Twenty years of ongoing innovation have kept the X and XA amplifi ers at the forefront of high-end audio. The XA25 embodies all this and less. A smaller stereo Class A amplifier at a lower price, it takes advantage of the lower power requirements to have simpler single-ended circuitry and fewer parts in the signal path. This also allows elimination of degeneration, “that other negative feedback” in all stages. Simpler and fewer gain stages improves speed and stability. Lower voltages means the ability to run gain devices at higher bias currents, more deeply into Class A. Newer power Fet technology replaces banks of parallel small transistors with a single pair of industrial devices, each having a 700 watt / 40 amp rating. With no current-hogging issues and a new constant-current bias circuit to compensate for temperature drift, they connect directly to the loudspeaker without ballast resistors for lowest possible distortion and highest damping factor. No degeneration also increases the efficiency and Class A operating current, allowing greater Class A operation into low impedance and reactive loads. The simple front end circuit uses uses two pairs of NOS complementary Fets in common-source mode in a current feedback (CFA) configuration. The amplifier is direct coupled and has no DC servos or frequency compensation. As with all Pass amplifiers, the technology and construction are strictly in the service of the listening experience. The XA25 measures superbly, but its subjective qualities are most special. In an industry where products with great specs are often found to be dry and boring, this amplifier breathes new life into the music.
- Output power:
2x 25 Watts Class A @ 8 ohms
2x 50 Watts Class A @ 4 ohms
2x 100 Watts Class A/AB @ 2 ohms
- Distortion: 0.1% @ 25 Watts, 8 ohm, 1 KHz, 0.1% @ 50 Watts, 4 ohms, 1 KHz
- Freq. Response: DC to -3 dB @ 200 KHz
- Gain: 20 dB gain
- Noise: Output 100 uV unweighted 20 to 20 KHz
- Damping Factor: 200
- Slew: 100 V/uS
- Input Impedance: 47 Kohm
- Peak Current: 10 Amp output (200 Watts into 2 ohms)
- Independent of loudspeaker load phase.
- Idle Power draw: 200 Watts total.
- Dimensions: 17”W x 17.375”D x 6”H
- Weight: approx. 55 lbs
The XA25 has an RCA input and not balanced outputs. It is a very simple amp that had surprising performance, however it is the intellectual property
of Pass Labs, and so remains under wrap. I will tell you this so that you can reverse engineer it:
Three stages, DF is about 700, high current, high slew, .00x% distortion,
40 uV output noise, big Class A envelope, 25 watts into 8, 100 watts into 2.
And it sounds great.
Liten klasse A forsterker fra Pass Labs, ser spennende ut!
Vis vedlegget 414335
Litt mer info her:
Nelson Pass skriver selv på DIY-audioAt Pass Labs we build Fet amplifiers with excessive output stages, huge heat sinks and massive power supplies. We use the highest quality components in simple linear topologies, assembled and tested with care and subtlety in Auburn, California. They measure well, sound great, and are reliable. Twenty years of ongoing innovation have kept the X and XA amplifi ers at the forefront of high-end audio. The XA25 embodies all this and less. A smaller stereo Class A amplifier at a lower price, it takes advantage of the lower power requirements to have simpler single-ended circuitry and fewer parts in the signal path. This also allows elimination of degeneration, “that other negative feedback” in all stages. Simpler and fewer gain stages improves speed and stability. Lower voltages means the ability to run gain devices at higher bias currents, more deeply into Class A. Newer power Fet technology replaces banks of parallel small transistors with a single pair of industrial devices, each having a 700 watt / 40 amp rating. With no current-hogging issues and a new constant-current bias circuit to compensate for temperature drift, they connect directly to the loudspeaker without ballast resistors for lowest possible distortion and highest damping factor. No degeneration also increases the efficiency and Class A operating current, allowing greater Class A operation into low impedance and reactive loads. The simple front end circuit uses uses two pairs of NOS complementary Fets in common-source mode in a current feedback (CFA) configuration. The amplifier is direct coupled and has no DC servos or frequency compensation. As with all Pass amplifiers, the technology and construction are strictly in the service of the listening experience. The XA25 measures superbly, but its subjective qualities are most special. In an industry where products with great specs are often found to be dry and boring, this amplifier breathes new life into the music.
- Output power:
2x 25 Watts Class A @ 8 ohms
2x 50 Watts Class A @ 4 ohms
2x 100 Watts Class A/AB @ 2 ohms
- Distortion: 0.1% @ 25 Watts, 8 ohm, 1 KHz, 0.1% @ 50 Watts, 4 ohms, 1 KHz
- Freq. Response: DC to -3 dB @ 200 KHz
- Gain: 20 dB gain
- Noise: Output 100 uV unweighted 20 to 20 KHz
- Damping Factor: 200
- Slew: 100 V/uS
- Input Impedance: 47 Kohm
- Peak Current: 10 Amp output (200 Watts into 2 ohms)
- Independent of loudspeaker load phase.
- Idle Power draw: 200 Watts total.
- Dimensions: 17”W x 17.375”D x 6”H
- Weight: approx. 55 lbsThe XA25 has an RCA input and not balanced outputs. It is a very simple amp that had surprising performance, however it is the intellectual property
of Pass Labs, and so remains under wrap. I will tell you this so that you can reverse engineer it:
Three stages, DF is about 700, high current, high slew, .00x% distortion,
40 uV output noise, big Class A envelope, 25 watts into 8, 100 watts into 2.
And it sounds great.
600.5 eller 600.8?Hei! Lurer litt på å kjøpe Pass labs X600 .. Noen erfaringer? priser? tusen takk på forhånd
Det kan bli lenge å vente, da det ikke er mange i omløpOk. Tusen takkda blir det å drøye den, og vente å se på bruktbørsen her..
Ja.Ok.. Eg fikk akkurat vite at det var 600.8 versjonen. Er dette den nyeste?
De han har på bilden är 600.5, de äldre.Ok.. Eg fikk akkurat vite at det var 600.8 versjonen. Er dette den nyeste?