Hvis man vil ha fred i en region, er det vel ikke akkurat et sjakktrekk å bestemme at en by som ligger i et okkupert område skal være hovedstad?
For det første så har Jerusalem vært hovedstaden til Israel i mange år, okkupert fra hvem, Jordan hadde vel okkupert den delen ulovlig frem til 1967 og da tok Israel over staffet pinnen.
Det er vel ganske klart:
"While the international community regards East Jerusalem, including the entire Old City, as part of the occupied Palestinian territories,
neither part, West or East Jerusalem, is recognized as part of the territory of Israel or the State of Palestine. Under the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1947, Jerusalem was envisaged to become a corpus separatum administered by the United Nations. In the war of 1948, the western part of the city was occupied by forces of the nascent state of Israel, while the eastern part was occupied by Jordan.
The international community largely considers the legal status of Jerusalem to derive from the partition plan, and correspondingly refuses to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the city."
Med andre ord - Jerusalem er ikke en del av Israel. Hvis Israel overtar Jerusalem som en del av sitt territorium (som de må for å kalle det sin hovedstad), har de okkupert den.