Politikk, religion og samfunn President Donald J. Trump - Quo vadis? (Del 1)

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    Åpenbart. Det er dessuten tydelig hva slags «svampekreaturer» som valgte å spille med Trump. De så mannens grenseløse korrupsjon som en mulighet til egen vinning. Her er ett eksempel på en mini-Trump i periferien av alt det andre, i dette tilfellet et forsøk på å stenge ned etterforskningen av en korrupsjonsaffære i Malaysia:
    During the 2016 campaign, Broidy, a Los Angeles-based investor, helped corral big donors to support President Trump’s campaign. After the election, he was appointed to serve as a national deputy chairman for the Republican National Committee.

    In April, Broidy resigned from his RNC position in the wake of a report that he had paid a former Playboy model $1.6 million in exchange for her silence about a sexual affair. Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen — another RNC fundraiser — helped arrange the settlement, Broidy acknowledged at the time.
    More recently, investigators have appeared to be focusing on activities aimed at influencing the posture of U.S. officials toward the case. In a complaint filed Friday seeking nearly $74 million in forfeiture, prosecutors alleged that a Malaysian businessman named Low Taek Jho had funneled tens of millions of dollars to the United States to lobby high-level government officials to influence the ongoing investigations and related proceedings over whether his assets could be seized. Low and others were indicted in New York on Nov. 1.
    Joda, «Drain the Swamp!!»


    Rosenstein var og holdt foredrag her om dagen. Han valgte et emne som straks blir meget aktuelt:

    Whitaker er brått blitt mindre aktiv. Han har nok fått en fullstendig orientering og har funnet ut at han ikke har tenkt å gå ned med skuta.

    The rule of law is not simply about words written on paper. The culture of a society and the character of the people who enforce the law determine whether the rule of law endures.

    One of the ways that we uphold the rule of law is to fight bribery and corruption. Until a few decades ago, paying bribes was viewed as a necessary part of doing business abroad. Some American companies were unapologetic about corrupt payments.

    In 1976, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee revealed that hundreds of U.S. companies had bribed foreign officials, with payments that totaled hundreds of millions of dollars. The Committee concluded that there was a need for anti-bribery legislation. It reasoned that “[c]orporate bribery is bad business” and “fundamentally destructive” in a free market society. That was the basis for the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

    Josh Marshall kommenterer: Unsurprisingly, President Trump, a career criminal, is a longtime and outspoken opponent of the FCPA.


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    Det rakner for Trump på mange fronter samtidig. Senatet, fortsatt med solid republikansk flertall, gjør en smack-down av Trumps bromance med kronprins MBS: https://www.lawfareblog.com/taking-stock-yemen-resolution

    Noen ser nok også grundig på Trumps forretningsforbindelser i Saudi-Arabia, og på hvordan disse har ført til at USA ser ut til å gi carte blanche for alt fra blokader og krigføring i naboland til hårreisende avliving av brysomme journalister. Det er ikke opplagt at USAs politiske interesser er på linje med Trumps forretningsinteresser her heller, og det er et interessant spørsmål om hva som har blitt tillagt mest vekt i beslutningsprosessene.


    WAPO lager en grei oversikt over hvem som er tiltalt for hva, hittil.

    Nye navn som vil komme til (* -- allerede meldt)
    Donald Trump Jr.
    Jared Kushner
    Roger Stone *
    Jerome Corsi *
    Julian Assange *


    Flere detaljer i artikkelen.

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-01 kl. 12.50.13.jpg

    Aftenposten om det at Donald Trump Jr. har vært meget nervøs i senere tid. Man regner med at både han og Jared Kushner vil få stevnemøter med Mueller i nær fremtid.


    Skjermbilde 2018-12-01 kl. 12.52.17.jpg
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    Denne er interessant som et tegn i tiden. Republikanerne i Kongressen ser hvilken vei dette går og prøver å unngå dragsuget:
    The Senate Intelligence Committee has referred cases to the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election after witnesses questioned in the panel’s own Russia probe were suspected of lying, the committee chairman said Friday.

    “We have made referrals from our committee to the special counsel for prosecution,” Chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said at a national security conference in Austin. “In a lot of those cases, those might be tied to lying to us.”
    Det er tydeligvis slutt på tiden hvor Devin Nunes kunne røre i hop en "avsløring", fabrikere en "skandale" og iscenesette et nattlig drama hvor han "orienterte" Trump om den seneste utviklingen i "saken". Cut the crap, liksom.
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    Husk at Trump er en mester til å komme fram til avtaler. Avtaler som er så upresise og fulle av hull at de ikke er verdt det papiret de er skrevet på. Vi husker nedrustningsavtalen med Nord-Korea (som noen i fullt alvor mente han burde få fredsprisen for). Nå har vi den nye "avtalen" med Kina der det bl.a. står "Kina har forpliktet seg til å importere «et veldig betydelig» beløp av amerikanske varer for å redusere USAs handelsunderskudd med Kina." uten noe sted å spesifisere hva som menes med "et veldig betydelig beløp".



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    Husk nå på at en deal er en deal, og vi kan alltids bully motparten til å oppfylle vår fortolkning av den. Sånn fungerer det i hvert fall med leietagere og småentrepenører, så det er liten grunn til at det ikke skal funke med Kina og NordKoreaa.


    Camille Paglia is one of the most interesting and explosive thinkers of our time. She transgresses academic boundaries and blows up media forms. She’s brilliant on politics, art, literature, philosophy, and the culture wars. She’s also very keen on the email Q and A format for interviews. So, after reading her new collection of essays, Provocations, Spectator USA sent her some questions.


    You’ve been a sharp political prognosticator over the years. So can I start by asking for a prediction. What will happen in 2020 in America? Will Hillary Clinton run again?

    If the economy continues strong, Trump will be reelected. The Democrats (my party) have been in chaos since the 2016 election and have no coherent message except Trump hatred. Despite the vast pack of potential candidates, no one yet seems to have the edge. I had high hopes for Kamala Harris, but she missed a huge opportunity to play a moderating, statesmanlike role and has already imprinted an image of herself as a ruthless inquisitor that will make it hard for her to pull voters across party lines.

    Screechy Elizabeth Warren has never had a snowball’s chance in hell to appeal beyond upper-middle-class professionals of her glossy stripe. Kirsten Gillibrand is a wobbly mediocrity. Cory Booker has all the gravitas of a cork. Andrew Cuomo is a yapping puppy with a long, muddy bullyboy tail. Both Bernie Sanders (for whom I voted in the 2016 primaries) and Joe Biden (who would have won the election had Obama not cut him off at the knees) are way too old and creaky.

    To win in the nation’s broad midsection, the Democratic nominee will need to project steadiness, substance, and warmth. I’ve been looking at Congresswoman Cheri Bustos of Illinois and Governor Steve Bullock of Montana. As for Hillary, she’s pretty much damaged goods, but her perpetual, sniping, pity-me tour shows no signs of abating. She still has a rabidly loyal following, but it’s hard to imagine her winning the nomination again, with her iron grip on the Democratic National Committee now gone. Still, it’s in her best interest to keep the speculation fires burning. Given how thoroughly she has already sabotaged the rising candidates by hogging the media spotlight, I suspect she wants Trump to win again. I don’t see our stumbling, hacking, shop-worn Evita yielding the spotlight willingly to any younger gal.


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    Husk nå på at en deal er en deal, og vi kan alltids bully motparten til å oppfylle vår fortolkning av den. Sånn fungerer det i hvert fall med leietagere og småentrepenører, så det er liten grunn til at det ikke skal funke med Kina og NordKoreaa.
    Modus operandi er vel snarere å gå skyhøyt ut med totalt urealistiske krav, posere med «my way or tihe highway», møte opp totalt uforberedt, ta til takke med hva motparten enn er villig til å gi, la være å lese det som står med liten skrift, utbasunere avtalen som «the greatest deal ever» og prompte løpe fra sin del av regningen. Å holde avtaler er jo bare for dumminger.
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    Jeg ser også at det begynner å komme håndfaste bevis på det meget omtalte valgfusket. Forutsigbart nok var det republikanske aktivister som manipulerte og sorterte forhåndsstemmer.
    What’s particularly remarkable about the fraud investigation unfolding in North Carolina, centered on the results of the state’s 9th Congressional District contest last month, is how quickly the alleged effort to collect absentee ballots from voters and possibly alter or destroy them came to light.

    Part of this, as elections expert Michael McDonald pointed out on Monday, is a function of the state’s transparency about ballots cast and returned. Part of it is that any effort involving more than a handful of people offers lots of opportunities for details about a scheme to come to light. Part of it appears to be how obvious the anomalies in voting patterns were.

    Before we get into what’s known and what may come next, it’s worth highlighting an implication of the points above. If a possible effort to alter a few hundred absentee votes came to light shortly after an election, the idea that millions of votes were cast illegally in 2016 without even a whiff of evidence that it occurred is obviously untrue.


    ^ Jeg regnet med at Brekke ville ta opp det valgfusket i NC og fortelle oss om det. Litt av en sak. Utrolig nok brukte den republikanske kandidaten samme teknikk for å slå sin partifelle (som satt i Kongressen) under partiets utvelgelsesvalg.


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    Brekke kan sikkert fortelle oss at etterforskningen av valgfusket bare er demokratenes forsøk på å stjele valgresultatet, for det sier pratehuene på Fox. Som om det gjør noen forskjell for demokratene om de har et flertall på 39 eller 40 kongressrepresentanter. :rolleyes:


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    Og hva med Hillary? Hvorfor sitter ikke hun inne?


    Enda verre hva republikanerne er i gang med i Wisconsin. Der har de tapt flertallet i delstatsforsamlingen, samt guvernøren. Men nå bruker de ukene frem til makten skal overføres på å begrense guvernørens innflytelse. Noe tilsvarende skjer i Michigan. Begge delstater som Cambridge Analytica "vant" for Trump.

    Republicans are about to lose their grip on power in a number of states, and they’re trying their hardest to sour Democrats’ election wins.

    In Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker will have to pass the baton to Democrat Tony Evers come January, but before he does, the state’s GOP-controlled legislature has called for an “extraordinary session” to curb Evers’s power in office and potentially make it harder for Democrats to get elected in the future.

    A similar tale is playing out in Michigan, where Democrats Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, and Jocelyn Benson handily won the governor, attorney general, and secretary of state races, respectively. Michigan Republicans are trying to make sure the Democratic trifecta has less power to undermine Republicans’ legislative accomplishments.



    Vart lurt no ...

    I går kunngjorde Mueller sin innstilling til dom for tidligere Nasjonal sikkerhetsrådgiver general Flynn.

    Pga Flynns betydelige og omfattende bidrag til Muellers etterforskning, ber Mueller om lavest mulige straff for Flynn. Flynns bistand har spesielt vært omkring samarbeidet mellom Trumps kampanjeledelse og en fremmed makt.

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 07.11.34.jpg

    Det blir litt av en reise for Trump-velgere ta inn omfanget av hva som nå er på vei.

    For the Russia investigation, the filing said Flynn provided “content and context” of interactions that the Trump transition team had with Russian officials regarding sanctions that the Obama administration sought to impose at the end of 2016, as well as a vote on a United Nations Security Council resolution about Israel. Both of those matters had been previously referenced in the court filings and hearings for Flynn’s plea last year. Three lines are redacted at the end of the paragraph discussing the sanctions-related communications. The filing goes on to say that Flynn assisted on another front in the Russia probe, but that that section is redacted.


    Special counsel Robert Mueller recommended that former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn receive a sentence for lying to the FBI that included no prison time, in a court filing Tuesday that called Flynn’s cooperation “substantial.” The filing indicated that Flynn’s assistance was useful to two investigations besides the Russia probe, but elaboration of his assistance on those yet unknown investigations was redacted.

    Last year, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about communications he had with a Russian official about sanctions during the presidential transition, and Flynn has since been cooperating with Mueller’s probe.



    For spesielt interesserte.

    April 2014 — Flynn is fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency ("abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." per Colin Powell).

    Oct. 2014 — Flynn founds Flynn Intel Group. In a letter from the DIA, Flynn is warned that he is prohibited from receiving "consulting fees, gifts, travel expenses, honoraria, or salary ... from a foreign government unless congressional consent is first obtained".

    Summer 2015 — Flynn is paid by ACU Strategic Partners to travel to the Middle East to promote a trillion-dollar Saudi-financed U.S.–Russian business to develop nuclear power capabilities in the Arab world. Flynn does not disclose this trip when applying for his security clearance renewal in Jan. 2016

    Late Summer 2015 — Flynn begins advising the Trump campaign.

    Aug. 2015 — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from Volga-Dnepr Airlines, a Russian airfreight company that the U.N. had suspended from its list of approved vendors after a corruption scandal involving an indicted Russian U.N. official.

    Oct. 2015 — Flynn receives a $15,000 speaking fee from a subsidiary Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov, head of Kaspersky's computer incidents investigation unit is arrested in Russia, for treason, in December 2016.

    Flynn travels to Saudi Arabia to again promote the Saudi/Russian nuclear project. He fails to disclose the nature of the travel and reports a fictional hotel name as his residence during the trip.

    Dec. 2 — Flynn and his son meet with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at his Washington, D.C. residence. In a subsequent email to the Russian embassy, Flynn’s son described the meeting as “very productive”. The meeting came to light publicly only in April 2018.

    Dec. 10 — Seated directly at Vladimir Putin's right hand, Flynn appears in Moscow at a gala hosted by Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT). RT pays Flynn $45,000 for his participation and provides airfare, accommodations and other expenses for Flynn and his son.

    U.S. intelligence notices an uptick in communication between Flynn and Kislyak shortly after.

    Feb. 2016 — Flynn increases his role with the Trump campaign and is later vetted as a possible VP pick.

    Feb. 11 — While applying for renewal of his security clearance, Flynn tells Pentagon investigators that he had received no income from foreign companies and had only “insubstantial contact” with foreign nationals.

    May 2016 — Flynn joins the advisory board of OSY Technologies, part of the NSO Group, a secretive cyberweapons dealer founded by former Israeli intelligence officials. NSO's spyware is subsequently found to have been used to attack and surveil prominent journalists and human rights activists.

    July 18 — Flynn leads crowds at the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock her up!", saying "if I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today!".

    Aug. 9 — Flynn signs a contract with Inovo, a firm owned by Ekim Alptekin, a close ally and appointee of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Flynn is assigned to run an influence campaign to discredit Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and was blamed by Erdogan for a failed coup.

    Summer 2016 — Flynn Intel begins work on a pro-Turkey documentary, hiring professionals to shoot it, misleading them about the intentions of the project and working to conceal its role in producing the film.

    Aug. 17 — Flynn begins attending classified intelligence briefings with candidate Trump.

    Sept. 3 — Flynn and associates begin reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to obtain Clinton's personal e-mails and transmit them to Flynn through an intermediary.

    Sept. 19 — Flynn meets with Turkey's ministers of foreign affairs and energy, Erdogan's son-in-law, and other officials at an undisclosed New York hotel, in a meeting arranged by Alptekin. Among other topics, Flynn discusses a plan for "a covert step in the dead of night to whisk [Gulen] away" without going through the legal extradition process.

    Sept. 20 — Flynn, his son and business partners meet with Dana Rohrabacher, a U.S. congressman best known as a staunch advocate of pro-Russia policies.

    Nov. 8 — Election day. Flynn publishes a lengthy op-ed entitled "Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support". He states that "we need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective" and brands Gulen as "a radical Islamist". Flynn does not disclose to the publisher that he was being paid by Alptekin.

    Nov. 10 — Obama, in a face-to-face conversation with Trump, warns against hiring Flynn to be part of Trump's national security team.

    Nov. 11 — Media reports expose Flynn's contract with Alptekin to lobby on behalf of Turkey.

    Nov. 14 — Flynn receives the final installment of $530,000 from Alptekin.

    Nov. 18 — Flynn accepts Trump's offer of the position of National Security Advisor. Pence receives a letter from Rep. Cummings notifying him of Flynn's work on behalf of Turkey.

    Nov. 30 — The Justice Department notifies Flynn that it is scrutinizing his work lobbying on behalf of the Turkish government.

    Nov./Dec. 2016 — Flynn meets with Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache at Trump Tower. Strache announces weeks later that his party has signed a cooperation agreement with Vladimir Putin's ruling party.

    Dec. 1 — Flynn meets with Russian ambassador Kislyak and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Tower. The men discuss the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities to shield their discussions from monitoring.

    Mid-Dec. — Flynn meets with the Turkish government to discuss an offer to pay him and his son as much as $15 million to kidnap Gulen and deliver him to a Turkish prison island.

    Dec. 22 — Flynn secretly asks Kislyak for Russia's help to delay or defeat a pending UN Security Council resolution.

    Dec. 29 — Flynn secretly discusses relief from U.S. sanctions with Kislyak on the same day the Obama administration announces its response to Russian interference in the campaign.

    Jan. 4 — Flynn tells Trump’s transition team that he is under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign.

    Jan. 6 (approx.) — The FBI begins investigating Flynn's late December phone conversations with Kislyak.

    Jan. 12 — Conforming to the wishes of Turkey, Flynn instructs the Obama administration to hold off on a military operation to retake the Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa with Syrian Kurdish forces.

    Jan. 18 — Flynn attends a “working breakfast” with the Foreign Minister of Turkey and others, including Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

    Jan. 20 — Trump is inaugurated. Flynn becomes National Security Advisor.

    Eleven minutes into the Trump presidency, Flynn texts ACU managing partner Alex Copson that the Russian nuclear plan is "good to go" and "to put things in place". Copson tells associates that Flynn would ensure that sanctions against Russia are "ripped up" and that "this is going to make a lot of very wealthy people".

    Jan. 22 — The WSJ reports that Flynn is under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents regarding his communications with Russian officials.

    Jan. 24 — The FBI interviews Flynn regarding his Russian contacts.

    Jan. 26 — Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informs the White House that Flynn misled the FBI in his interview, that the DOJ knew that Flynn’s public accounts were untrue, and expressed concerns that he was vulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence.

    Jan. 30 — Trump fires Yates.

    Feb. 13 — Flynn is forced out of his role as NSA after The Washington Post reports on Yates's warning to the Trump White House.

    Feb. 14 — In a private conversation with FBI director Comey, Trump asks Comey to end any investigation into Flynn, stating “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

    March 7 — Flynn files paperwork acknowledging that he worked as a foreign agent representing the interests of the Turkish government.

    March 22 — Trump asks Director of National Intelligence Coats to intervene with Comey to get the FBI to back off its focus on Flynn.

    March 30 — Flynn tells the FBI and congressional officials that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution, with his lawyer stating that “General Flynn has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit”.

    April 25 — Flynn tells associates, “I just got a message from the president to stay strong”.

    April/May — Federal prosecutors issue grand jury subpoenas to Flynn associates seeking “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” relating to Flynn and Alptekin.

    May 9 — Trump fires Comey.

    May 22 — A House committee reveals that Flynn lied to Pentagon investigators about the source of money he received from RT when applying for security clearance in 2016.

    Flynn announces that he will not cooperate with a subpoena requiring him to hand over documents related to his dealings with Russians.

    June 2 — Special Counsel Mueller assumes control of a grand jury investigation into Flynn.

    August — Flynn files paperwork disclosing payments from SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica.

    Dec. 1 — Flynn pleads guilty to willfully and knowingly lying to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Kislyak.

    Dec. 4, 2018 — Mueller cites Flynn's "substantial" assistance with several criminal investigations when he recommends a sentence includes little to no jail time.


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    Senatet forlangte å få høre direkte fra CIA hva de hadde funnet ut om mordet på Khashoggi. Selv normalt Trump-vennlige senatorer sier rett ut at Trump lyver for å dekke over at MBS sto bak.
    Graham said Tuesday that you’d have to be “willfully blind” to not know Mohammed was responsible — a clear rebuke of Trump’s argument that this whole thing resides in some kind of gray area.
    “If they were in a Democratic administration,” Graham said of Pompeo and Mattis, “I would be all over them for being in the pocket of Saudi Arabia.”

    Corker was about as full-throated, saying, “If the crown prince went in front of a jury, he would be convicted in 30 minutes” — another clear rebuke to Trump’s statement and Pompeo’s and Mattis’s suggestions that this is some kind of unknown.

    Corker also suggested that the briefing last week, which featured Pompeo and Mattis but not Haspel, was entirely misleading. When asked whether there was a difference in the message about Mohammed’s culpability, Corker compared it to the “difference between darkness and sunshine.”
    Det eneste vi fortsatt behøver å vite om denne saken er eksakt hvilken eiendomsdeal MBS har lovet Trump-familien. Muligens å fullfinansiere «the greatest Trump tower ever» i Riyadh? Eller hvorfor ikke et Trump-hotell i Mekka for å ta imot luksuspilegrimer? Det kan vel ikke være at han selger ut USAs internasjonale troverdighet bare for de småpengene MBS legger igjen på Trump-hoteller når han besøker USA? I så fall selger han seg billigere enn jeg trodde.


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    The very stable genius løy om sin avtale med Kina.
    Selvfølgelig. Som om alt annet.

    – Kina er forvirret og irritert på hvordan Trump-administrasjonen oppfører seg. Du gjør bare ikke dette med kineserne. Du går ikke ut offentlig og triumferende forteller hva de har gått med på. Dette er bare galskap, sier en tidligere amerikansk tjenestemann, som har hatt tette forbindelser til Kina, til Washington Post.
    Finansinstitusjonen JPMorgan har forsøkt å finne ut hva som skjedde under middagen mellom de to presidentene og forhandlere i Argentina.

    «Det virker ikke som de ble enige om noe som helst under middagen. Tjenestemenn forsøker å tilpasse Trumps twitter-meldinger med virkeligheten slik at de ikke virker fullstendig fabrikkert og overdrevet», skriver JPMorgan.
    WP-artikkelen er enda mer blomstrende i språket:
    “It doesn’t seem like anything was actually agreed to at the dinner and White House officials are contorting themselves into pretzels to reconcile Trump’s tweets (which seem if not completely fabricated then grossly exaggerated) with reality,” JPMorgan wrote in a trading note.
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    Hvordan det høres ut når en femåring sier at han ikke har spist godteriet:



    ^ Den amerikanske grunnloven nedlegger forbud mot at presidenten mottar "emoluments" fra representanter for fremmede makter. I USA mener mange at Trump-organisasjonen mottar betydelige økonomiske fordeler ved at Trump er president. Nylig fant en føderal domstol at det er grunnlag for å reise sak mot Trumps selskap og presidenten, med utgangspunkt i grunnlovsteksten.

    Nå kommer det noen dusin stevninger som vil tvinge Trump-organisasjonen til å åpne bøkene.

    Ikke å undres over at Trump var helt ute av lage under G20 i Argentina.

    The Maryland and D.C. attorneys general are planning a flurry of subpoenas to prove that President Trump has illegally profited from the presidency.

    The subpoenas are part of the discovery phase of a lawsuit Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine have against the president alleging Trump violated the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by accepting payments from foreign and state governments through the Trump International Hotel.

    Racine’s office said subpoenas will go to the state of Maine, 13 Trump organizations, five federal agencies and 18 entities that compete with the Trump Hotel. The five agencies include the departments of the Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Agriculture as well as the General Services Administration.

    The Portland Press Harold reported that Maine is likely included in the list of entities being served because Republican Gov. Paul LePage has stayed at Trump's hotel for business. On one such trip, the outlet reported that Trump and LePage appeared together at a news conference announcing the Trump administration would be reviewing Obama-era orders that established national monuments within the National Park Service and that LePage had opposed one of these monuments in Maine, the outlet reported.

    A federal district court judge on Monday issued an order agreeing to a schedule that wraps up discovering in early August.

    The Justice Department has notified the court of its plan to appeal the earlier court order that allowed the case to proceed.
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    Grunnloven ble, forutseende nok, skrevet for å stoppe nettopp en slik president som Trump. Han er og gjør alt hva grunnlovsfedrene fryktet. Han er i åpen konflikt med de grunnleggende ideene i både uavhengighetserklæringen og grunnloven. Alt bøyes til å gjelde hans personlige egomassasje og familiens økonomi. Det er ikke rart at Trump-tilhengere tok det som kritikk av Trump da NPR la ut teksten i uavhengighetserklæringen på nasjonaldagen. Selv de ser jo hva som foregår, de håper bare at litt av korrupsjonspengene skal dryppe på dem selv også.

    Dette kommer til å bli litt av en syretest for konservative dommere som påberoper seg å være grunnlovsfundamentalister. Mener de virkelig noe med det, også når det ikke gjelder det andre grunnlovstillegg og våpenprodusentenes fortjeneste?

    A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
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    The very stable genius løy om sin avtale med Kina.
    Det er jo litt missvisende å bruke poeng når man skal snakk om børsuro.
    Ingen av de dagene i 2018 ville nådd topp 20 på en liste over største prosentvise fall, selv om de topper listen over fall i poeng.

    Det skulle være rikelige å ta mannen for uten å bedrive talltriksing.



    The very stable genius løy om sin avtale med Kina.
    Det er jo litt missvisende å bruke poeng når man skal snakk om børsuro.
    Ingen av de dagene i 2018 ville nådd topp 20 på en liste over største prosentvise fall, selv om de topper listen over fall i poeng.

    Det skulle være rikelige å ta mannen for uten å bedrive talltriksing.

    Det er nå engang slik amerikanerne liker å referere til børsutvikling. Du må gjerne be dem endre på det. Hvem bør du ta kontakt med, syns du, slik at du får gjennomslag for innvendingen din?


    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.28.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.52.05.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.55.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.44.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.28.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.52.05.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.55.jpg Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 09.51.44.jpg


    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Torget vurderinger
    The very stable genius løy om sin avtale med Kina.
    Det er jo litt missvisende å bruke poeng når man skal snakk om børsuro.
    Ingen av de dagene i 2018 ville nådd topp 20 på en liste over største prosentvise fall, selv om de topper listen over fall i poeng.

    Det skulle være rikelige å ta mannen for uten å bedrive talltriksing.

    Det er nå engang slik amerikanerne liker å referere til børsutvikling. Du må gjerne be dem endre på det. Hvem bør du ta kontakt med, syns du, slik at du får gjennomslag for innvendingen din?
    Jeg er klar over at de snakker om poeng på børsen, det jeg kommenterte var koblingen mellom absolutte og relative tall.

    Ikke at du bryr deg om slikt, men det er vel ingen av de linkene i bildet du har lagt ved som har noen text som indikerer at dette er det største fallet på Down Jones i historien. Så du har ikke noe støtte der heller.



    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Torget vurderinger
    ^ Enig med OMF her. Dette er krusninger, så langt, men det tyder på økende uro og volatilitet. Markedene begynner å forstå at landet styres etter innfallsmetoden og at man ikke kan tro på ett ord av hva Trump sier. Om Trump greier å fortsette ut perioden uten å utløse en riktig nedsmelting i markedene vil det være et lite mirakel.


    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    I det hele er det å referere til Dow Jones - indeksen en noe merkelig tradisjon. Det er - for å si det mildt - en merkelig index uten at så mange er klar over det. Det selskapet som har høyest vekt i indeksen er ... trommevirvel... Boeing. På plassene etter kommer United Health Group, 3M co, McDonalds, Goldman Sacs og Apple. man kan kanskje stusse på et verdens mest (eller nest mest alt ettersom) verdifulle selskap - Apple først er på 6. plass. Det andre av de to mest verdifulle, Microsoft, er på 16. plass. Goldman Sachs er som nenvt nummer 5. JP Morgan Chase med markedsverdi fem ganger så stor som Goldman Sachs er på 18. plass i indeksen.

    Grunnen til alle disse merkelige greiene er at vektene i indeksen er basert på aboslutt pris på aksjen, ikke på markedsverdi. Siden en Boeing-aksje koster ca 340 dollar vekter den høyere enn Apple der en aksje "bare" koster 175 dollar. Selskapet med lavest vekt i indeksen, Pfizer, er verdt mer enn det som har høyest vekt (alstå Boeing).

    Det gir mer mening å snakke om S&P 500 som er både mye bredere sammensatt, dekker en større del av markedet og ikke minst er vektet basert på markedsverdi og ikke aksjekurs.


    Det er jo amerikanernes kobling til 401Ks som gjør at de følger så ivrig med på disse svingningene. I forhold til totalen er det "krusninger", i forhold til forventningene vekker det bekymringer og usikkerhet. Og får nyhetsoppslag.

    Det er ikke quant-nivået med analyser som påvirker opinionen.

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 10.33.55.jpg


    Hi-Fi freak
    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Torget vurderinger
    Poenget er v el at det er første gangen at USA har en President spm påvirker børsen omtrent daglig med feil/uriktig informasjon.......med til dels ganske store utslag


    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Andre gang Dow Jones faller ~800 punkter med Trump som president. Han lever farlig og det finnes selvsagt en tweet - han lever litt farlig:


    Ble tweetet i febraur 2015, prosentvis vil 1000 poeng da tilsvare ca 1150 poeng med dagens nivåer.


    Ble medlem
    Antall liker
    Torget vurderinger
    Den dagen det skjer vil han vri seg unna med at han aldri har sagt noe om Dow Jones. Han skrev om Dow Joans. Det er en fillekusine han har i New Jersey, og hun har ikke falt så mye som en etasje. Witch Hunt! A HOAX!! FAKE NEWS!!!


    Det amerikanske kommentariatet har summet seg etter gårsdagens nyheter fra Mueller vedr straffeutmåling for tidligere nasjonal sikkerhetsrådgiver Flynn. Siden Mueller anbefaler at Flynn skal få lavere straff, pga sine utstrakte og betydningsfulle bidrag til etterforskningen, vurderer man hvem i ledelsen som vil bli stevnet i neste omgang.

    Et lite utvalg meldinger:

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 15.55.17.jpg

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 15.54.41.jpg

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 15.53.32.jpg

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 15.53.14.jpg

    Skjermbilde 2018-12-05 kl. 15.52.52.jpg
    Stengt for ytterligere svar.
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