Det blir nok dette som sender Biden ut av det White and into the Black
Enig. Kunne vært skrevet i dag.Jeg synes denne var god:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer explained how stupidity enables MAGA
In the 1930s, as many Germans were swept into an antisemitic fervor by the Nazis, while others stood by and did nothing, the Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer actively resisted Hitler’s genocide. In April 1943, the Gestapo arrested him.
Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed — in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical — and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.
Kan også minne om denne:The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.
Former federal prosecutor James D. Zirin put the number of Trump-involved suits at 3,500, and rising, in his 2019 book Plaintiff in Chief: A Portrait of Donald Trump in 3,500 Lawsuits.
“He sued for sport; he sued to achieve control; and he sued to make a point. He sued as a means of destroying or silencing those who crossed him,” Zirin said in an interview.
But for all of Trump’s time in the docket, his involvement in legal proceedings has all been of the civil variety. No longer. He’s now facing two criminal prosecutions, a business records case in New York state, and the 37-count federal indictment filed against him Thursday alleging that he removed and retained classified documents when he left the White House. As Trump is about to learn, there’s a big difference between a civil proceeding, which he knows intimately, and a criminal trial. It’s like the difference between a flickering candle, which can raise a blister if you’re not careful, and a forest fire, which can reduce you to ash. Trump’s legal hubris, acquired in decades of civil litigation, has blinded him to the danger he is in.
Dessuten:The biggest practical difference between civil and criminal prosecutions is that remedies in civil cases are financial penalties or injunctions. This is the padded playroom in which Trump has cavorted his entire professional life. To Trump, lawyer fees, monetary punishments and court orders — when cases come to that — are just the costs of doing business. Trump’s legal guru, Roy Cohn, taught him to draw out civil cases, wear the other side down, and never give in, a catechism that still guides him today. As Zirin puts it, Cohn taught Trump to counterattack; undermine his adversary; work the press; lie, lie and lie again; and even in the case of a loss or forced to settle, claim victory and go home.
But criminal cases don’t pit one person or organization against another. They are reserved for crimes against the state or society, and the plaintiff isn’t Joe or Doris or some regulatory body, it’s the big, angry fist of government. When you lose in this venue, you don’t write a check. You’re often sentenced to prison. Trump has already invoked the Cohn rules in the federal indictment, accusing prosecutors of election interference and the Biden administration of judicial corruption. He’s fund-raising off the indictment, too, and using it as a plank in his campaign platform. “They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you — I’m just standing in their way!” reads the pinned message on his Truth Social account. But the Cohn rules, which can work so brilliantly in civil court, don’t carry the same weight in criminal cases. Prosecutors seek justice, not compromise, and they’re relatively immune to the field disturbances that rattle civil litigators. Did Trump’s attorneys not tell him that?
James Zirin: About three years ago, a friend suggested that I write a biography of Roy Cohn. I knew Roy Cohn. He was an unscrupulous lawyer. He was disbarred 1986, about three years before he died. And he was Trump’s lawyer and confidant, and their relationship was very close, very intimate. He boasted to a journalist that he and Trump spoke about five or six times a day. This was before Trump had any notion of seeking political office.
Cohn really taught Trump everything he knows about waging what I call asymmetrical warfare, weaponizing the law and using litigation as a means to attain the various objectives that he had. They met in a bar in 1973 just after Trump had been named as a defendant along with his father in a race discrimination in housing suit brought by the Justice Department. Trump had a number of lawyers, and normally a suit like that ends quickly with a consent decree with the defendant agreeing that he or she won’t discriminate anymore without accepting or admitting or denying the allegations in the complaint.
Cohn had a different recipe for going forward. He liked to beat the system. He’d been indicted three times by the legendary prosecutor Robert M. Morgenthau, and he’d been acquitted three times. Cohn’s recipe was fight, and he taught Trump the tools he used. No. 1 is if you’re charged with anything, counterattack. Rule No. 2 is if you’re charged with anything, try to undermine your adversary. Rule No. 3 is work the press. Rule No. 4 is lie. It doesn’t matter how tall a tale it is, but repeat it again and again. Rule No. 5 is settle the case, claim victory and go home. And that’s exactly what happened in the race discrimination case.
Akkurat, ja. Shower heads.Når man vet at publikum er idioter:
‘They Will Turn Us Into Europe’: Former Trump Official Blasts Biden Over Proposed Appliance Regulations | The Daily Caller
Fox Business host Larry Kudlow blasted the Biden administration Tuesday over proposed regulations targeting multiple appliances, including water heaters.
“The big government socialists at the Biden Administration insist on completely ruining our daily lives,” Kudlow continued. “They’re going after every imaginable creature comfort that used to make America the most wonderful place to live in. Now they will turn us into Europe, which doesn’t even have a lot of this stuff the way we do. What’s this stuff? Well, for starters, how about shower heads, air conditioners, toilet flushing, light bulbs, washers and dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, gas cars and trucks, coal fired pizza ovens, microwaves and that’s just for starters.”
Special counsel Jack Smith has brought three new felony charges against former President Donald Trump, including explosive claims that he asked an employee of his Mar-a-Lago club to delete security camera footage sought by investigators probing his handling of classified documents.
In a 60-page superseding indictment unveiled Thursday, prosecutors also accused Trump of possessing a highly classified war plan that he shared with people lacking security clearances months after his presidency ended. And prosecutors added a third defendant: Carlos De Oliveira, a worker at Mar-a-Lago who is accused of joining Trump and aide Walt Nauta to seek the destruction of the security footage.
The updated indictment does not merely add new criminal charges and a new defendant; it also shows prosecutors making a concerted effort to undercut some of Trump’s recent public denials of the case they’ve brought against him. And it adds significant new elements to the legal peril he faces and underscores prosecutors’ deep penetration into his cloistered inner circle.
Each of the new obstruction-of-justice charges carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. The charge of willfully retaining national defense secrets is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Men om det dreier seg om en mental lidelse, kan man med god grunn prosedere på "utilregnelighet", og tvungen behandling i stedet.De tre nye tiltalepunktene alene har en strafferamme på 60 års fengsel. Les gjerne tiltalen, link ovenfor. Den er aldeles knusende. Det finnes ikke noen unnskyldning eller bortforklaring på det der. Den beskriver dessuten adferden til en mentalt forstyrret person - «my boxes!».
Det er forsåvidt ingen ting i grunnloven som sier at han ikke kan drive valgkamp og regjere fra et medium security fengsel heller, men det vil by på en del praktiske problemer.Det hjelper lite om han blir dømt på delstatsnivå.![]()
He could be “inaugurated and immediately declare himself unable to discharge his duties under the 25th Amendment, Section 3 [of the Constitution], and then his vice president becomes acting president and immediately pardons Trump,” Whittington said. “Having been pardoned, Trump then notifies Congress that he is able to once again resume his duties and the vice president hands him the reins.”
Det er mye ufobabbel i de forenklede stater these daze samtidig som det helt åpenbare går dem hus forbi
In short: a) Smith is telling El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago that all of his bellowing about how the Iran war plan he showed to civilians didn't really exist is now, in Ron Ziegler's immortal word, "inoperative." Smith has the document; b) that he has first-hand evidence that the former president* wanted his security camera footage scrubbed so there would be no proof that he was moving the purloined Pool Shed Papers around the grounds (Please tell me he tried to acid-wash one of the servers), and c) Smith is also reminding the former president* that the January 6 grand-jury in Washington is the hook that comes out of nowhere behind the jab.