I den grad tosken har spisskompetanse er det vel nettopp på mafiametoder.
– Dypest sett handler dette om at et land der middelklassen har blitt utarmet etter over 40 år med nyliberalisme. Med Reagan endte drømmen om new deal og velferdsstaten. Folk ble lovet at de skulle få det bedre om alt ble deregulert. Men så skjedde det motsatte. De ble ribba. I 1967 fikk middelklassen 52 prosent av velstanden, i dag er det omtrent sju prosent. Da søker folk etter forklaringer. Og når noen ikke vil innse at det skyldes deregulering, kapital og finans, så må de skape andre syndebukker. Republikanerne er et parti som ikke kan vinne valg på voksenpolitikk, men lager en tegneserieutgave av verden, sier Seltzer.
Matthew Jason Beddingfield, 22, was free on pretrial release for an attempted murder charge in Johnston County, North Carolina, when he joined the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Outside the Capitol, Beddingfield flashed a Nazi-style salute after attacking police officers with a pole attached to an American flag, according to federal prosecutors.
FBI agents found eight guns and over 2,000 rounds of ammunition when they searched Beddingfield's family home. Images found on Beddingfield’s phone included swastikas, Hitler memes and others glorifying white supremacist ideologies, prosecutors said. Messages on the phone suggest he harbored “deep resentment” toward Black, Hispanic, Native American and LGBTQ people, according to prosecutors.
“In some of the messages and exchanges,” Murphy wrote, “Beddingfield unabashedly expresses his wish that members of those groups meet a violent end and in others he expresses a desire to inflict said violence or death on the same.”
Samme, det er jo en helt ny verden å utforske. Krevende humor som utfordrer IQen
After rolling out that dessert cart for Vladimir Putin, she teased a couple more goodies: an amendment that would prohibit the U.S. from sending F-16s to Ukraine, and another that would ban the provision of long-range missiles to the country, whose back Putin has been trying to break for nearly a decade now.GREENE: “Amendment No. 6 directs the president to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. My amendment would direct the president withdraw from NATO. They are not a reliable partner whose defense spending should be paid for by American citizens. For the better part of the last decade, Germany has contributed only around 1% of its GDP to finance NATO obligations while the United States is paying around 4% of our GDP to defend NATO countries. The United States has been financing and promising to defend NATO countries for decades and paying more than its fair share. Western European countries could and should be stepping up their financial contributions to ensure the security of NATO. Instead, they are entirely beholden to Russia, and the U.S. taxpayer is expected to foot the bill.”
“Esper couldn’t say the same about Trump. In fact, Trump had privately indicated that he would seek to withdraw from Nato and to blow up the US alliance with South Korea, should he win reelection. When those alliances had come up in meetings with Esper and other top aides, some advisers warned Trump that shredding them before the election would be politically dangerous.
“Yeah, the second term,” Trump had said. “We’ll do it in the second term.”
Prosecutors had recommended a prison sentence of 15 years and eight months for Fitzsimons, calling him one of the most violent and aggressive participants in the riot. They said he caused a “career-ending and life-altering” shoulder injury to Capitol Police Sgt. Aquilino Gonell.
Fitzsimons traveled to Washington, D.C., from his home in Lebanon, Maine, a day before the riot erupted. After attending Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, he returned to his car and changed clothes, donning his butcher’s coat. He also wore a fur pelt around his neck and carried an unstrung wooden archery bow.
Fitzsimons joined the mob’s attack on police at the Lower West Terrace tunnel entrance, according to prosecutors. He threw his bow like a spear, hitting a Metropolitan Police Department officer’s head. He repeatedly swiped at a police detective’s face, trying to dislodge his gas mask. And he wrenched Gonell’s shoulder, permanently damaging it.
Gonell said he feared for his life, believing Fitzsimons was trying to drag him in the angry crowd of rioters.
A grand jury sworn in Tuesday could decide whether Trump is charged over Georgia’s 2020 election
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has been investigating since shortly after Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in early 2021english.elpais.com
Blir spennende den der, og ikke hjelper det å vinne valget heller. Kan ta sin presidential pardon og stappe opp der hvor sola aldri skinner, state crime moron!
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A Shaker Heights attorney accused of illegally voting in the last two general elections should be acquitted, in part, because he cast ballots in two states by accident, his attorney argued to a judge.
James Saunders, a 56-year-old former lawyer for the Internal Revenue Service, did not mean to commit a crime when he cast ballots in both Cuyahoga County and Broward County, Florida, counties where he owns property and has been registered to vote since before 2009, his lawyer said during closing arguments Wednesday.
Scott Roger Hurley, an assistant public defender, asked Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Andrew Santoli to “come to a just result here that acknowledges that, yes, mistakes do happen, accidents do happen” and find Saunders not guilty of two felony counts of voter fraud.
Andrew Rogalski, an assistant county prosecutor, said the argument would have been more credible if Saunders had done it just once.
“The fact that you do that in consecutive general elections I think takes ‘accident’ to the land of imaginary doubt, and not reasonable doubt,” Rogalski said.
«By accident»Federal Elections Commission filings showed that Saunders had made monthly donations to then-President Donald Trump’s re-election campaigns and various other conservative political groups in the run-up to that election. Prior to the November 2022 election, Saunders donated to groups that supported GOP congressional candidates in an effort to capture a majority in the U.S. House and Senate.
Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that Israeli antiquities loaned to the White House in 2019 are now at … Mar-a-Lago. Israel would like them back but has been unable to get them.
The antiquities, including ancient ceramic oil lamps that are part of Israel’s national treasures collection, were supposed to be displayed at the White House for Hanukkah, then returned within weeks.
Nå har jo ikke USA ett valgsystem men omtrent like mange som de har delstater. Det arkaiske rotet er et produkt av historie men mest av de store forskjeller mellom de ulike delstaters valglover.Amerikanerne tror nå stort sett sjøl at de er de glupeste på jorda, - men det har egentlig forundret meg lenge at det for det første går an å lage et så langt på vei hysterisk dårlig valgsystem, og deretter ikke gjøre noe med det... Til det siste er det vel å skjønne at begge sider mener at de tjener på galskapen i systemet, når de får det til å passe...
Etter ha lest Hans Høeg's bok er jeg ikke optimistisk at det er vilje til å endre systemet. Og de som kanskje har slik ønske har gjerne med seg annen ballast som er å regne som ekstrem. Brian Klass som har studert hva systemer gjør for å få fram bedre ledere.Amerikanerne tror nå stort sett sjøl at de er de glupeste på jorda, - men det har egentlig forundret meg lenge at det for det første går an å lage et så langt på vei hysterisk dårlig valgsystem, og deretter ikke gjøre noe med det... Til det siste er det vel å skjønne at begge sider mener at de tjener på galskapen i systemet, når de får det til å passe...
Skjønner ikke at Biden har samvittighet til å gjøre narr av ytre høyre. Men om en stund får han fengselcelledøra i retur rett i fleisen når han blir satt inn bak lås og slå, dømt for grov korrupsjon. Bare vent å se. Det er derfor det er så stille. Trump og co har skiftet strategi fra grining og roping til å holde kjeft og bygge opp en sak mot Bidens.
Det er vel usikkert om vi ser bevisst trolling og f...skap, men saken er at jeg tror nok i dette tilfellet kan han ha helt rett; Trumps hevngjerrighet kjenner få grenser. Terger du the great DJ in the sky, kommer du til å måtte betale. I Bidens tilfelle tviler jeg ikke på at Trump presser en eller annen dommer han har noe på, til å sende en gammel hedersmann i buret.Hvis det faktisk er slik at du selv tror på alt vrøvlet du serverer, begynner jeg å nærme meg det punktet hvor jeg faktisk føler en viss medlidenhet for andre menneskers dårskap....