“There’s no serious experience [blant de utpekte ministrene] in the business of running the Pentagon or the national security staff processes, but I’m trying to retain an open mind and hope that fresh ideas could improve things that get pretty stale,” a retired four-star general told me. “That said, the common denominator is clearly loyalty and while some loyalty is essential, slavish fealty is dangerous. Looking at all the announcements to date, we could end up with one mind controlling many hands. And I’ve never believed that one mind, any mind, does that as well as diversity of thought.”
Jeg håper som sagt på at det finnes folk blant republikanerne i Kongressen som er våkne, eller som får øynene opp for hva som virkelig er i ferd med å skje. Også håper jeg at det blir fullt kaos innad i administrasjonen, slik at prosesser forpurres og hele dritten bare imploderer.