Utfordringen er ofte at mange ikke har konkret erfaring og at de med konkret erfaring kan bli subjektive. Meg selv innbefattet. Man lar seg imponere og engasjere. Man vil gjerne også forsvare det man har valgt selv.
Det er skrevet mye på HFS og andre forum om at Alnico er overlegen ferrit og neodym. At Alnico har harmonics som ferrit og neodym ikke har. Nå er det slik at TAD 4003 har neodym og allikevel låter bedre enn 4001. Hvor ble harmonicen av? Det er garantert hverken faseplugg eller beryllium som gir harmonics.
Man skal derfor også ta førstehånds erfaringer med en klype salt..
Det man imidlertid bør gjøre er å finne så mange uttalelser som mulig og se om det er noe som går igjen. Da kan det være noe i det.
Så her kommer diverse klipp om diskantene vi elsker og hater
Er det andre som finner uttalelser så kjør på, ingenting slår det å faktisk ha hørt komponentet som diskuteres.
JBL Everest har valgt å dele ved 20000 Hz:
Everest DD67000 - JBL Synthesis
I find it pointless discussing the "sound" of a drive unit as it will be totally dependent on the implementation within the system.
I will say the ET-703 is best seen as a supertweeter, and used to cover only the top half octave and the ultrasonics. Implemented like this it is capable of adding wonderful tangibility to the entire presentation, without being identifiable as a component. Too many people crossover steeply at about 8khz. If it sounds poor blame the speaker designer.
GoodSoundClub - Romy the Cat's Audio Site - ET-703 magnet
Om T500.
No matter how quiet the room, except for an anechoic isolation chamber, there is always some movement of air and sound that allows us to determine space, and part of that is in the upper frequency ranges, which most speakers fail to reproduce properly. It is there with these drivers. After the addition of the T 500's and placement on the other speakers with the T-900's and MLS evaluation, the system is definitely more balanced with much better soundstage and a more believable movement of sounds through
AA Chapter 92: Esoterics... The Fostex T 500A MK 2 Horn Super Tweeter and Teac Esoteric SA-60 Audio Disc Player. Article By Bill Gaw
Det interessante er vel at man kanskje kan si at ET-703 er korrekt og nøytral mens T500 har harmonics?
Well, hard to discuss tweeters without midrange they are used with and the particular implementation but of all I heard Fostex 500MkII was the most pleasant ; with a touch of warmth , delicate ,extended and I think quite forgiving. Next I'd rate my own Tad ET-703 (with custom alu LeCleach horn)although it sounded rather bland, raspy, thin and tilted up next to Fostex the simple swaps doesn't always work and in my own system ( which BTW I was never able to get right
ET-703 sounded etheric, very smooth and without tone on it's own although as vibrantly pleasant as EV-T350/Jensen RP302 (I still have T350) which would be my third best.
Og han her mener T500 matcher ALE??!!
ALE A1750, Fostex amk2[ a bullet tweeter] but the t500amk2 to me is as good as ALE. Fostex T900a again very nice but not equal to t500amk2. BMS makes a good affordable comp horn tweeter. Fountek HI-VI RAAL Raven all make ribbons that are med efficient and would work with your fe208esr. I have heard plasma tweeters but feel the Fostex and ALE better for horn use. While the best ever lines very debatable the ones I mention are world class. If I was running fe208esr I would use t500amk2 or t900a with r100t transformer attenuation.