jepp .....og nå begyner noen og tjene store penger på og holde dette i gang , ting skal produseres og erstatte det gamle , nye avtaler skal signeres sett i lys av nye markeder og politiske konstellasjoner....
C'est tous les jours la même chose. Som noen ville si. Det tjenes penger på det meste. Både på kreativ destruksjon og det litt mindre kreative (som her).
James Vasquez, a former US Army staff sergeant from Connecticut, left his home in March to volunteer for Ukraine’s International Legion of Territorial Defense and has been detailing his experience since arriving at Ukraine’s front lines through Twitter, gathering more than 300,000 followers so far.
Igor «Strelkov» Girkin, ettersøkt krigsforbryter, tilhører ikke de som mener at alt går som planlagt i Putins lille spesialoperasjon eller at fadesen ved Kyiv bare var en finte etterfulgt av en strategisk omgruppering:
In a video posted earlier today Igor Girkin shares his view of the results of 100 days of the Invasion of Ukraine. In short, while there are successes, the current offensive has exhausted itself and needs radical change if the claimed objectives of liberating Donbas and annexing Zaporizhye and...
What can we expect next, in June? The fact that we failed to kick the enemy out of Donbas is clear even to the dumbest generals of our General Staff. The fact that somehow the direction of the strike needs to be changed is also perhaps clear. Now all depends on political decisions, since of course war is a continuation of politics with other means – but what did our politicians say during April-May? They claimed that the main objective is to liberate Donbas, then louder and louder they started saying that Kherson and Zaporizhye Oblasts will join the Russian Federation, or at least their fate will be decided in a referendum, thus the objectives have already become wider. Therefore appearing on the agenda is not only the operation in Donbas but also an operation in Zaporizhye, Kherson Oblast, since the enemy is attacking its borders. And I presume that similar actions might be taken in Kharkiv Oblast and elsewhere. Where exactly – is unclear, but what is clear is that in a situation where our and enemy’s forces are battling for mere meters of the Donetsk territory, the strategic victory by our forces most likely is impossible to achieve since the enemy has access to far more human resources in reserves than our armed forces do. If the war is left in the current trench positional format, without much movement, with hopes to grind the enemy down, then I assume we will reach Dniepr only by the end of next year. I hope that this reached even the dumbest of brains, I repeat, the dumbest of our generals.
Han sier at bare en full mobilisering av russiske vernepliktige kan redde stumpene her. Tvangsutskrevne «frivillige» fra Donetsk og Luhansk er helt ferdige etter tre måneder ved fronten. Uten russisk mobilisering ser Girkin en klar risiko for at bandittreirene DPR og LPR vil falle etter Kherson, Kharkiv og Izyum.
Hele Girkins kommentar bør leses. Det er nesten litt merkelig at han får lov til å si noe slikt. Alminnelige russiske sivilister ville fått 15 års fengsel for å si noe tilsvarende om «spesialoperasjonen». Girkin er kanskje hevet over denslags konsekvenser, gitt rollen som ideologisk bjellesau i Putins etnofascistiske Russland.
In 2014 he reportedly believed that the "liberal clans" (liberal part of Russian elites) must be destroyed in favor of "law enforcement" ones.[11][12] On 28 May 2016 he formed the Russian National Movement, a political group in favor of "uniting the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, and other Russian lands into a single all-Russian state and transforming the entire territory of the former USSR into an unconditional zone of Russian influence."[13]
Girkin is an alleged war criminal.[14] On 19 June 2019, Dutchprosecutors charged Girkin for murder in the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17,[15][16][17] and issued an international arrest warrant against him.[18]
^Ja, hans synspunkt er interessante, og minst like interessant; noen må synes det er greit at Igor Girkin sier det han sier. Det ville ikke vært noe problem å tie han hvis de ville. Jeg lurer på hvem de er, og hvorfor de finner det nyttig
Girkin har allerede blitt nødt til å bite i seg en av de mer optimistiske utsagnene om begrensede taktiske suksesser i kommentaren jeg lenket til over. I går skrev han:
And perhaps it can be said that Severodonetsk is taken, the largest part of the town between 85-90% is under Russian control, although in the suburbs and the industrial zone the Ukrainian forces still remain, however they are retreating, they are admitting they are retreating. It appears that the battle for Severodonetsk is finished, although it cannot be said that the whole Severodonetsk-Lysychansk agglomeration is cleared.
Men det var i går, og vi andre visste bedre allerede da, men i dag har nyhetene begynt å synke inn hos Girkin også, hvor han enn gjemmer seg om dagen.
Information about an Ukrainian counterattack in Severodonetsk is being confirmed. According to available data from several sources, the Ukrainians brought into battle units of foreign mercenaries. Ukrainians has an advance, our units are retreating.
Han blir nok ikke i bedre humør av det. Den ukrainske fremmedlegionen er så definitivt i Sievjerodonetsk, men «mercenaries» (leiesoldater, som Wagner) er de ikke:
mens frosken er konsistent på å gi diktatoren og krigsforbryteren en utgang, så er det flere enn meg som mener at det er henimot en absurditet. snyder, til dømes.
frosken, som sammen med scholz, telefonerer og skal bedrive voksenopplæring av psykopaten om at det var feil å gå til krig.
Det er vel enkelte vesteuropeiske oligarker som har tjent gode penger på russisk olje og gass. Det er vel en av grunnene til at appeasement kommer til utrykk i nytimes et such, hevdes det i Ukraina.
The term 'War of attrition' has been used repeatedly by journalists in the past week. Attrition warfare is a military strategy by which one side attempts to wear down the enemy to the point of collapse by accepting huge losses in personnel and equipment.
The situation in Ukraine is not a war of attrition. A war of attrition is static. A General decides that he has more men and materiel than his opponent and sacrifices all he has in the belief that eventually he will be left with enough to claim victory while his enemy is destroyed.
Although there has been little change in the past week the current static nature is tactical on the UA part. Ukraine is holding the Russians in place as more materiel arrives from the west. Ukraine is not pouring men and machines into mass attacks against a numerically superior enemy. Ukraine has not and will not be locked into a single focal point that will decide victory or defeat.
Ukrainian Generals withdraw, advance outflank and generally adjust to the situation as it develops. This preserves their forces so that they can take advantage of changes on the field of battle. In the meantime they build their strength. Summer is coming the ground will dry out, movement will be easier but anti-tank defences have reduced Russian ability to launch an armoured assault from Donbas.
Time is on the side of Ukraine, every day that Russia has to fight comes at a cost in men, machines and money. Time is not on Russia's side. They need victory quickly and it will not come.
Russian soldiers are unhappy, Russian commanders are repeatedly replaced or killed. While Ukraine prepares for victory Russia struggles to find a way not to lose.
Movement will return to this war as soon as an opening can be exploited. I think that Kherson will be the crack that opens up the south and Crimea.
The Financial Times cites criticism from Marko Mihkelson, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Estonian parliament.
"It is incredible how the leaders of France and Germany are inadvertently paving the way for new acts of violence by Russia. Macron and Scholz's 80-minute phone call with Putin today makes one paraphrase the former – is this not a case of being braindead?" Mihkelson wrote on social media on Saturday.
"How is it possible neither Paris nor Berlin have learned from history? Why are excuses being sought to hold back arms for Ukraine and why is it presumed that Putin, currently waging a war on a major European people, intends to keep any promise?" Mihkelson asked.
The Financial Times also quotes Kristi Raik, director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, as saying that Scholz and Macron risk giving legitimacy to "Putin's lies and unacceptable demands".
"I don't share the view that no Western leader should ever talk to Putin. But the way Macron and Scholz are doing it is not just unhelpful, it is deeply counterproductive," Raik said.
Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said Macron and Scholz had humiliated themselves by talking to Putin.
Politicians from the Baltic states have strongly criticized a phone call between French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian leader Vladimir Putin to discuss the possibility of opening Ukrainian ports, writes the Financial Times.
Hvorfor struper ikke Ukraina gassforsyningene gjennom landet til Europa? Embargoen er vedtatt, men får ikke effekt over natten og Russland får solgt oljen til god pris utenfor EU.
Embargo-ønsket er på siden.
Det eneste som nytter er å stanse Russland med våpenmakt. Det kvier man seg for og snakk om embargo er kjærkommen avledning fra den militære mobiliseringen som trengs i EU/NATO.
Drittsekker begge to som driver og kompromitterer seg. Stakkars franskmenn som måtte velge mellom spyttslikkeren Macron og Putinfronten Marine. Men jeg er ganske sikker på at backlashen i velgerkorpset er i ferd med å vokse seg sterk.
Fra en tysker (om Scholz)på et annet forum:
Yes I think so, but it will take like a month. He was getting quite some flak from the public already and the other major party leader was trying to expose him in todays political debate in the Bundestag as a douche, pushing him to debate freely instead of reading his notes and to be more concrete and specific on what ukraine will receive. So he is on the books now with what he said, if he would not do what he publicly said he would it will be a further loss of face.
Let me give you some further details on current german developments playing into this. We late last year got a new government consisting of red (middle/left SPD), green and yellow (middle, liberal). In very recent state elections the middle/right CDU (black) was up and partnering with also up green in that state, the reds were down. Press / TV talking heads and exit polls seemed to show that the rather anti-russian / pro-ukraine public stance of the greens was a good part of that shift and win in the elections and the hesitance to act and russian-friendly history of the red SPD / cancellor Scholz combined with his avoidance of stating facts and use of flowery verbal circles was causing the losses for the cancellors ruling party.
So while I would not count it absolutely out that he probably might have really learned the quite obvious history lesson on Russia/Putin - for sure his will for political survival will help Ukraine, and thats usually a strong force for any politician. The other guys success in recent elections IMHO based on their much stronger / more vocal support for Ukraine for sure is playing into his gradual change in tone and becoming more supportive of ukraine.
Germany is already supplying Ukraine with light weapons, while heavy systems such as tanks and artillery are to follow. DW takes a look at what Germany has already pledged — and what else Kyiv wants.
"Spyttslikker" er vel sterkt etter mitt syn. Jeg mistenker at Macron helt enkelt fremdeles tror/håper at dialog kan føre til forandring, noe som i de fleste tilfeller er en god og nobel tanke. Det er bare det at han snakker med Putin, en mann med øyne som en død torsk og like mye følelser. Så naiv, urealistisk og tonedøv, ja, men jeg kan ikke se hvordan "spyttslikker" kan forsvares.
Det avhenger jo av i hvilken grad fyren bare er naiv, eller om han rett og slett er redd for om dette får konsekvenser for fransk industri, arbeidsplasser og bensinpriser og dermed hans egen stilling.
Jeg er villig til å tro at han i en periode rett og slett var naiv. Men å være naiv nå; da er han enten stokk dum eller noe verre. Feks mer bekymret for egen posisjon og kommende parlamentsvalg, enn for Ukraina og sikkerhetssituasjonen i Europa. Jeg er helt ute av stand til å forstå at han kan påvirke Putin nå uten evt å være villig til å forhandle bort Ukrainas fremtid.
Tja, at Macron og Scholz prater med Putin er jo en distraksjon mens tilsiget av utstyr blir både større og tyngre fra de som ikke bare mener men viser alvor.
Spain is to supply Ukraine with anti-aircraft missiles and Leopard battle tanks in a step up of its military support to the country, according to government sources cited by newspaper El Pais on Sunday.
The latest media hype is to play with percentages to create the idea that Ukraine is losing her war. Russia occupies 20% of Ukraine. So what!?
Russia in the guise of Russian speaking separatists has occupied Crimea and the Donbas since 2014 so the war they are engaged in might have added another 5-10% of occupied territory at a terrible cost.
Territory is not victory, occupying land is not victory. Stopping an enemy's ability to wage war is victory. Ukraine's ability to wage war increases every day.
Considering that Russia has lost 30,000 men, dead, since their invasion in February they have paid an enormous price for grabbing some dirt. While they make small and expensive advances in Donbas they are withdrawing in Kherson and Kharkiv.
None of this comes cheap for Ukraine either they are paying in blood and men too but they know the guns are coming they know we are supporting them.
There are great efforts being made as you read this to control the information we receive. Russia wants the western press to concentrate on 20%, Ukrainian suffering and fear of escalation.
Whether it is money or just pure sensationalism, western journalists are succumbing to the Russian propaganda game. Stories about Russians claiming they can flatten the USA with four missiles are designed make ordinary people ask themselves 'Will they?'
It's nonsense to report this idiocy as though it was of any relevance. If I started screaming for our submarines to launch missiles at Moscow I would be rightly berated as a lunatic. It is blatant propaganda created to inflame fear and influence western public opinion.
20% or 30% or 90% - it's irrelevant while Ukraine has an army and while the rest of the world supports them.
A lot of what you read is contrived, exaggerated and paid for. While Ukraine fights it is vital that the people in the rest of the world hold onto the truth. The truth is; Russia invaded Ukraine and Russian troops are waging a criminal war against the people of Ukraine. The rest is semantics. %%%
Det avhenger jo av i hvilken grad fyren bare er naiv, eller om han rett og slett er redd for om dette får konsekvenser for fransk industri, arbeidsplasser og bensinpriser og dermed hans egen stilling.
Selvsagt, men hva som er det korrekte svaret på det vet vi jo ikke.
Jeg er villig til å tro at han i en periode rett og slett var naiv. Men å være naiv nå; da er han enten stokk dum eller noe verre. Feks mer bekymret for egen posisjon og kommende parlamentsvalg, enn for Ukraina og sikkerhetssituasjonen i Europa. Jeg er helt ute av stand til å forstå at han kan påvirke Putin nå uten evt å være villig til å forhandle bort Ukrainas fremtid.
Jeg tviler på om han er stokk dum; det hadde vi visst for lenge siden. Det er jo ikke en tilstand det er veldig lett å skjule. Jeg tror heller ikke at det dreier seg om hans egen stilling eller et evt. gjenvalg om fire års tid; da ville han ha vært tøffere i trynet og dessuten ligger det for langt frem i tid. Istedet tror jeg helt enkelt at det er et eksempel på at overbevisning/ideologi trumfer sunn fornuft og evnen til å se virkeligheten som den er. Det er jo ikke akkurat det første eksempelet vi ser på denslags og vi trenger ikke gå lenger enn til ytre venstre på vår egen politiske arena.
De skraverte områdene viser opprørsaktivitet. Det har tydeligvis økt i det siste, spesielt rundt Melitopol.
Og i Kherson tør ikke lenger administrasjonen innsatt av russerne bevege seg fritt lenger. Nå bruker de skuddsikre vester og pansrede biler når de beveger seg utendørs.
Selvsagt, men hva som er det korrekte svaret på det vet vi jo ikke.
Jeg tviler på om han er stokk dum; det hadde vi visst for lenge siden. Det er jo ikke en tilstand det er veldig lett å skjule. Jeg tror heller ikke at det dreier seg om hans egen stilling eller et evt. gjenvalg om fire års tid; da ville han ha vært tøffere i trynet og dessuten ligger det for langt frem i tid. Istedet tror jeg helt enkelt at det er et eksempel på at overbevisning/ideologi trumfer sunn fornuft og evnen til å se virkeligheten som den er. Det er jo ikke akkurat det første eksempelet vi ser på denslags og vi trenger ikke gå lenger enn til ytre venstre på vår egen politiske arena.
Tipper dette er mest såret stolthet over at Normandy-formatet han personlig investerte så mye politisk kapital i både imploderte og ble avkledd som det Putins skalkeskjul det var.
Macrons ambisjon har lenge vært å bygge en ny europeisk sikkerhetspolitikk med Paris og Berlin som dominerende stormakter.
Finland og Sverige har jo vist med all mulig tydelighet i sine NATO-søknader at det blir med drømmen for Macron og at det ikke finnes noen fullgod erstatning for europeisk sikkerhet som ikke inkluderer den transatlantiske dimensjon.