R core transformator
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Spec og Parasound (John Curl) bruker og anbefaler sterkt R /C core transformator til preamp og kilde.
Nå,bestilt,så får en håpe at påvirkningen blir redusert.
Men har vel egentlig ikke troa da både NAD`n og Yamaha`n benyttet El trafo,
som Curl nevner,men da er det ihvertfall prøvd og erfart.
Som skal inn her
Q: What can you tell us about the transformers? Are they very important?
JC: Absolutely, but when we talk about transformers we have to separate
power amps and preamps. While they are not perfect, Toroidal
transformers are the logical choice for power amplifiers because they are
very efficient, they tend to have a fairly low hum field, and they’re readily
available in large power ratings.
For preamplifiers and other line-level components, the old type EI
transformers or what’s called a D-core or split C- core transformer is
actually better than a toroid. First of all, they tend to be more compact, and
second, and perhaps more importantly, they have very low capacitance
between the windings.
This can be a problem when Toroids are used in low signal level
applications; the windings are on top of each other so they talk to each
other. It used to not be so bad but today the AC power is so dirty.
Harmonics that are created by high frequency fluorescent lights, fax
machines, computers, you name it. All this new stuff, that’s only been
around for maybe the last 10 years, tends to get into the power supply
through the transformer and then in to he grounding system and
ultimately into our sound system. So then people have to of course use
expensive power conditioners to repair the problem but if you fix it in the
first place then its not so important.
Q: So how would you fix it in the first place?
JC: By using a transformer that isolates the winding, which is important on
low level circuits. The old style EI or the new C- or D-core is the ultimate
in that respect -- as long as it is a dual-bobbin winding with physically
separate bobbins for the primary and for the secondary. It makes a big
difference in sound quality.
In power amplifiers, however, that isn’t as important because the
levels are just so much higher. If we had a choice, and if money was not
involved, or weight, or anything else, we’d probably use an EI type or
special type of transformer.
SPEC sticks to the R-core transformer.
The R-core transformer brings out a dynamic and powerful sound.
This same transformer is being used in the top of the range model.
R core transformer_James transformer-custom toroidal transformer|R core transformer|O core transformer|C core transformer|EI transformer
R core transformer has high isolation degree. it can improve the signal-to-noise ratio, isolate the harmonic interference, reduce the noise, make he background cleaner. R core transforer can fully improve the quality of sound.
Further the Leakage Flux of the transformer IS VERY LOW (about 1/10th of conventional transformers) which permits the equipment manufacturer to place the transformer close to critical electronic components.
The balanced winding & low leakage flux ensures LOW NOISE of the transformers. This gives a cutting edge to the transformer for use in Medical Equipment, Audio & Video amplifiers & other noise sensitive equipment.
Small size and weight: R-core transformer is made using no cut, high degree silicon steel strip. Consequently, its size and weight is 30% smaller and 40% lighter than EI transformer respectively.
Det er nok flere enn Rudi som lever i den tro at hifi`n låter optimalt uten forbedringspotensiale.
"jeg har vel aldri egentlig følt at jeg har hatt noe spesielt behov for strømrensing"
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"Så hjemme hos meg , med min
(trodde jeg) perfekte strøm så har Isol-8 Minisub Axis gjort anlegget mitt bedre.
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