Kjøpte her : Psvane & Shuguang Treasure Audio Tubes, Caps and Amps | Manufacturer Authorized Worldwide 5A Standard Re-seller jeg var faktisk ikke klar over at Mala hadde disse rørene.
Dette med grinden er jeg ikke helt sikker på , den måtte fjernes for å montere de største Psvane rørene, det er jo sef en mulighet å borre noen større hull i grinden.Dette ser bra ut! Er vel ikke noe tema med grinden på med de store driverrørene.
Noen sitater fra nettet om psvane 845T :
"In comparison to the others, the 845T, right out of the box, seems brighter. After about 10 hours I began to notice a difference. Compared to the 845B, they seem far more transparent but at the same time much cleaner. Bass tones and pitch definition are improved. String tone seems to be more open and extended even more than the 845M,but at the same time more relaxed and natural sounding.
I always thought the metal plate 845 sounded etched and
unnatural.The 845B seemed to be a good all- round well balanced sound.
The soundstaging qualities are improved as well. Front to back layering and placement of instruments is enhanced more than likely because the sound is more open. Your definitely getting more info without any added brightness,at least once they are sufficiently broken in"
‘My jaw dropped’
Posted on January 23, 2011 by admin
Posted by customer Bill D – “I received the Psvane 845 about two weeks ago. I have a Triode Corporation of Japan 845SE on the showroom floor that uses 2A3 tubes to drive the 845′s. The tubes these replaced were the Shuguang B series.
When I first fired up the amp with the Psvane 845′s in place my jaw dropped! This was now an entirely new amp. Hall sounds that I hadn’t heard before were now an integral part of the music. 3D! The sound of the stock Tri 845SE is one of the best amps that I’ve heard and now it jumped up several notches with the new tubes. And these haven’t even broken in osv osv osv!
Jeg har å glede meg til skjønner jeg.
Ja da er disse Pswane 845T-II bestilt ,regner med de svarer til forventningene.Psvane 845T-II i Mastersound Compact etter ca 10 timers spilling: Guæææhhh! (Løp og kjøp)
Ja da er disse Pswane 845T-II bestilt ,regner med de svarer til forventningene.Psvane 845T-II i Mastersound Compact etter ca 10 timers spilling: Guæææhhh! (Løp og kjøp)
Må vel regne med litt brum fra en rør forsterker, eller ?Hei! Har hatt Compact nå i snart et år. Det lekker ørlite trafoduring til høyttalerene mine med 95db følsomhet, men kunne ikke vært mer fornøyd med hvordan den låter. Har prøvd min hjemme hos en annen på et annet strømnett, og da var duringen nærmest borte. Mistenker derfor at den er ganske følsom for nettstøy.
Mesteparten av duringen kan justeres bort med hum potmeterene spm sitter foran utgangsrørene
VerkligenOg så får vi jo begge muligheter til å demonstrere Kaiser høyttalere med Mastersound, DET skal bli spennende!!
Mastersound Compact 845 Hum + BuzzAnother problem or perhaps not.The 845Ts have been running for approx 45 Hrs ,Sound is fine ,however there is a very very low buzz which does not effect the listening,coming from both speakers.This can only be heard when the music is off.the level of the buzz does not increase or decrease with the volume control.Could it be Bias or Hum adjustment which is required.ANY OTHER 845 COMPACT INTEGRATED OWNERS DOES THE LARGE CENTRE TRANSFORMER MAKE A AUDIBLE HUM/BUZZ.
Just purchased a second hand Mastersound Compact 845 (long narrow model with black valve cage) from Jordan Acoustics and am getting a low hum + buzz out of both speakers that does not change when the volume pot is turned up or down nor when the selector switch position is changed. I also hear a low level mechanical hum + buzz when I put my head close enough to the amp for the 845s to bake my ear. This noise occurs regardless of whether other bits of kit are on/off or plugged into the mains. Another bit of info is that the 845 in the right hand position is a bit wobbly, feels like the socket may be loose.
Spoke with Malcolm at JA and was told that I should expect a certain amount of hum from all tube amps... no disrespect and they are great guys to deal with but I am not convinced.
Anyone care to opine on the noise? Are these amps known to be a bit noisy?
Helt ok for meg hvis du vil prøve igjen......Kansje jeg kunne prøvd den en gang til Rune, jeg har et anlegg i stua også, mulig det blir anderledes der ??