En kar ved navn Mourjopoulos har gitt viktige forskningsbidrag til forståelse av lydkorreksjon.
I paperet som blir referert nedenfor sammenligher han "complex smoothing" med "ideal equalization".
Complex smoothing er i praksis det samme som frekvensavhengige vinduer. Ideal equalization er en korreksjon som er altfor detaljert og plasserings-spesifikk, spesielt oppover i frekvens. Dette er vitenskapsbasert kunnskap. Det som beskrives i paperet er beslektet med den tidsdomenekorreksjonen som foregår i Al, Acourate, DRC, Trinnov, delvis også Dirac.
Hovedkonklusjonen i paperet er at tidsdomenekorreksjon basert på complex smoothing fungerer både i og utenfor sweet spot i ulike rom.
Det er ingen hemmelighet at jeg grunnleggende uenig med Orso og Snickers om svært mye knyttet til bruk av dsp. Det skyldes ikke minst at de fremmer mange påstander som er i strid med seriøs teoretisk og empirisk forskning som jeg også har erfart fungerer i praksis. Slik som Mourjopoulos sine bidrag.
Paperet er tilgjengelig i AES biblioteket.
Real-Time Room Equalization based on
Complex Smoothing: Robustness Results
Panagiotis D. Hatziantoniou1
, and John N. Mourjopoulos2
Audio Group, Wire Communications Laboratory,
Electrical and Computers Engineering Department,
University of Patras, Patras 26500, GREECE
Tel.: +30 261 0 996474, Fax: +30 261 0 991855
2 mourjop@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
The aim of this study is to investigate the robustness of room acoustics real-time equalization using inverse filters
derived from the Complex Smoothing of the Transfer Function using perceptual criteria. The robustness of the
method is assessed by real-time tests which compare the performance of Complex Smoothing-based equalization
(for different filter lengths) with the traditional, ideal inverse filtering, over a range of room locations, which differ
to the ones where response measurements were taken. Objective measurements and audio examples will show that
the Complex Smoothing-based equalization performance is largely immune to position changes and does not
introduce processing artifacts, problems affecting the traditional ideal inversion.
This study has shown that the Ideal room equalization
scheme, when it is implemented in practical real-time
conditions, seems to offer marginal improvement, only
for the case when inverse filters are of relative short
length (observing the results for the objective criteria
presented in previous sections) and only when these
filters have been designed to compensate for the
measured room response in a specific position.
Nevertheless, such marginal improvement is further
reduced in significance, given that from a subjective
point of view such short Ideal inverse filters would lack
in frequency resolution to provide sufficient low
frequency compensation.
In contrast, the Complex Smoothing-based inverse
filters have been designed to follow psychoacoustic
criteria (having progressively reduced frequency
resolution from low to high frequencies) and hence they
can compensate for the full range audio spectrum. Such
filters achieve improved equalization performance in all
cases (off-line and real-time equalization irrespective of
filter length) not only for the position in which the have
designed to compensate, but also for other receiver
placements inside the room. It is also significant that the
Clarity criterion improves with such filters especially
for the larger rooms, something which also observed in
earlier tests for a 1000-seat auditorium [11] (see also
audio demos in the Audiogroup site:
http: //www.wcl.ee.upatras.gr/audiogroup/Equalization).
Hence this study has confirmed that Complex
Smoothing-based equalization achieves robust
performance during real-time in-situ tests, for filters of
relative short size (up to 4K coefficients). It also appears
that such a method may be appropriate not only for
equalization of home listening spaces but also for
professional applications such as Public Address audio
I paperet som blir referert nedenfor sammenligher han "complex smoothing" med "ideal equalization".
Complex smoothing er i praksis det samme som frekvensavhengige vinduer. Ideal equalization er en korreksjon som er altfor detaljert og plasserings-spesifikk, spesielt oppover i frekvens. Dette er vitenskapsbasert kunnskap. Det som beskrives i paperet er beslektet med den tidsdomenekorreksjonen som foregår i Al, Acourate, DRC, Trinnov, delvis også Dirac.
Hovedkonklusjonen i paperet er at tidsdomenekorreksjon basert på complex smoothing fungerer både i og utenfor sweet spot i ulike rom.
Det er ingen hemmelighet at jeg grunnleggende uenig med Orso og Snickers om svært mye knyttet til bruk av dsp. Det skyldes ikke minst at de fremmer mange påstander som er i strid med seriøs teoretisk og empirisk forskning som jeg også har erfart fungerer i praksis. Slik som Mourjopoulos sine bidrag.
Paperet er tilgjengelig i AES biblioteket.
Real-Time Room Equalization based on
Complex Smoothing: Robustness Results
Panagiotis D. Hatziantoniou1
, and John N. Mourjopoulos2
Audio Group, Wire Communications Laboratory,
Electrical and Computers Engineering Department,
University of Patras, Patras 26500, GREECE
Tel.: +30 261 0 996474, Fax: +30 261 0 991855
2 mourjop@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
The aim of this study is to investigate the robustness of room acoustics real-time equalization using inverse filters
derived from the Complex Smoothing of the Transfer Function using perceptual criteria. The robustness of the
method is assessed by real-time tests which compare the performance of Complex Smoothing-based equalization
(for different filter lengths) with the traditional, ideal inverse filtering, over a range of room locations, which differ
to the ones where response measurements were taken. Objective measurements and audio examples will show that
the Complex Smoothing-based equalization performance is largely immune to position changes and does not
introduce processing artifacts, problems affecting the traditional ideal inversion.
This study has shown that the Ideal room equalization
scheme, when it is implemented in practical real-time
conditions, seems to offer marginal improvement, only
for the case when inverse filters are of relative short
length (observing the results for the objective criteria
presented in previous sections) and only when these
filters have been designed to compensate for the
measured room response in a specific position.
Nevertheless, such marginal improvement is further
reduced in significance, given that from a subjective
point of view such short Ideal inverse filters would lack
in frequency resolution to provide sufficient low
frequency compensation.
In contrast, the Complex Smoothing-based inverse
filters have been designed to follow psychoacoustic
criteria (having progressively reduced frequency
resolution from low to high frequencies) and hence they
can compensate for the full range audio spectrum. Such
filters achieve improved equalization performance in all
cases (off-line and real-time equalization irrespective of
filter length) not only for the position in which the have
designed to compensate, but also for other receiver
placements inside the room. It is also significant that the
Clarity criterion improves with such filters especially
for the larger rooms, something which also observed in
earlier tests for a 1000-seat auditorium [11] (see also
audio demos in the Audiogroup site:
http: //www.wcl.ee.upatras.gr/audiogroup/Equalization).
Hence this study has confirmed that Complex
Smoothing-based equalization achieves robust
performance during real-time in-situ tests, for filters of
relative short size (up to 4K coefficients). It also appears
that such a method may be appropriate not only for
equalization of home listening spaces but also for
professional applications such as Public Address audio