- this is for the 23 kilometers of cabling
For meg står det som et paradoks når vi tross alt holder på med reproduksjon av innspilt musikk, at denne innspilte musikken som regel er gjort via ordinære proffkabler. Ta f.eks. et slagverk siden det har vært skrevet mye om cymbaler i det siste. Et slagverk blir innspilt via et sett mikrofoner som er kablet via ordinære mikrofonkabler.
Om det er slik at på anlegget (der reproduksjonen skjer) så avdekker 'eksotiske' kabler mer informasjon enn f.eks. ordinære proffkabler, så blir det for min del en logisk brist. Ordinære proffkabler er altså godt nok for innspilling av musikk, men for avspilling av musikk så må man ha noe bedre? Og dersom det er slik at ordinære proffkabler filtrerer bort noe av signalet under avspilling, hvorfor blir da denne informasjonen ikke filtrert bort under innspilling?
Må ikke glemme at alt av lydbeardeiding, miksing, eqer,klanging,plassering/panorering,balanse,komprimering,mastring osv,osv,osv skjer i det digitale domenet etter signalet har gått igjennom proffkablen den ene gangen. Er ikke akkurat lyden rett fra mikrofonen du hører.. Og proffkabler er laget for å vare hundrevis av opp og ned koblinger uten å gå i stykker. Også har de gjerne et par kilometer med kabel i et studio alt i alt da. Kan ikke kjøpe kabel til flere hundre kr meteren da...
Philips har/hadde også rykte for god lyd,
med flere innspillinger på listen til bl.a Harry Pearson en gang i tiden.
XLR connectors…
We did that more specifically when we got near, when we knew we were going to buy the 88R. And
we’ve done years of testing already, in regards to cabling, physical supports to the equipment,
different mains cabling, filters and all sorts of things like that. When we knew we were going to buy
the 88R, I said, “Okay, this is our one opportunity to actually rip it all out and start again.” Because
you can’t take the floors up, even if you discover a better cable and just re-do everything. You can
only do so much with the equipment in place.
What was the difference that you heard?
A difference in clarity, I suppose. One way it sounded a little middle-ier, and a little more distorted
than the other direction. Anyway, back to audio cable. We went though all these regular cables that
people wire studios up with that are fairly inexpensive. And the one that we ended up using was
made by - this is for the 23 kilometers of cabling - was made by a high end hi-fi audio manufacturer
called Van den Hul from Holland.
I’d actually later found out they had originally designed this cable
for the Philips Studio in Holland. Now because they had a lot of stock on the shelf, ready to go, I was
able to negotiate a terrific deal. It only cost five times more than a regular cable would cost. But it
was worth it. It was our one chance
The first item to be upgraded was our cabling. For this, we contacted the well-known Dutch cable guru, A.J. van den Hul
This is an uncannily quiet console with that wonderful ISA sound running through its veins. Once again, VdH silver cables are used for the entire console and studio wiring.