Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data
According to DHS status indicators, over 228,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 606,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,234 homicide charges; 72,203 assault charges; 17,451 burglary charges; 72,628 drug charges; 736 kidnapping charges; 42,155 theft charges; 47,021 obstructing police charges; 3,991 robbery charges; 6,516 sexual assault charges; and 9,113 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 152,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.
According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 272,000 convictions including 507 homicide convictions; 27,201 assault convictions; 8,565 burglary convictions; 35,725 drug convictions; 249 kidnapping convictions; 19,198 theft convictions; 23,091 obstructing police convictions; 2,055 robbery convictions; 2,984 sexual assault convictions; and 3,801 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 181,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest