Det kommer neppe til å felles mange tårene i Foggy Bottom over akkurat denne sparkingen.Så faller det enda litt fra hverandre - Tillerson får fyken.
Det kommer neppe til å felles mange tårene i Foggy Bottom over akkurat denne sparkingen.Så faller det enda litt fra hverandre - Tillerson får fyken.
Måtte google Foggy Bottom, og vet nå at det er en omskrivning av Utenriksdepartementet....Det kommer neppe til å felles mange tårene i Foggy Bottom over akkurat denne sparkingen.Så faller det enda litt fra hverandre - Tillerson får fyken.
Ekstremt upopulær, fordi han har forsøkt å lede på en måte som bare ikke fungerer i en slik virksomhet. UD er ikke Exxon. Nøkkelpersoner har sluttet i fleng, resten går bare rundt og venter på pensjonsalder. Hvis "noen" ønsket å sette inn en leder som skulle demontere USAs utenriksdepartement for å ødelegge amerikansk "soft power" i verden kunne de ikke gjort et bedre valg.Er han en upopulær herre i sitt departement? Og vet de hva de får i stedet? Tross alt har jo Tillerson ikke vært den løse kanonen men kunne frykte, med sin tross alt begrensede politiske erfaring. Med fasit i hånda, mener jeg jo han har klart seg greit nok, under helt umulige forutsetninger.
You can not fucking make this up.President Donald Trump's personal assistant John McEntee has been fired and escorted off of the White House grounds because of an "unspecified security issue", according to the Wall Street Journal.
It is not immediately clear why Mr McEntee — who has been working with Mr Trump since the early days of his presidential campaign — had been sacked, but reports indicate that he was not allowed to gather his personal belongings before leaving.
Still, although that swift departure suggests a potentially serious violation, reports indicate that Mr McEntee will now assume a new role in the President's 2020 campaign.
Skulle jo tro det var 1. april i dag. Et frivillig vaskelag på bingoen i Karasjok har jo en høyere etisk standard på infoflyt og etisk tenkning rundt personalbehandling.President Donald Trump meldte nyheten på Twitter, like etter at Washington Post skrev om Tillersons avgang. CNN melder at Trump ikke har snakket med Tillerson, og at den tidligere utenriksministeren ikke kjenner til hvorfor han har mistet jobben. - after his boss, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, was ousted Steve Goldstein, the under secretary of public affairs at the State Department has been fired by the White House.
Goldstein publicly contradicted the White House account of how Tillerson was fired on Tuesday morning.
Goldstein said Tillerson was officially notified he'd been fired from a tweet from President Donald Trump on Tuesday morning, and in a statement, said Tillerson had "every intention of remaining."
A senior administration official said Trump asked Tillerson to step aside on Friday and a senior White House official later clarified that chief of staff John Kelly told Tillerson that he would be replaced, but did not specify the timing.
Asked how Tillerson learned of his dismissal, Trump said Tuesday that "Rex and I have been talking about this a long time."
A spokesman for United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement has resigned, saying that he could no longer “bear the burden” of spreading falsehoods on behalf of the Trump administration.
The spokesman, James Schwab, who had worked for the agency’s San Francisco Division, told news outlets Monday that his decision was prompted by false statements made by the agency on Feb. 27 and repeated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week.
Tillerson har vært en katastrofe, kanskje den værste i hele Trump administrasjonen og det sier ikke lite. Den skaden han har forårsaket vil det ta lang tid å fikse, han var helt uegnet til å fylle en av de vanskeligste posisjonene i administrasjonen. La deg ikke lure av at han virket normal i forhold til flere av klovnene Trump omgir seg med. Han kunne ikke jobben, og utenriksminister er ikke noe man lærer seg mens man går.Måtte google Foggy Bottom, og vet nå at det er en omskrivning av Utenriksdepartementet....
Er han en upopulær herre i sitt departement? Og vet de hva de får i stedet? Tross alt har jo Tillerson ikke vært den løse kanonen men kunne frykte, med sin tross alt begrensede politiske erfaring. Med fasit i hånda, mener jeg jo han har klart seg greit nok, under helt umulige forutsetninger.
So how does someone who misunderstands such a basic, well-understood point about taxes and trade get to be a key economic adviser? As I said, it’s because he tells the boss what he wants to hear. More than that, he’s willing to abase himself in extraordinary ways.
Here’s what he told Bloomberg recently: “My function, really, as an economist is to try to provide the underlying analytics that confirm his intuition. And his intuition is always right in these matters.” Wow.
I mean, one expects White House aides to share many of the president’s views and defend him in public. But this goes far beyond that. Not only is Navarro proudly declaring that he’s a propagandist, not a policy analyst — that his role is solely to confirm Trump’s prejudices — he’s also engaging in an utterly un-American level of sycophancy. Since when has it become acceptable to declare that Dear Leader is infallible?
Now, it’s a commonplace, but also a euphemism, to say that Trump has authoritarian instincts. A more accurate statement would be that he expects the kind of treatment tin-pot dictators demand, free from any criticism inside or outside his government and greeted with constant hosannas of praise.
And everyone who isn’t willing to play the full game, who has tried to play by something resembling normal democratic rules, seems to be fleeing the administration. Soon only the shameless sycophants will be left. This will not end well.
WOW!Springtime for Sycophants
My function, really, as an economist is to try to provide the underlying analytics that confirm his intuition. And his intuition is always right in these matters.
In other news:Speaking to Bloomberg on March 7, Navarro heaped praise on his boss and described his own role as that of an enabler.
“This is the president’s vision. My function, really, as an economist is to try to provide the underlying analytics that confirm his intuition. And his intuition is always right in these matters,” Navarro said. He compared the White House to the successful New England Patriots football team. “The owner, the coach, and the quarterback are all the president. The rest of us are all interchangeable parts.”
More ominously, it may have been designed to expose Britain’s new isolation: Now that it is leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom no longer has a set of allies it can rely upon to help craft a response. It has no favors it can draw upon either: For the past year, British diplomacy has been focused on Brexit to the exclusion of all else. As if to underline this weakness, even the White House was stunningly opaque, condemning the attack but repeatedly refusing to mention Russia. The American president, so quick to insult Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin, has yet to tweet a single syllable.
So extraordinary does this failure seem to the British — does the American president believe their government, or the Russian Embassy? — that here in London, many are asking whether Trump fired Rex Tillerson because the State Department’s statement on the Skripal poisonings used the word “Russia,” and offered more support than the president himself.
Tillerson har vært en udiskutable katastrofe for State Department i alle fall, og skadene vil som du skriver bli langsiktige. Det tar mange, mange år å bygge opp en sterk fagavdeling i et utenriksdepartement. Tillerson kan ikke en gang skylde på Trump for at han det første året som Secretary of State forvoldte større skade på departementet enn jeg kan komme på noen forgjengere som har gjort.Tillerson har vært en katastrofe, kanskje den værste i hele Trump administrasjonen og det sier ikke lite. Den skaden han har forårsaket vil det ta lang tid å fikse, han var helt uegnet til å fylle en av de vanskeligste posisjonene i administrasjonen. La deg ikke lure av at han virket normal i forhold til flere av klovnene Trump omgir seg med. Han kunne ikke jobben, og utenriksminister er ikke noe man lærer seg mens man går.Måtte google Foggy Bottom, og vet nå at det er en omskrivning av Utenriksdepartementet....
Er han en upopulær herre i sitt departement? Og vet de hva de får i stedet? Tross alt har jo Tillerson ikke vært den løse kanonen men kunne frykte, med sin tross alt begrensede politiske erfaring. Med fasit i hånda, mener jeg jo han har klart seg greit nok, under helt umulige forutsetninger.
Nettopp... som tidligere nevnt.The New Yorker: Rex Tillerson gets fired the day after he criticized Russia.
Og det vil naturligvis aldri falle det stabile geniet noen kvartaler fra Foggy Bottom inn at smarte autoritære ledere skjønner at om det er noe departement som må bevares meritokratisk så er det UD. Fordi om det er noen som trenger det så er det dem.Denne er artig (allerede fra august)
I do not take any glee in chronicling this litany of incompetence. I was agnostic about Tillerson’s nomination, and thought his first speech to the State Department set the right tone. I have agreed with some of his diplomatic instincts, and even the need for some reorganization. He has been so bad at every facet of his job, however, that I am no longer worried about who Trump would pick to replace him. At this point, an inanimate carbon rod would be a better secretary of state than Rex Tillerson.
En annen i samme gate
Tillerson was, as is now recognized even by those who put him there, a disaster. As with most spectacular Washington flame-outs, his failures stem not from stupidity or general incompetence, but from a specific set of disabilities: an introverted and cocooned style of management that gave power to a few hated but overwhelmed and incompetent gatekeepers; insufficient skill at buttering up his volatile boss who, in an unguarded moment, the secretary seems to have characterized as a “moron”; morbid suspicion and sequestration of the State Department press, alienating a collection of hopeless foreign-policy wonks who normally fall in love with the secretary and sing his or her praises accordingly; management-jargon-laden reforms heavy on business-speak and low on familiarity with the work of diplomacy that demoralized the foreign service; and incapacity at finding and pushing through appointees who might do the work of diplomacy. He was a debacle, pure and simple, the worst secretary of state in living memory (and there has been serious competition) not because of ineptitude, but because of the semi-intentional demolition job he was doing on his own department even as he fell out of presidential favor
Leste en kommentar om at folkene under utflukten til prototypemurene så lettere forskremte ut, som om de var med på noe som ville ende veldig galt. De fleste involverte skjønner selvsagt at en opp til 3000km+ mur langs grensen til Mexico er galskap, men dogma får folk kjapt inn på feil spor i livet.Bare ikke la gjengen se "Wag the dog"
The race should be a blaring wake-up call to Republicans (“Commence panicking!”). This blue-collar district in the Rust Belt, ideally designed for President Trump, gave him a 20-point margin of victory 16 months ago. Moreover, the district has consistently voted Republican over the past few election cycles, and to top it off, Trump personally visited there twice, most recently on Saturday. Trump even announced tariffs designed to placate steel workers. And yet that 20-point advantage disappeared, thanks to massive Democratic turnout.
Republicans were out spinning gullible reporters. We expected much worse! This will motivate our voters! Nonsense. This is nothing short of a disaster for Republicans. Here’s why:
There are at nearly 120 seats that had a GOP point-spread in 2016 of fewer than 20 points. If this special election is a sign of things to come, Republicans mulling retirement might want to finalize their departure plans; those running in swing districts might want to start looking for new jobs.
Democrats have renewed hope of winning back white, working-class Trump voters. In suburban districts where Trump is already struggling with women, college-educated voters and younger voters, we could see a blue tsunami.
GOP i kongressen har nettopp markert at de gjør hva som helst for å beskytte Trump, om det så er nødvendig å selge ut egen integritet og kongressens troverdighet underveis. Det er et ekstremt godt argument for demokratene inn mot mellomvalget - husk at alle republikanske kandidater vil forsøke å skjerme Trump mot konsekvensene av hans egne handlinger.The PA-18 result, polling over the past few weeks (both nationally and in swing states) and constant staff turmoil at the White House (more firings to come this week, we are told!) paint a picture of a president in meltdown mode. Fewer and fewer Republicans, even those in solidly red districts, will want to be seen with a struggling president, even if they are not willing to speak out against him or vote against his policy preferences.
In short, the vast majority of Republican officeholders will continue walking the tightrope. Too afraid of offending the GOP base, which is still solidly behind Trump, yet too afraid of generating a backlash among Democrats and independents, they are the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. They dare not dash to one side or another (solidly pro- or anti-Trump), but they are defenseless against the charge that they are enablers of a deeply unpopular president.
Jeg ser at overskriftene på Fox News i dag er dominert av oppslag om Hillary Clintons valgnederlag og Elizabeth Warrens mulige indianerblod...“We want our Congress to know that some of us will be old enough to vote in the midterm elections, and the rest of us are going to be able to vote in 2020 or 2022, and they’re going to lose their job if they don’t do what we want to keep us safe,” Younis said. She said lawmakers need to increase the age for people to purchase weapons, ban assault-style weapons and demilitarize police forces.