En av de tingene som virkelig bygger forskjeller i USA er utdannelseskostnadene:
The United States has one of the most expensive higher education systems in the world,[7][8] and also one of the most successful in terms of the boost to earnings from higher education (wiki).
Between 2007-08 and 2017–18, published in-state tuition and fees at public four-year institutions increased at an average rate of 3.2% per year beyond inflation, compared with 4.0% between 1987–88 and 1997–98 and 4.4% between 1997–98 and 2007-08.[12] One cause of increased tuition is the reduction of state and federal appropriations to state colleges, causing the institutions to shift the cost over to students in the form of higher tuition. State support for public colleges and universities has fallen by about 26 percent per full-time student since the early 1990s.
Critics also note that investments in higher education are severely tax disadvantaged compared to other investments. Heavy taxes and inadequate subsidies to higher education contribute to underinvestment in education and a shortage of educated labor, as demonstrated by the very high pre-tax returns to investments in higher education.
Fra 1978-2008:
Cost of living increased roughly 3.25-fold during this time; medical costs inflated roughly 6-fold; but college tuition and fees inflation approached 10-fold. Another way to say this is that whereas medical costs inflated at twice the rate of cost-of-living, college tuition and fees inflated at four times the rate of cost-of-living inflation.
Hele artikkelen er verdt å lese:
Hvis republikanerne VIRKELIG ville gjøre noe med forholdene for de som ikke er rike, burde de begynne med skolesystemet sitt og finansieringen av det. Og å gi mindre bemidlede mulighet til sosial mobilitet gjennom utdanning. Å importere jobber fra Østen og Mexico er bare å pisse i buksa, enten forblir jobbene lavt betalt, eller så priser man de resulterende produktene ut av markedet med mindre man kan reise opp handelsmurer. I så fall betyr det bare at amerikanske borgere får dyrere varer enn man får andre steder i verden, de langsiktige effektene av dette er ikke bra for amerikansk økonomi. Og dette er det faktisk mange økonomer som har skjønt, men lykke til med å få Donald til å lytte. Kortsiktige, tilsynelatende suksesser er hans greie.