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NYT ser frem til at representantenes hus skal begynne å gjøre jobben sin i januar:Trump’s rage-tweets about special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation are looking increasingly pathetic and impotent. On Sunday night, Trump blustered that “people are starting to see and understand what this Witch Hunt is all about,” as if he’s winning the argument over the investigation through sheer force of tweet.
Yet a new NBC News poll demonstrates with remarkable clarity that Trump is decisively losing that argument. It finds that 62 percent of Americans think Trump has not told the truth about the Mueller investigation, while a meager 34 percent think he has — in other words, a huge majority understands that Trump’s been lying his head off about it. Half say Mueller’s investigation has given them more doubts about the Trump presidency. And 55 percent support Democrats opening “a number of investigations” into the administration — and, crucially, into Trump himself.
Meanwhile, The Post offers a striking overview of the totality of the investigations Trump currently faces. They include civil lawsuits and investigations digging into Trump’s business holdings, his charity, his inaugural committee, and, of course, into his campaign’s possible conspiracy with Russia. The upshot: “Nearly every organization he has led in the past decade is under investigation.”
Or, as Wired’s Garrett Graff puts it, as we head into 2019, Trump “faces a legal assault unlike anything previously seen by any president.”
The midterm results effectively brought an end to Trump’s legislative agenda, or at least the parts of it that Democrats find objectionable. But the victory gives Democrats little legislative power of their own. If by some miracle any Democrat-authored House bill makes it through the Republican-controlled Senate, Trump’s veto pen awaits.
What the House Democrats will have, however, is oversight authority: the ability to hold hearings and request documents and, if necessary, issue subpoenas to uncover and expose all the incompetence and misconduct and outright corruption that they suspect permeates the executive branch under the current occupant of the White House. “Make no mistake, Democrats will honor our constitutional responsibility to exercise oversight of the Trump administration and get the American people the answers they deserve,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Voters delivered a check and balance on the president that will hold him and his administration accountable for the abuses of power and culture of corruption that have consumed Washington.” Trump is already besieged by the investigation led by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, into Russian interference in the 2016 elections and by multiple probes by the United States attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York into his family business. In January, he will face a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives that suddenly has the power to open a third investigative front against him — power that will reside, in large part, in Cummings’s office.
“The oversight job, after two years of Donald Trump,” says Representative Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat who serves on both the Oversight and Judiciary Committees, “is like coming upon a 73-car pileup on the highway.”
Stay tuned, Fjernis, alt vil komme for en dag. Spesielt det Trump gjerne sett hadde forblitt gjemt, som selvangivelsene hans, all hvitvaskingen av russerpenger gjennom eiendomstransaksjoner, og alt det GOP i kongressen nektet å engang spørre om.Schiff, the incoming Intelligence Committee chairman, will play a major role. One of his top priorities will be protecting — and assisting — Mueller’s investigation, and one of his first acts in the new Congress will be trying to get to the bottom of one of the more tantalizing mysteries of the whole Russia affair: Whom did Donald Trump Jr. speak to on his phone in between calls setting up the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians peddling dirt on Hillary Clinton? Trump Jr. claims he can’t remember, and the call appears as a blocked number on his phone records. Nunes refused to ask Trump Jr.’s cellular provider for the blocked number. “That phone call may lead to a place the Republicans didn’t want to go,” Schiff says, “and so they were unwilling to get the answer.” Schiff wants the answer and will press the provider for it.
Nunes’s investigation may not have produced much, but under his leadership, the committee did conduct hundreds of hours of interviews: with Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Roger Stone and other key figures in the Russia matter. On Nunes’s orders, almost all the transcripts have remained in the sole possession of the committee, which has, among other things, kept them out of the hands of Mueller’s investigators. Schiff plans to publicly release the remaining transcripts when the new Congress convenes in January.
In November, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Moscow real estate project Trump pursued. Cohen was caught by Mueller’s investigators only because he publicly released his opening statement to the Intelligence Committee. Referring to the unreleased transcripts, Swalwell told me: “I just wonder how many more crimes are just sitting in the basement of the House Intelligence Committee that Mueller doesn’t know about because he hasn’t seen that they lied to us.”
Schiff is also interested in examining Trump’s business dealings — including whether Russians laundered money through the Trump Organization — from a counterintelligence perspective. “What would be most compromising to our nation and our national security is if a hostile foreign power has leverage over the president of the United States,” Schiff told me. Or as the senior Democratic Intelligence Committee official says: “Whenever Putin is alone in a room with Trump with just the two of them and their translators, like they were in Helsinki, is Putin reminding him that he has an Excel spreadsheet of how many rubles are parked in Trump Tower?”
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