Analysen fra BNP Paribas er interessant, et lite utdrag her;
"Our Global Head of our Sustainability Research, shows that oil needs a long-term breakeven price of USD 10 – 20/barrel to remain competitive in mobility.
- The economics of renewables are impossible for oil to compete with when looked at over the cycle
- Renewable electricity has a short-run marginal cost of zero, is cleaner environmentally, could readily replace up to 40% of global oil demand
- The oil industry should remember the fate of utilities
The tough road ahead for oil
With 36% of demand for crude oil today accounted for by light-duty vehicles and other vehicle categories susceptible to electrification, and a further 5% by power generation, the oil industry has never before in its history faced the kind of threat that renewable electricity in tandem with electric vehicles poses to its business model: a competing energy source that:
1. has a short-run marginal cost of zero,
2. Is much cleaner environmentally,
3. is much easier to transport, and
4. could readily replace up to 40% of global oil demand if it had the necessary scale.
5. We conclude that the economics of oil for gasoline and diesel vehicles versus wind- and solar-powered EVs are now in relentless and irreversible decline, with far-reaching implications for both policymakers and the oil majors.
A warning from the European utility sector
If all of this sounds far-fetched, then the speed with which the competitive landscape of the European utility industry has been reshaped over the last decade by the rollout of wind and solar power – and the billions of euros of fossil-fuel generation assets that this has stranded – should be a flashing red light on the oil industry’s dashboard.
Og så kan vi ta med litt i fra Reinhard Fischer, en av sjefene for Volkswagen i Nord-Amerika.
– Når prisen for batterielektrisk blir likt med forbrenningsmotoren, vil det være vendepunktet som bringer bred markedsaksept for den fremvoksende teknologien. Det vendepunktet er nærmere enn det virker, sier Reinhard Fischer, en av sjefene for Volkswagen i Nord-Amerika, til Automotive News.
Han mener Volkswagens investeringer på omkring 450 milliarder kroner i å pushe elbiler over hele verden vil redusere kostnadene så mye at de tangerer kostnadene for biler med forbrenningsmotor.
– Vi tror at vendepunktet er nær, og da vil prisene sørge for helt nye kunder til elbiler, ikke bare entusiastene. Så fort du kommer over skepsisen til noe nytt, vil elbil være et bedre valg for deg, sier Fischer.
Innen 2028 har Volkswagen Gruppen lovet 70 helelektriske biler. Allerede nå har Audi E-tron stor suksess på det norske markedet, og senere i høst kommer flere elbiler fra Volkswagen Gruppen. Den viktigste av dem, det som produsenten tror blir den nye folkebilen, er Volkswagen ID.3. Fischer tror ikke det krever så mye overtalelse til for å få folk med.
– Når du regner på det, så koster en elbil omtrent det halve av hva en bensinbil koster å drifte, sier Fischer.
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