Klimaforskningsfornekterne er i ferd med å slippe opp for penger og støtte. Exxon trekker seg unna, i håp om å unngå erstatningssøksmål.
One reason companies like Exxon may be publicly distancing themselves from the denier movement is to avoid legal liability from a wave of litigation alleging they've deliberately stalled action on the climate emergency.
"The climate lawsuits cite the funding of the denial organizations as one of Exxon's crimes," Davies said. Support from coal companies may also be drying up.
"They don't care about liability too much, they're just going out of business," Gibson said.
Bankruptcy filings for Peabody Energy, Arch Coal and Alpha Natural Resources in recent years revealed that these former leaders of the U.S. coal industry were funding the denial movement. With the industry now in structural decline, however, "there's not as much of that funding available," he said.