Nå tilter det for Trump og det har relevans for forrige innlegg, om Johnsons og Cummings manglende evne til å forstå folkemeningen og hva det betyr for innsatsen mot coronaviruset.
Trump mislikte at twitter satte fact-check på en fullstendig rablende vill påstand han kom med. Så nå truer han med å stenge sosiale medier.
Om man vil forstå hvordan presidenten i USA kan finne på å skrive noe så dumt. Og hvorfor Boris Johnson innbiller seg at det er mulig å forsvare hva Dominic Cummings gjorde. Og hvorfor Dominic Cummings innbiller seg at han ikke fremstod som en tulling under sin pressekonferanse.
Det handler om hvor man befinner seg. Greit definert her:
Trump mislikte at twitter satte fact-check på en fullstendig rablende vill påstand han kom med. Så nå truer han med å stenge sosiale medier.
Om man vil forstå hvordan presidenten i USA kan finne på å skrive noe så dumt. Og hvorfor Boris Johnson innbiller seg at det er mulig å forsvare hva Dominic Cummings gjorde. Og hvorfor Dominic Cummings innbiller seg at han ikke fremstod som en tulling under sin pressekonferanse.
Det handler om hvor man befinner seg. Greit definert her:
The theory that best matches the evidence is this: the human mind is mudha, which is sanskrit for crazy. The Hindus has this figured out thousands of years ago.
Western thinking is that logic and rationality form some of concrete basis for decision making, but isn’t it pretty clearly not the case? Isn’t it evident that saying up is down and lying and gaslighting is absolutely pedestrian human behavior?
All over the twittersphere are the call outs of the latest blatant hypocrisy, as if it violated some natural law, and consequences would be forthcoming. “If Obama did X...” They. don’t. care.
Our betters can, without irony, believe that they are innately superior AND that they are superior because they win the rigged the game. Not because they need to, but because it’s fun for them. Being hypocritical is a form of consistency. It’s Calvinball. I can consistently believe whatever the eff I want, and change my mind tomorrow and neener neener I know what you are but what am ? Have you ever felt that rush from getting away with something you knew wasn’t permitted? Being Calvin in this scenario feels powerful, which is on a universal scale probably what it’s all about. Feeling powerful by constructed/made up means in an incomprehensibly vast and amoral universe.
The only checks on it used to be tribal/social consequences (e.g. guillotines, wars) and ostracism. But again these are not natural laws. They are human systems for correcting against chaos and anarchy. For the moment, chaos appears to have the upper hand, and is showing us all how perfectly content it is the bask in its own hypocrisy. The abusers love the attention they get for it.
Calvinball is a game invented by Calvin and Hobbes. It is used recurringly in several strips. The game may involve wickets, mallets, volleyballs, and additional sports-related equipment, however a mask is required. There is only one permanent rule in Calvinball: players cannot play it the same...