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Tidligere nevnt av en eller annen; Crosstalk ?
Unødvendig bruk av skjermet kabel?Anbefalt skjermet kabel,men ikke tilfredsstillende jording?
Litt morsom dette.Har noen meter ute fra antenne til switch.
Kabelen fra internett leverandør som brukes fra antenne til switch er uskjermet.
Drop out er tidvis hyppig under streaming,både kablet og via wifi + tregt nett,selv om hastighet måles til å være topp,
på alle enheter.
Never run shielded cable? No. That is not the solution. In my blog linked above, there are scenarios when you must use shielded cable. The primary one, and one that I consider inviolate, is when you are running Ethernet cable outside in open air scenarios. Air movement causes electrostatic discharge (ESD) build-up on your cable, especially in the dry seasons. This ESD needs a way to drain off, and this would be via the cable shield/drain wire and your ground. I learned the hard way on this one. The cost? A dead $200 Ubiquiti outdoor Wi-Fi AP.
You can get away with unshielded CMX outdoor cable in direct burial scenarios, assuming the cable is buried and making contact with dirt, and that cable is not in proximity to an underground AC line.
The solution is to be aware this situation can occur and mitigate it before you have trouble. Here are two infographics showing common scenarios and how to wire stuff up:
smps - switch- common mode støy lite dempet av emc filteret eventuelt motsatt, resonans- jording impedans,
her er mange muligheter om en leser litt cat6 cable problem - grounding problem.
Tidligere nevnt av en eller annen; Crosstalk ?
How to Troubleshoot Wired (Cat 5, Cat 6 etc.) Network Connections
Troubleshooting a Cat 6 (or Cat 5) Network connection from the Network Switch to the Data Outlet and/or Computer can sometimes be very frustrating even for an experienced professional. This tutorial goes into some possible reason for the issues and ways to test and fix the problem.
Unødvendig bruk av skjermet kabel?Anbefalt skjermet kabel,men ikke tilfredsstillende jording?
Shielded vs. Unshielded Cable
Installing data networking cable? Learn the differences and similarities of Shielded vs. Unshielded cable to find which one is the right fit for your needs.
Litt morsom dette.Har noen meter ute fra antenne til switch.
Kabelen fra internett leverandør som brukes fra antenne til switch er uskjermet.
Drop out er tidvis hyppig under streaming,både kablet og via wifi + tregt nett,selv om hastighet måles til å være topp,
på alle enheter.
Never run shielded cable? No. That is not the solution. In my blog linked above, there are scenarios when you must use shielded cable. The primary one, and one that I consider inviolate, is when you are running Ethernet cable outside in open air scenarios. Air movement causes electrostatic discharge (ESD) build-up on your cable, especially in the dry seasons. This ESD needs a way to drain off, and this would be via the cable shield/drain wire and your ground. I learned the hard way on this one. The cost? A dead $200 Ubiquiti outdoor Wi-Fi AP.
You can get away with unshielded CMX outdoor cable in direct burial scenarios, assuming the cable is buried and making contact with dirt, and that cable is not in proximity to an underground AC line.
The solution is to be aware this situation can occur and mitigate it before you have trouble. Here are two infographics showing common scenarios and how to wire stuff up:
smps - switch- common mode støy lite dempet av emc filteret eventuelt motsatt, resonans- jording impedans,
her er mange muligheter om en leser litt cat6 cable problem - grounding problem.