Jeg likte den.Silence and inaction are not options.
Jeg likte den.Silence and inaction are not options.
Michael Gerson, rådgiver for G W Bush, kommenterer galskapen i WP:Jeg har vært en del i den alternative dimensjonen der millioner av Trump-tilhengere holder til. CNN er MSM og er med på en gigantisk konspirasjon sammen med dommere og Republicans In Name Only, "who wanted to get rid of Trump, who is our only hope".
Her ser det ut til å passe å skyte inn en historisk fotnote:President Trump’s naked attempt to overturn a fair election — with key elements of Joe Biden’s victory vouchsafed by Republican state officials, Republican-appointed judges and even the Justice Department — has driven some Trump evangelicals to the edge of blasphemous lunacy.
“I’d be happy to die in this fight,” radio talk-show host Eric Metaxas assured Trump during a recent interview. “This is a fight for everything. God is with us. Jesus is with us in this fight for liberty.”
Elsewhere Metaxas predicted, “Trump will be inaugurated. For the high crimes of trying to throw a U.S. presidential election, many will go to jail. The swamp will be drained. And Lincoln’s prophetic words of ‘a new birth of freedom’ will be fulfilled. Pray.”
Just to be clear, Metaxas has publicly committed his life to Donald Trump, claimed that at least two members of the Trinity favor a coup against the constitutional order, endorsed the widespread jailing of Trump’s political enemies for imaginary crimes, claimed Abraham Lincoln’s blessing for the advance of authoritarianism and urged Christians to pray to God for the effective death of American democracy. This is seditious and sacrilegious in equal measure.
When prominent Christians affirm absurd political lies with religious fervor, nonbelievers have every reason to think: “Maybe Christians are prone to swallowing absurd religious lies as well. Maybe they are simply credulous about everything.” If we should encounter someone who believes — honestly and adamantly believes — in both the existence of the Easter Bunny and in the resurrection of Christ, it would naturally raise questions about the quality of his or her believing faculties. It would call into question the standard of evidence being applied and muddy the meaning of faith itself.
Dedicating your life to Trump is in the same category. If a Christian leader believes — honestly and adamantly believes — that Trump is a fount of truth, a defender of the faithful, a Lincolnian guardian of liberty and a victim of a nationwide electoral conspiracy, he or she is likely to fall for anything. People like this — people like Metaxas — make the critical intelligence of Christians seem limited. And what these leaders say about religion loses in credibility.
The suit comes as Paxton faces an FBI criminal investigation related to alleged efforts to help a wealthy campaign donor. The investigation was confirmed by the Associated Press after seven senior lawyers in Paxton’s office claimed to authorities in September that Paxton was guilty of abusing his office.
All seven have since been fired, put on leave or resigned, spurring a whistleblower lawsuit from several of them. Paxton has denied wrongdoing.
According to the most recent FEC report, Trump has spent $8.8 million on legal efforts to overturn the election but has used that effort to raise more than $200 million, sending hundreds of email pitches to donors begging them to contribute to his quest to save the election from being stolen by dastardly Democrats.
Much of that money will go to a leadership PAC that Trump can use for all kinds of other purposes, including steps that would help him mount a 2024 campaign. He could also easily funnel the money into his own pocket, by having the PAC spend it at his properties.
As long as those millions of suckers keep sending in their contributions and tuning in to their favorite shows, the people perpetrating the con will keep winding them up to greater heights of outrage. But what happens when President-elect Joe Biden actually takes office? Will they finally realize they got scammed? That their leaders knew all along that Trump lost but kept milking them for money anyway?
Don’t bet on it. The GOP base’s eagerness to fall for every new iteration of this con is limitless, and nobody knows that better than the party’s leaders.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to block certification of the commonwealth's election results, delivering a near fatal blow to the GOP's long-shot bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's victory.
The Supreme Court's action is a crushing loss for Trump, who suggested as late as Tuesday that he thought the justices -- including three of his nominees -- might step in and take his side as he has continually and falsely suggested there was massive voter fraud during the election.
The one-line order was issued with no noted dissents. The court is made up of six conservative justices and three liberals.
Trump appeals to legislatures and Supreme Court in attempt to overturn the election he lost
The justices acted quickly, just after the final brief in the court was filed Tuesday afternoon, suggesting that they wanted to send a decisive message to challengers of the election results.
Joa....det kan jo være, men han er ikke alene om dette. Han har nesten hele GOP bak seg (og alle høyreekstreme gærningene). Noen flere en Il Drumpht må tjene på dette. Enten via makt eller masse penger. Og da snakker vi mange mennesker! Så mange at fundraisning neppe holder til alle. Jeg er redd det ligger noe mere enn bare grådighet og dumskap bak dette.Tja, man kan vel si at 200 millioner daler i kassa mot 8.5 millioner brukt på fundraising blant virkelighetsfjerne idioter og en haug rettssaker for å opprettholde illusjonen om at det finnes en sak å kjempe for er grunn god nok til å fortsette "kampen". Etter enda en måneds "kamp" kan summen være doblet og alt kan brukes akkurat som føreren finner det for godt.
Det kommer an på hva "disse her" finner seg i etter 20/1/2021...Hva skjer de neste 10-årene?
Det haddde hjulpet med 1(!) fungerende hjernecelle i tillegg ...Mangler ikke på engasjement, det skal dama ha.
Men nå må vi ikke glemme at det er «BIBLICAL!»Det haddde hjulpet med 1(!) fungerende hjernecelle i tillegg ...
Ta det med ro. Institusjonene holdt «denne gangen» og USA vil bestå som føderasjon.Ikke morsomt
17 delstater støtter Texas’ ønske om å forkaste valgresultatet i fire vippestater
17 delstater støtter Texas, som har bedt amerikansk høyesterett ugyldiggjøre valgresultatet i fire vippestater. Nå har også Trump bedt om å få være med på søksmå
de har ikke et polariseringsproblem der borte; de har et demokratiproblem!Ikke morsomt
17 delstater støtter Texas’ ønske om å forkaste valgresultatet i fire vippestater
17 delstater støtter Texas, som har bedt amerikansk høyesterett ugyldiggjøre valgresultatet i fire vippestater. Nå har også Trump bedt om å få være med på søksmå
Joda, men de har ikke statsledere som juger, benekter og motarbeider.Jeg skjønner du har enorm glede av disse forenklede oversitkene.
Det er mange statsoverhoder som ikke leverer varene i din verden regner jeg med:
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