Den sovjetiske historia er vel at dei, altså USSR, fann ut av det sjølv, og kontrollsjekka med den amerikanske fasiten etterpå. Vanskeleg å vita.Vi kan kanskje takke ekteparet Ethel og Julius Rosenberg for mye av problemet med de russiske atomvåpnene da.
Ironisk nok er det mange maskiner som ryker ganske nøyaktig kort tid etter deres tilmålte levetid. Prøv en FordIronisk nok gjør mangelfull design og upresis produksjon både at vaskemaskinen ryker dagen etter at garantien gikk ut, og at ammunisjonen blir liggende som blindgjengere fire generasjoner etter at den ble avfyrt.
Ukraine has opened a new front in its battle to drive out the Russian invader - in Russia. But it is oddly coy about admitting that it has sent troops, fired artillery, and flown drones into its neighbor’s territory.
The operations of Russian citizens, carrying Ukrainian military ID, wearing Ukrainian uniforms and attacking from Ukraine, remain officially opaque. It is Kyiv’s contribution to what’s become known as “hybrid warfare” in the “grey zone” of contemporary conflict.
In Ukraine, it suits Kyiv to have Russians invade Russia on its behalf.
The tactical results may be limited. Brief incursions into small border villages. But the desired effect of destabilization in Russia is achieved.
“Each type of drone has a completely different application,” says Shchyhol, the head of the country’s State Service of Special Communications. “Both cheap and expensive drones are needed. And drones with different types of communication. The more models we have, the more communication channels we have, the more efficient our work will be.”
Shchyhol says the ultimate goal is mass production. “Around 30 companies in Ukraine are already mass-producing these drones, and our goal is to purchase up to 200,000 by the end of the year,” he said. “So far we have signed contracts for the purchase of 2,000, and this is only for a few weeks. Every week, this process is scaled up.”
Det er 755 km fra Kyiv til moskva.At the time, Serhiy Prytula, whose foundation has raised money for new drone programs, said on Twitter: “Remember our big crowdfunding campaign ‘For revenge’? Kamikaze UAVs with the range up to 1000 km. Well… We cannot neither confirm nor deny, but some ru oil depots have had hard times recently. Ilsky oil refinery in Kuban for example.”
I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive.
My sense is that they will achieve combined arms effects in other words, they will successfully carry out combined arms operations where you have engineers that are breaching the obstacles and diffusing the minefields and so forth; armour following right on through protected by infantry against anti-tank missiles; air defence keeping the Russians aircraft off them; electronic warfare jamming their radio networks; logistics right up behind them; artillery and mortars right out in front of them.
And most important of all … is that as the lead elements inevitably culminate after 72-96 hours, physically that’s about as far as you can go, and they’ll have taken losses … you have follow-on units that will push right on through and capitalise on the progress and maintain the momentum and I think that can get the entire Russian defence in that area moving, then I think you have other opportunities that will open up on the flanks as well.
Dette var om lag det eg kom fram til etter litt googling, også. I tillegg til at amerikanske eks-militære skravlar noko heilt vanvittig på nettet, og det er jo eit godt argument for at den offisielle informasjonen stemmer ganske bra med faktiske forhold, også.med
Interessant «fakta» opplysning. Den tidligere statssekretæren har nok kontroll på fakta.
mer fra mannen herGen David Petraeus (via The Guardian):
Hvilken skvadron og fartøy var du på ? Menig , matros eller befal ?Litt mer om Gerald Ford og a-våpen - kunne like godt vært postet på tråden om Norges forsvar - med
Interessant «fakta» opplysning. Den tidligere statssekretæren har nok kontroll på fakta. Spørs om OK Strømme har fått en telefon eller to…
NRK har gitt Putin et propagandapoeng
Nå seiler en amerikansk militærbase på kjøl langs kysten vår, og vi får krysse fingre for at fellesøvelsen som hangarskipet USS Gerald R. Ford deltar i har en geografisk begrensning. Russernes paranoia er ikke noe man bør kimse av; den er en
Artig personlig sammentreff, snuingen av hangarskipet i Vestfjorden i 1985
sammen med andre spennende observasjoner av bruk av militært materiell fikk jeg observert fra et opsrom på MTBUSS America (CV-66) - Wikipedia
Hauk-klassen – Wikipedia
Meduza har hele veien analysert og tilbakevist russernes begrunnelse for krigen, men har erkjent at det blant leserne deres er folk som støtter krigen, eller i det minste ikke ønsker å se russland tape, selv om de sier det var en tabbe å starte.. Meduza har spurt disse leserne om hvorfor de støtter russernes krigføring.
‘The only thing worse than war is losing one’ Even some of Meduza’s readers support the invasion of Ukraine. We asked them to explain why. — Meduza
Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Meduza has been analyzing — and refuting — the Russian military propaganda that tries to justify the war (here’s one recent example). But while we find Moscow’s talking points absurd and unconvincing, there’s no denying it: propaganda works.