Veldig så røff behandling de får disse «friendly guys who took a trip through the Capitol» da.
National Review kaller det en "home run".The Donald intervjues på Fox News. Det går sådär.
Han var visst veldig fornøyd selv også, uten at jeg helt forstår hvorfor. Fra linken:National Review kaller det en "home run".
Legg til at det samme er putins eneste sjanse for å hale ut noeslags «seier» i Ukraina, og det er vel grunn til å forvente en nokså stygg valgkamp det neste året. For all the wrong reasons.I believe Trump’s legal defense has to be, first and foremost, getting elected president to squash the case; and, failing that, getting pardoned by a Republican president in the event Trump doesn’t win the nomination; and failing that, convincing enough people that the case is unfair so a juror simply refuses to convict.
Fordi han lever i sin egen virkelighet, og ikke er tilregnelig i noen forstand av ordet. Hans virkelighetsoppfatning er fundamentalt annerledes enn den til normalt oppegående mennesker.Han var visst veldig fornøyd selv også, uten at jeg helt forstår hvorfor.
Ser ut som folk har lett for å glemme at Donald er den mest oppegående av alle som støtter ham i sak og meninger......og det er mange nok til å bli PresidentMen at han er "toast" tviler jeg fortsatt sterkt på. Jeg tror nesten ikke det finnes grenser for hvor langt han kan gå uten at det ødelegger for hans "politiske ambisjoner"*.
* "Politiske ambisjoner" i anførselstegn fordi det for Trump har lite eller ingenting å gjøre med politikk, men kun dreier seg om ego og et umettelig og patologisk behov for selvbekreftelse.
Det er nokk ikke muligt, men så en spennende utsendelse (tror det var fra en link herinne), om "mental health".....Ser ut som folk har lett for å glemme at Donald er den mest oppegående av alle som støtter ham i sak og meninger......og det er mange nok til å bli President
Bør man sette av plass til å sperre inne 80 millioner "raving lunatics from the Republic Party" ?
Problemet er at du tenker for mye og diagnose er mer komplisert enn på ditt nivå.Egentlig begynner jeg å tenke mer og mer at Trump er schizofren, eller i hvert fall lider av borderline schizofreni. Han har åpenbare vrangforestillinger, inkoherent tale og tenking og også veldig klønete motorikk, som alle er symptomer på schizofreni. En hjernescan ville nok gitt en ganske annerledes fordeling av grå substans enn det man ser hos normale mennesker.
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Det er din erfaring at en stor andel av menneskehetens sammensetning er som Donald Trump?Donald er representativ for en helt "normal" stor andel av menneskehetens sammensetning.
Du vil vel også hevde at de som stemmer på Donald IKKE liker og/eller identifiserer seg selv med personligheten hans.......Det er din erfaring at en stor andel av menneskehetens sammensetning er som Donald Trump?
Personlig så har jeg i mitt 54 årige liv kun møtt to personer med liknende personlighet. Greit nok at man ikke skal/kan fjern-diagnosere en personlighetsforstyrrelse, men hvis du synes Trump er normal så lurer jeg på hva slags referanseramme du har på normal oppførsel?
Hvorvidt velgerne identifiserer seg med Trump aner jeg ikke. Det jeg hevder er at Trump er meget meget langt unna normal.Du vil vel også hevde at de som stemmer på Donald IKKE liker og/eller identifiserer seg selv med personligheten hans.......![]()
Det er helt utrolig at de klarer å sitte å svare saklig på alt tøvet!
Republicans TURN AGAINST Their Own Witness During SHOCKING Hearing
In a word, the Republicans are as responsible as Mr. Trump for this month’s indictment — and will be as responsible for any indictment and prosecution of him for Jan. 6. One would think that, for a party that has prided itself for caring about the Constitution and the rule of law, this would stir some measure of self-reflection among party officials and even voters about their abiding support for the former president. Surely before barreling headlong into the 2024 presidential election season, more Republicans would realize it is time to come to the reckoning with Mr. Trump that they have vainly hoped and naïvely believed would never be necessary.
But by all appearances, it certainly hasn’t occurred to them yet that any reckoning is needed. As only the Republicans can do, they are already turning this ignominious moment into an even more ignominious moment — and a self-immolating one at that — by rushing to crown Mr. Trump their nominee before the primary season even begins. Building the Republican campaign around the newly indicted front-runner is a colossal political miscalculation, as comedic as it is tragic for the country. No assemblage of politicians except the Republicans would ever conceive of running for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law. But that’s exactly what they’re planning.
The stewards of the Republican Party have become so inured to their putative leader, they have managed to convince themselves that an indicted and perhaps even convicted Donald Trump is their party’s best hope for the future. But rushing to model their campaign on Mr. Trump’s breathtakingly inane template is as absurd as it is ill fated. They will be defending the indefensible.
The Independent understands that prosecutors’ decision on whether to seek additional charges from a grand jury — and where to seek them — will depend in part on whether they feel the Trump-appointed district judge overseeing the case against him in the Southern District of Florida, Aileen Cannon, is giving undue deference to the twice-impeached, now twice-indicted former president.
The team of federal prosecutors working under Special Counsel Jack Smith is currently prepared to add an “additional 30 to 45 charges” in addition to the 37-count indictment brought against Mr Trump on 8 June, either in a superseding indictment in the same Florida court or in a different federal judicial district. In either case, they would do so using evidence against the ex-president that has not yet been publicly acknowledged by the department, including other recordings prosecutors have obtained which reveal Mr Trump making incriminating statements.
Additionally, it is understood that Mr Smith’s team is ready to bring charges against several of the attorneys who have worked for Mr Trump, including those who aided the ex-president in his push to ignore the will of voters and remain in the White House despite having lost the 2020 election.