Goodie, som Dr Dong ville ha sagt.Neste ukes cover på the New Yorker: "a man of conviction"
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For MAGA-bevegelsen er det nok et viktigere poeng å gjøre amerikansk mafia mindre katolsk, ikke mindre mafioso.Snodige sammentreff.
Multiple Trump witnesses have received significant financial benefits from his businesses, campaign
Witnesses in the various criminal cases against the former president have gotten pay raises, new jobs and more. If any benefits were intended to influence testimony, that could be a crime. by ...www.dailykos.com
Ja, veldig. Inntil 20 års fengsel bare der.Witness tampering er vel verboten?
Enig i at det er et merkelig land, men han er altså ikke dømt for å betale noen for å holde kjeft. Han er dømt for å skjule dette ved å jukse med valgkampmidler.Det er et merkelig land, når han slipper unna med kuppforsøk, men blir dømt for å betale en prostituert for å holde kjeft.
Sant, det ville sett litt rart om det ble gjort helt åpenlyst.Enig i at det er et merkelig land, men han er altså ikke dømt for å betale noen for å holde kjeft. Han er dømt for å skjule dette ved å jukse med valgkampmidler.
I prinsippet statlig, men Trump vil forsøke å anke videre til føderal høyesterett. Som formodentlig vil nekte å behandle saken.Er ingen ekspert på rettssystemet i USA
Trumpern er dømt i en delstat og kan som sådan ikke benådes av en president.
Saken kan selvfølgelig ankes, er da høyeste anke instans NY høyesterett eller føderal høyesterett?
Regner med at woke/fascist/liberal fanatic NY ikke har fylt sin høyesterett med MAGA God fearing proud patriots
Decisions by the court can be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States but only in cases containing a point of federal or consitutional law.
Det første er vel også mest av akademisk interesse:Trump kan benådes av guvernøren i NY, men ikke av Biden og ikke av seg selv, om han skulle bli president igjen.
Anyone who has been convicted of a crime under New York State law can apply for a pardon. However, pardons are typically only considered for applicants who have successfully completed all court-imposed requirements connected to their conviction and sentence, including community supervision, probation, and/or payment of fines and other costs. Other factors that pardon applications should address include, but are not limited to:
- Rehabilitation: Applicants should show that they have made positive changes to their lives since their last conviction, and that they are contributing members of their communities. Applicants may demonstrate this kind of rehabilitation, for example, through accomplishments in employment, education, or through family or community service.
- Time: The amount of time that has passed since an individual has been convicted of a crime is a factor in demonstrating rehabilitation. Applicants should be aware that pardons are typically not considered for individuals with very recent criminal convictions.
- Need: Applicants should clearly explain why they need a pardon, using specific examples of how they are disadvantaged by their conviction and how a pardon would help.
A commutation of sentence reduces the length of an incarcerated person’s term of imprisonment. The Governor may commute a sentence in any way that she considers appropriate. For example, a commutation may reduce a sentence to allow an incarcerated person to be released immediately or on a specific date in the future. A commutation may also allow an incarcerated person to become eligible for parole at an earlier date.
Except for extraordinary circumstances, a commutation of sentence will typically be considered only if an applicant meets the following eligibility criteria:
- The incarcerated person's minimum term of imprisonment is more than one year;
- The incarcerated person has served at least one-half of their minimum prison term; and
- The incarcerated person is not eligible for release or parole within one year of the date of their application for clemency.
Except for extraordinary circumstances, a commutation of sentence will typically be considered only if an applicant meets the following eligibility criteria:Det første er vel også mest av akademisk interesse:
Apply for Clemency
Apply for clemency in the form of reprieves, commutations, and pardons.www.ny.gov
Ellers... så får du den her som "Gift article"Mørk (og en god les) analyse fra Robert Kaplan, Washington Post, bak inlog, men kanskje gratis tilgang for akkurat denne..
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Tvilier jeg på. Musk slipper nå Trump tilbake til twitter og arrangerer flere møter med ham. Han er ute etter å ta Biden.Tipper det plager Musk en smule også.
Å kjøpe en Tesla er uaktuelt. Å sitte i en blir tvilsomt.Og det var vel akkurat det jeg mente....