Litt om Beyma tpl 150 fra et annet forum
from that paper:
But how does the TPL-150 compare to a normal compression driver? In Beyma, engineers have made an extended and complete set of measurements to illustrate the superiority of the TPL over a conventional compression driver.
As we can see in the Waterfall measurements, almost all the energy in the TPL-150 has gone away in less than 2 milliseconds. However, if we look the compression driver response, even after 5 milliseconds, the diaphragm is still resonating, blurring the acoustic message.
What about distortion products?
Many different measurements were carried out, including but no limited to harmonic distortion, difference tone distortion, inter-modulation distortion, near field measurements and multi-tone stimulus, all of them at three different power levels, 1W, 7W and 23W AES. We can show many of all these measurements, where always the TPL-150 is clearly superior in terms of distortion.
But one of the most spectacular measurements is the multi-tone response, as it can be more related with the behaviour of the unit with musical signals. Using various sinusoidal signals at the same time, many more inter-related distortion products arise, creating a kind of a “noise floor”, extremely interesting to compare, specially in this case. In the graph, we can clearly see the tremendous quantity of distortion products the compression driver is creating, just with one watt. There is a S/N ratio of less than 45 dB between the main component and the distortion products, along all the band pass of the unit. If we look to the blue trace of the TPL-150, it is incredible how low the distortion is, not even possible to measure it in many frequency regions.
We can also look to the 7W measurement, where it can also be appreciated how the distortion products raises dramatically with power applied in the compression driver, while in the TPL-150, the distortion noise floor is kept proportional to the power applied.
So, not only the distortion is very low in the TPL-150, but also it does not arise dramatically with power applied, as a compression driver does. As a conclusion, this new transducer will be a key component for the next level of professional sound systems of the future, in terms of sonic quality and Live Sound experience.
I can confirm this, it translates in superb clarity, detail, speed, and natural/neutral sound. At direct comparsions A/B, there are information of the music signal, which the TPL-150 transmits very clearly, while the S2/H104 combo simply hides . MIdrange is more natural, while treble is more revealing, without getting harsh. The waveguide i am building will help to extend and equalize a littlebit the lowend, and help integration ( dispersion ) with the low midrange channel.
One thing is sure : The Beyma will remain in my system, while the S2/H104 will be sold soon.......