Audiolense 4.2
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Audiolense 4.2 is out.
Audiolense 4.2 comes with changes to the measurement and the correction
where the sole purpose is to reduce any interference with measurement noise
& artifacts as much as possible. The simulated results will look almost the
same as before, but the sound quality may be better.
This release is another step up the ladder towards a time domain correction
that is as good as it gets. It is our goal to take the True Time Domain
correction as close to perfection as mathematically, acoustically and
psycho-acoustically possible. And we are getting closer, step by step.
To our judgment, the True Time Domain correction targeting minimum phase
behavior that was launched in Audiolense 4.0 put Audiolense clearly ahead of
the competition as far as time domain correction is concerned. This was a
milestone and certainly a "first" worldwide. This new correction has some
huge advantages, but some of the advantages are of a character that exposes
challenges and issues that were previously hidden deep under the surface.
This has stimulated us to investigate new depths, all the way into the noise
floor. The stuff that goes on at 60-100 dB has started to make a difference.
We hope to get Audiolense 4.3 out before the end of the year. We have some
highly inventive algorithms on the bench that shows great promise. More
than 1 year of focused R&D work is gradually paying off. The measurement
noise floor and how it is managed may make an audible difference already in
Audiolense 4.2. But this will make a bigger difference the better the
algorithms get - and the algorithms will be better in 4.3.
You have to take new measurements to benefit 100% from the changes that
Audiolense 4.2 brings. But there will also be a marked technical difference
using old measurements as well. We don't know yet whether the new revision
will make a significant audible improvement or just a technical improvement
that basically sounds the same. We are chasing margins here and only
"clinical tests" among Audiolense users will tell whether it carries audible
progress. But Audiolense 4.2 is in any case an important step towards
As usual, the new release is available for download at