Interessant fra England:
Opponents of lockdown have been glumly mulling their defeat and licking their wounds for weeks, lamenting the country’s lost freedoms.
And yes, it’s true, we are still a long way from restoring them.
But they should recognise the turning tide. The 100-MP rebellion this week against Covid passes means that the Government no longer has a majority for more restrictions and must rely on the Opposition – an unappealing prospect.
Public support for shutdowns, as measured by polling, has been quietly waning for months, too. A YouGov poll conducted at the end of November found that 68 per cent oppose closing pubs and restaurants and that 61 per cent oppose measures that would stop us meeting up with our friends.
No doubt support for restrictions will rise again as omicron spreads, but people are less responsive to fearful messaging than they were. The public are increasingly well-vaccinated, suffering financially and worried about their children. They are looking for the exit.

They may not realise it, but the lockdown sceptics have won the omicron war
It’s now too late to impose a new lockdown. The variant is spreading much too fast for that to make any difference
Opponents of lockdown have been glumly mulling their defeat and licking their wounds for weeks, lamenting the country’s lost freedoms.
And yes, it’s true, we are still a long way from restoring them.
But they should recognise the turning tide. The 100-MP rebellion this week against Covid passes means that the Government no longer has a majority for more restrictions and must rely on the Opposition – an unappealing prospect.
Public support for shutdowns, as measured by polling, has been quietly waning for months, too. A YouGov poll conducted at the end of November found that 68 per cent oppose closing pubs and restaurants and that 61 per cent oppose measures that would stop us meeting up with our friends.
No doubt support for restrictions will rise again as omicron spreads, but people are less responsive to fearful messaging than they were. The public are increasingly well-vaccinated, suffering financially and worried about their children. They are looking for the exit.