Kaare G. Opsahl
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Grumpy skrev:Til ære for alle hifi-frender i Rogaland.
En grei oppfølger til fjorårets album "Ord og Ögonblick", hvor låtene Slukk min tørst og Den morgenen som definitive høydepunkt.
Påstår at Vise-pop er noe Rogalendinger behersker til det fulle.
Kvelden avsluttes med noe tøffere klang. En vinylskive som har fulgt med på alle flyttelass and still going strong:
Så ikke denne før nå. Way OT, men svarer likevel.Roberten skrev:Døren inn til syvtommernirvana er en port jeg ikke har hatt nerver til å åpne enda, det er jeg redd fort kan gå hardt utover både tid, penger og nattesøvnen. Men jeg gleder meg til den dagen jeg føler meg rede til å ta steget fullt ut.ErosLoveking skrev:For meg er det viktigste å få hørt musikken, og bruke som bakgrunn for min evige jakt etter originale singler.
Jeg regner med du har lest Vinyl Junkies, der er det en del herlige mennesker med 7" nevroser som virkelig har vasket seg.
Slikt er alltid spennende og meget imponerende, så skal gå til anskaffelse av disse ølbrikkene.ErosLoveking skrev:Nå skal det sies at mye på denne cd´en ikke er utgitt før, så et enormt godt musikkarkeologisk arbeide ligger bak.
Hovedhjerne og "sjefsarkeolog" Alec Palao står bak gode liner notes og info som vanlig.
Alle Big Beat samlerne å anbefale ?
Live At Monterey is a CD issued last year that presents Jimi Hendrix complete concert at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival. Hendrix was a star in England, but was an unknown artist in the United States. The audience at his performance had no idea that they were in for a music changing event as Hendrix, in about 43 minutes, changed the face of rock n roll in the United States.
The music contained on this CD had been presented a number of times. There have been two different CD releases of which I am aware. Also some of the music appeared on the Monterey Pop Festivals 30th anniversary box set. The quality of the sound has always been an issue.
While this CD purports to have cleaned it up and re-mastered it as much as possible; it just comes back to the issue that the recording equipment in use was not up to even 1967 standards. What this CD does have in its favor is that it retained all of Hendrixs patter and conversation.
Hendrix kicks off his performance with Killing Floor. Mitch Mitchells drumming is always an interesting part of any Hendrix live show. Here he plays alongside Hendrix rather than playing behind him. He was an important and constant part of Hendrix sound as he provided the filler in Hendrix power trio format.
Foxey Lady is the familiar Hendrix. Psychedelic rock meets rock n roll meets rhythm & blues, all propelled by his guitar wizardry. Like A Rolling Stone is a straight forward presentation of this Dylan classic. Hendrix is loyal to the structure and melody while providing appropriate guitar improvisations.
Rock Me Baby just rolls over the listener in waves. Hendrix is in straight rock mode here with some odd tuning of his guitar to provide a unique sound. The Wind Cries Mary is one of my favorite Hendrix tunes be it live or in the studio. The laid back but creative guitar playing is always a welcome relief in the frenetic Hendrix universe. Purple Haze is a live signature song by Hendrix and the use of distortion and feedback while maintaining the songs structure is always unique. Hendrix ends the concert with his memorable rendition of Wild Thing in which he burns his guitar at the end.
Live At Monterey and the live Band Of Gypsys albums are probably the two essential live albums by Jimi Hendrix. Live At Monterey also has a historic significance as it was his coming out party. As such, it should be a part of any Jimi Hendrix collection.