Her om dagen så jeg at Knock at the Cabin (2023) dukket opp på SkyShowtime. Det er M. Night Shyamalan siste film, hans forrige - Old (2021) var ikke så verst. Så jeg la til Knock at the Cabin i min Watchlist.
Samtidig pleier jeg gjerne å sjekke om det er noen "hull" - når det gjelder regissører jeg liker - filmer jeg har gått glipp av. Jeg fant 1 hos M. Night -
After Earth (2013)
Antagelig den filmen jeg har hørt mest negativt om. Fra Trivia på imdb:
Although not credited on the finished film, co-writer/producer Will Smith was responsible for much of the movie's direction. M. Night Shyamalan was primarily in charge of the blocking (composition of shots, placement of the camera) and the visual aspects of the film (color and design), and had actually suggested Smith for the supporting role as the father, but it was Smith who dictated the development of the story (which he originally conceived) and the on-screen action, and personally coached his own son Jaden Smith in his performance. Although both the story and acting were heavily criticized and Shyamalan decided to take the blame, Smith later shared his deep regret for involving his son in the movie: the press had released a vicious barrage of negative commentary aimed at Jayden, which hit the boy hard since he had only followed his father's instructions. Will added that Jayden understandably felt betrayed and misled for a while, and once even requested to be emancipated from his parents at age 15. He eventually decided against it.
After Earth (2013) - Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more...
Så jeg har valgt å ikke se filmen - frem til i går - hvor jeg følte meg litt crazy og ga faen
I første del av filmen satt jeg bare å ventet på å oppleve masse negativt - elendig skuespill, plotholes osv. Men det kom ikke noe verdt å bry seg om.
Synes det var en helt ok film - enkel og kul Scifi med litt M. Night Shyamalan "magic". Å ha lav forventing, kan ha vært en god ting.
Lurer på hvor alt hatet kom fra. For egen del har jeg noen Star Wars filmer som har fått lavere rangering enn denne, for å ikke snakke om Marvel...
Det er litt norskt med i filmen også:
When Kristofer Hivju showed up on set, he got into a discussion with the make-up department, who wanted to cut his characteristic long hair and beard. Hivju was against it, and was even supported by Jaden Smith, but eventually lost out. To make matters worse, most of his role was eventually deleted from the final cut.