Siste anskaffelse : DCA75 Pro med SOT23 Test adapter.
Koblet til PC med medfølgende software som har curve tracing. Utrolig bra til å matche småsignal halvledere, inkl. fet's
Curve Tracing
When connected to a PC using the supplied USB cable, a range of low current curve-tracing functions can be performed. Various graph types are available, with more to follow:
- Bipolar transistor output characteristics, IC vs VCE.
- Bipolar transistor gain characteristics, hFE vs VCE.
- Bipolar transistor gain characteristics, hFE vs IC.
- MOSFET and IGBT output function, ID vs VDS.
- MOSFET and IGBT transfer function, ID vs VGS.
- JFET output function, ID vs VDS.
- JFET transfer function, ID vs VGS.
- Voltage regulator, VOUT vs VIN.
- Voltage regulator, IQ vs VIN.
- PN junction I/V curves, forward and reverse options (for Zener diodes).
Funker utrolig bra !
Adapteren er veldig grei å ha når man skal matche SMD- fet's., trenger ikke å lodde på test-leads