Det er lukket.
The loudspeaker industry has developed excellent
electro-acoustic transducers over the last 50 years, but when put in boxes of
various shapes and sizes in order to send a flat on-axis signal to the listener
and illuminate the room appropriately and without spurious emissions from the
speaker, then progress has been marginal at best. The LXmini is an example of
what can be done with state-of-the-art transducers in a powered 2-way speaker
system to generate an appropriate radiation pattern. It could not be done with
passive crossover/equalization in any practical way. Using a digital signal
processor makes equalization of transducers and power division very easy, once
the acoustic design has been established for 3D radiation.
Actually, the weakness of today's speakers is primarily
their acoustic design. I do not need to name manufacturers. Exceptions are rare
and insignificant in terms of market share. For the lack of progress I would
also blame equipment reviewers of the various audiophile magazines, because in
the end they are the gate keepers and usually beholden to the magazine's
If each manufacturer would build a pair of LXmini's as
reference for their product development to hear in which way they exceed or miss
its performance, then real progress might be made. Each equipment reviewer
should build a pair of LXmini's as reference to compare other speakers to and to
describe in a perceptually meaningful way the differences between sound systems
as experienced in their unique and shown listening environment. Since it is not
difficult nor costly for consumers to build the LXmini as their reference, they
would then know what to expect from a loudspeaker review.
I am not saying this because I think the LXmini is the
ultimate sound quality reference, but because the LXmini defines a standard of
excellence that top of the line loudspeakers should meet or exceed and be
recognized for that by reviewers and consumers
He also had is LXMinis in the room and I gave them a good listen. Source was his laptop through a miniDSP boxed unit with digital x-over/DSP/DAC. I think the miniDSP is $499. Amps were Emotiva. Volume was handled digitally in the MiniDSP. Holy Crap did the LXMini’s sound thoroughly amazing for a 6-inch driver and full ranger above it. Dynamic, open and spacious, with great bass for such a small footprint. For the price, these speakers will be very hard to beat if you have four channels of amplification and you can buy the least expensive miniDSP for $100. A room down the hall had some nice tri-amped speakers with the miniDSP Durac unit in place. Very impressive. As an old analog buy, I can honestly say the time for us all to embrace digital is here. For the price the mini-DSP stuff is quite good.
I only had about an hour to race into RMAF today as I live near Denver. Got in right before it closed and some rooms were already being taken down. I hit: Parts Express; Madisound; Linkwitz Lab and MiniDSP. The new Esoteric drivers were on display and just fantastic looking. Madisound had some nice drivers on display and a few kits to listen to, but none that I was interested in. I spent most of my time in S. Linkwitz’ room across from Madisound’s room. He had the LX521 hooked to Emotiva amps. The source was his laptop running through a Benchmark DAC into his custom active crossover box. I have heard lots of speakers, but I can honestly say that the LX521 is as good as anything I have ever heard. Simply terrific. Stunningly good, especially for the money. He also had is LXMinis in the room and I gave them a good listen. Source was his laptop through a miniDSP boxed unit with digital x-over/DSP/DAC. I think the miniDSP is $499. Amps were Emotiva. Volume was handled digitally in the MiniDSP. Holy Crap did the LXMini’s sound thoroughly amazing for a 6-inch driver and full ranger above it. Dynamic, open and spacious, with great bass for such a small footprint. For the price, these speakers will be very hard to beat if you have four channels of amplification and you can buy the least expensive miniDSP for $100. A room down the hall had some nice tri-amped speakers with the miniDSP Durac unit in place. Very impressive. As an old analog buy, I can honestly say the time for us all to embrace digital is here. For the price the mini-DSP stuff is quite good.
Nei, men utifra hva LX521 gir og beskrivelser av LXmini opp mot dem vil jeg tro dette gi utrolig mye for pengene.Har du hørt dem enda Cyber?
Hehe, ja - som to små lavalamper som gulper vellyd?I mitt stille sinn, ser jeg for meg at mellomtone og bass velter opp og strømmer ned langs røret for så å legge seg utover golvet og rundt tottelottene som et varmt og fluffy teppe. Det er sikkert ikke sånn på ordentlig, men jeg må få hørt på LX mini en dag
...og få tatt miniDSP i nærmere øyesyn.
Det er sikkert helt på sin plass å roe meg ned litt. Beklager entusiasmen.Jeg gidder stort sett ikke å tro. Enten så har jeg hørt dem selv eller så vurderer jeg de tekniske aspektene til høyttaleren og hvordan dette stemmer i hop med det vi vet om hvordan en høyttaler skal oppføre seg, og utover det mine egne kjepphester. Jeg ser veldig lite i denne konstruksjonen som utmerker seg..
Men ikke ta dette som kritikk av dere som bygger, kjempe flott! Kule å se på er de definitivt. Bare et behov for å nøyansere litt, da jeg syntes Cyber her er i overkant entusiastisk og baserer seg veldig mye på andres reviews, deriblant konstuktøren selv.
Mer i retning av lekre designvulkaner, faktiskHehe, ja - som to små lavalamper som gulper vellyd?I mitt stille sinn, ser jeg for meg at mellomtone og bass velter opp og strømmer ned langs røret for så å legge seg utover golvet og rundt tottelottene som et varmt og fluffy teppe. Det er sikkert ikke sånn på ordentlig, men jeg må få hørt på LX mini en dag
...og få tatt miniDSP i nærmere øyesyn.
Jeg vil tro de låter veldig lite høyttaler. Veldig mye musikk/opptak.
Nå ble jeg nysgjerrig. I hvilken annen konstruksjon har du sett tilsvarende energirespons?<...>
Jeg ser veldig lite i denne konstruksjonen som utmerker seg..
Alt etter hvordan man tolker "fairly", naturligvis.
Legendariske Nelson Pass har også vært og lyttet
Apparently I am the only one here who has actually heard the LX minis.
I spent a nice afternoon with a pair and would have to pronounce them as
fairly spectacular.
Det følger med en ferdig fil du bare laster inn i miniDSP når du kjøper planene.Absolutt et interessant prosjekt.
Men - så langt har jeg ikke sett noen som har tatt opp tema med en tilpasset sub.
Ellers lurer jeg på hvordan en får konfigurert en DSP til prosjektet. (Har null erfaring med DSP'er).
Følger nødvendig(e) konfigurasjonsfil(er) med når en bestiller Construction Plans?
Jeg har forsket litt på dette og på min miniDSP 4x10 HD så opplever jeg digital inn som bedre enn analog inn. Om det er den analoge kilden som ikke holder mål vet jeg ikke, men jeg opplever at bassnivået er litt lite på analog inn versus digital inn. Lydmessig låter begge deler bra, men digital bedre.Ser lenger oppe at Cyber er skeptisk til miniDSP 2x4 «…da prinsippet med Analog til digital til analog igjen i en boks er litt i mot min tanke om bevaring av signalets opprinnelige kvalitet.»
Er det andre som har tanker omkring det å ha, etter mye utprøving, investert i en DAC til flere tusen lenger frem i signalveien, så skal en her sette inn noe som er mye mer enn en DAC …til en tusenlapp?
Kanskje ikke helt i tiden …men ville det ikke sånn sett vært bedre å modifisere ASP’en til Pluto?