Jeg tar ikke stilling, britene bestemmer selv.
Men jeg følger interessert med, da jeg har mange venner og egne interesser i UK.
Her sitat fra en annen britisk venn:
So, today:
1 UK sovereignty in Gibraltar was directly threatened by Spain
2 The pound went to its lowest level since 1985, dropping twice as far as it did on Black Wednesday
3 In a single day's trading the UK stock exchange lost more value than the UK has paid in EU contributions in the entire 43-year history of our membership, with incalculable long-term consequences for millions of "pensioners", i.e. for us in 20 years' time (and remember how the Daily Abscess has been banging on about the supposed *Brussels* threat to UK pensions?)
4 UK sovereignty in Northern Ireland was destabilised by a call for a referendum
5 UK sovereignty in Scotland was destabilised by a call for a referendum
6 UK sovereignty in London (I can hardly believe I am writing this) was destabilised by a call for UDI for London
7 We heard about the first bank intending to pull workers out of the City of London
8 We were given warning of a sharp rise in the cost of petrol at the pump and of a "review" of their British operations by Airbus
9 We were given warning that the UK is about to lose its AAA credit rating with Standard and Poor
10 The UK PM resigned (in advance)
11 A motion of no confidence in the leader of the UK opposition was floated
12 Iran, Trump, and Putin started audibly gloating about Brexit
13 David Cameron's much-trumpeted "renegotiation" deal of March was declared null and void by the EU
14 And lots and lots of Leave voters--maybe the same Leave voters who didn't want to vote in pencil in case MI5 came round and rubbed out their votes, and who were protesting loudly in polling stations because there were signs that said WAY IN--told us they didn't really mean it.
15 Oh, and I forgot to mention the UK's loss of moral standing, and even of dignity, in the eyes of other nations thanks to this foolish bout of public self-harming. Moral and political capital, the hard diplomatic currency of respect and dignity and gravitas: built up over generations, gone in minutes, gone perhaps for ever, just like that.
That's just in one day. THAT'S JUST DAY ONE.
Now, would Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and the rest of that shambles care to look us in the eye and tell us just one more time (a) that Leave is a great idea for the sovereignty of the UK (b) that Leave means taking back control and (c) that Remain have been shamelessly scaremongering?