The Brooklyn’s onboard phono stage wasn’t designed to be a giant-killer, Jurewicz told me, but to play a necessary part in a complete package. The Brooklyn “is a product for someone who wants something compact,” he said at our meeting. “They have their computer, some music on their hard drive, maybe they log in to Tidal for some streaming and they have a turntable and maybe on the weekend when their girlfriend comes they play a record. So the idea was not to design the best-ever phono preamp, but to design a very good one.” He brought in several well-regarded phono stages ca $2000, listened, and tried to make something better.
I’ll leave it to my more vinyl-focused colleagues to take the full measure of the Brooklyn’s phono stage against the state of the art, but I thought it sounded very good. It wasn’t overbright, it deemphasized groove noise, and it never lost its composure. It gave up a little color, in MC mode, to my usual tube phono preamp (EAR 834P) plus step up transformer (Auditorium 23 Standard), but not much. And when I switched to MM and reinserted the transformer, I’m not sure it gave up anything. And the Brooklyn was much quieter.
MSRP: $5,995 US/Worldwide or €5,995 (VAT incl.) in EU. The Phono Preamplifier Card is optional at $1,495; Roon Ready Network Card is optional at $995
Mytek Introduces Manhattan II DAC - Positive FeedbackThe optional "Roon Ready" Network Card turns the Manhattan II into a network streamer with 24/192k and DSD64 maximum throughput. Compatible w/ Roon, Airplay, DLNA/UpnP, Spotify Connect, IOS and Android. revision history:
v.2.22 / 2017-01-13
- fixed; display artefacts removed
det er 3 nye eiere av MII som får levert sine meget snartEr det noen som har kjøpt Manhattan II ? Er veldig spent på denne.
Please update....
mest sannsynligvis..Er nye eiere av Manhattan II tilstede her på sentralen tro? Venter på inntrykk!
Mytek To Launch Brooklyn Class D Amp At Munich | Hifi PigMytek To Launch Brooklyn Class D Amp At Munich
Following the Munich announcement of the pre-ordering of the CLEF, their new mobile USB/DAC/AMP with MQA, Mytek has come up with a Class-D design for their newest amplifier, aptly called the Brooklyn AMP, which they will introduce during Munich HIGH END 2017.
Like the name suggests, the Brooklyn AMP will join their Brooklyn DAC and shares its visual design. Mytek engineers built the AMP after endlessly listening, soldering, substituting components, computing — and even more listening — before they gave their stamp of approval on the final version of the Brooklyn AMP.
The name is aptly chosen because the Brooklyn AMP fits in the same housing as the DAC, albeit with an inch of extra depth. It will be available in the same silver and black finishes as the Brooklyn DAC.
Apart from its elegant looks, the Brooklyn AMP produces 2 x 300 Watts of output power at 8 ohms and drives even the most difficult of loudspeakers with ease.
Mytek claims of having created a “triode Class-A sounding Class-D design which will make the Brooklyn AMP relevant for Audiophiles worldwide”.
The expected retail price of the Brooklyn AMP is 1.995 Euro/$ and delivery will start mid-summer 2017.
The Green LanternLysorgel?
Jeg tror det som en regel er praktisk å gå etter produkter som både måler og låter bra. Slike finnes det mange av på DAC-siden.Eller kanskje det er slik at real world ikke er perfekt, og at "uperfekte" komponenter kan låte mer riktig i våre uperfekte ører av den grunn? Igjen et bevis på at målemafiaen er på bærtur når de tror alt er kvantifiserbart på vanlig måte. Hvem skal vi høre på, teoretikere/guruer hvis erfaring med produksjon av musikk er den samme som bikkja til Jon Michelet har eller faktiske musikkprodusenter?
Har ikke mislikt noe som helst som regel er man litt syk i hue ( eller rimelig syk i hue) , så antar man hva som helst.For øvrig ser jeg at Moiz Audio mislikte målingene av Mytek Brooklyn; som ventet når de selger produktet.