Jeg tror jeg har latexallergi. Hver gang jeg tar på meg latexhansker begynner det å klø i ansiktet. :-\
Slapp av, problemene er overGubra skrev:I tilfelle du har problemer med tung snø.............
Det er faktisk så mildt ute at 2 transistorforsterkere er nok til å holde lunken i stua.ottone skrev:Slapp av, problemene er overGubra skrev:I tilfelle du har problemer med tung snø.............
Begynner nesten å svette, koks-ovnen har ikke brent ut ennå.
Mine står i stua. Sparer mye ved med det.ottone skrev:Har rør-monoblokker på loftet. ;D
Klestørken går unna på få timer.
I tilegg til at elementene deres har enormt med watt har de mulighet for å spesiallage membran etter kundens ønske:The Z series represent the pinochle of transducer archeology. The unique design dates back to the precocious era of unequivocal magnetism and the vector planar research of underwater acoustic proliferation. The open archeology concentrates flux lines in the magnetic gap while side lobbing interference cancels stray flux from entering the atmosphere. The result is increased efficiency over the entire bandwidth of collaborating bass frequencies. This allows the Z Series woofers to play amazingly loud with little wasted energy being dissipated as unwarranted heat, this means they get on it and don't get real hot.
The Z Series breaks new ground in rare earth magnetics, using newly discovered material, neo-demetrious iron proton (Ned), incalculably more strenuous than the other discovered rare earth magnet material. Ned is highly unstable and very difficult to modulate, yet alone saturate, so its use is mainly limited to noncommercial phase generators used in anti-matter plasma generation. Digital Designs has acquired the rights to use Ned magnetics in non-military acoustic weaponry and the peaceful development of humanistic cohesion through harmonizing wave generation. The unstable Ned blocks are held in symmetry by the side lobe interference which allows the use of the catchy monolithic block shapes from that cool 2001 space movie. These are spatially arrayed to over saturate the Permendur top plate imported from Switzerland, from one of those really beautiful, lake filled mountain valleys, giving huge magnetic energy to drive the voice coils.
The moving parts of the Z Series have undergone a minute amount of scrutiny also, the cones feature newly contrived composite materials to handle the extra load lines emulating from the motor, the voice coils are spiral wound in reversing layer directions for optimum efficiency and the voice coil former is really strong. The combined technological oeuvre nearly eliminates all chance of spurious effluvium from occuring. The spiders also feature new technology never found on arachnid based suspensions, silkaleneotton. Genetically altered spiders produce a chemical blended thread of silk, polyethylene and cotton. This synthetic blend is superior to our other synthetic blend. The new synthetic blend is stronger than standard arachnid fiber, more flexible than polyunsaturated polyethylene, lighter than water (it actually floats) and yet so soft and comfortable. This material can stretch to 1.7 times its weight, allowing for un-presidential travel.
The new Z Series woofers have more Watts than any speakers we have ever built, so many Watts they got, that we thought of using a new slogan, Got Watts?, but that's lame so we didn't. We tried to measure the exact amount of Watts a Z Series put out, but all we got was dBs.
The DD Customs page is dedicated to showing the possibilities a customer has when ordering a custom built speaker. Digital Designs is the last of vertically integrated American manufacturers of precision built speakers This allows us to build just about anything we want, or that you want. We have new composite cone molds which expand our offerings from the 1508 woofers to the upcoming 9922. Composites can be ordered for all 1500, 2500, 3500, 9500 and Z Series woofers. The 1500 and 2500 Series are ideal when high performance is needed along with lower system weight goals.
Composite cones are vacuum molded and baked for 24 hours. Custom colors can be applied on the front of the cones with a supplied automotive paint code number. It is possible to have the cone fronts match the paint on your ride.
We can also offer custom printing directly onto the composite materials. This opens up many graphic possibilities to be laid onto the front of the cones, jersey numbers, album covers etc.. Anything that can be graphically created becomes possible to lay up.
We have the capability to lay up wood veneers directly onto the sandwich construction. We can also lay up virtually any composite material that can be found.
Som det heter i et gammelt sitat: Mot dumhet kjemper selv gudene forgjeves!oddgeir skrev:
Au !! Det gjorde vondt i ørene. Men jeg er helt enig.ottone skrev:Et høylydt hjertesukk dagen derpå:
Jeg irriterer meg mørkegrønn på folk som gjør sitt beste for å ødelegge hele 1.april med å avsløre aprilsøker fortest mulig i full offentlighet. Noen begynner til og med tidlig på morgenen å ødelegge for folk.
Aprilspøker er laget for å lure folk, og da skal man jo for svarte s... ikke fortest mulig rope ut at man tror man er så javla lur fordi man ikke lot seg lure!
Enten får man holde kjeft eller så få får man være med på spøken og støtte opp.
Sovjets andre elektriske gitarmodell, Tonika EGS-650.What they've made is an unplayable super-heavy guitar with sick body shape, thickest neck you'll ever find and sound suitable for anything but music.
Jeg er ikke alene om den tanken altså... :-\Gubra skrev:Og for ikke lenge siden nevnte du den episoden med nakne russejenter?
Hmmmmm, det begynner å danne seg et mønster...........
Ouch........ :-Xbaluba skrev:Jeg er ikke alene om den tanken altså... :-\Gubra skrev:Og for ikke lenge siden nevnte du den episoden med nakne russejenter?
Hmmmmm, det begynner å danne seg et mønster...........
Du kan jo hugge et nytt da, og pynte det med hjerter, påskaharer og drinkparaplyer. Så lenge det klassifiseres som et lydtweak er det ikke mer outrert med januargran i stuen enn mye av den andre audiofile juletrepynten som er å få kjøpt.ottone skrev:DER forsvant juletreet. Trist som faen.
Lyden ble dårligere og.
Gjestemedlem skrev:Du kan jo hugge et nytt da, og pynte det med hjerter, påskaharer og drinkparaplyer. Så lenge det klassifiseres som et lydtweak er det ikke mer outrert med januargran i stuen enn mye av den andre audiofile juletrepynten som er å få kjøpt.ottone skrev:DER forsvant juletreet. Trist som faen.
Lyden ble dårligere og.