Jeg har en plan som Egon sa! Dac og Blue-ray spiller. Dacen har jeg siktet ut, men den kommer ikke på markedet før til høsten. Ingen bombe at jeg venter på den største Densen dacen
Så da har jeg litt tid til å finne meg en ok Blue-ray spiller med et godt drivverk og digitale utganger.
Litt om den kommende Densen dacen ref. mr Sillesen:
We have done a lot of work, and have altered the design dramatically. It is still high in sonically performance, but what we have altered, is the modularity of the product. Not only can it be upgraded as mentioned earlier regarding the DAC it self.
But now, we have added the possibility of adding a interface, which allows it to work with a NAS, or a PC and WIFI and Bluetooth. And control it in a basic manner with a Gizmo, or in more advanced manner using a mobile phone or a add-on touch screen..
Since we (as usual) design everything ourselves ground up, it is a huge job, but we are moving forward very rapidly. The basic DAC with the add-on options will be introduced in September. The add on modules; will come a little later, but the basic DAC will be prepared for these.
Så da er det bare å håpe at den holder mål lydmessig!