Shutdown drama shows Washington's failure to lead - CNNPolitics
"If it drags on for weeks, it will be Donald Trump's meltdown -- the deal maker who couldn't make a deal," said CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley.
One of the mysteries of Friday night's drama was the fact that Trump stayed behind closed doors in the White House, and was not in the center of negotiations. He did host Schumer for talks on Friday afternoon when the Democratic minority leader claimed to have pushed hard for a deal -- even putting the issue of funding for Trump's promised border wall on the table.
But Schumer said the President failed to put any pressure on Republicans in the Senate to play along, effectively accusing Trump of lacking political courage and backing off "at the first sign of pressure."
Questioning Trump's capacity to cut deals is unlikely to sit well with the President. So his reaction through the weekend -- and his Twitter feed on Saturday morning as he marks the end of his first year in office -- will be worth watching.