Morans var en kandidat. Plakaten er ikke feilskrevet.Dette går rett hjem til velgerne hans uansett, hurricanes? Nuke'em.
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I have one, do you?
«Gratulerer» er kanskje ikke helt det en normal person ville si om 80-års-minnet om å bli angrepet av Nazi-Tyskland og partert etter en hemmelig avtale mellom det regimet og Sovjetunionen. Må være helt utslitt etter helgens golfing, stakkars.Trump was asked Sunday about the trip to Poland he canceled to monitor Hurricane Dorian. Asked if he had a message for that country, which was commemorating the anniversary of the start of World War II, Trump decided to … congratulate it?
Q: Mr. President, do you have a message for Poland on the 80th anniversary of the Second World War?
TRUMP: I do have a great message for Poland. And we have Mike Pence, our Vice President, is just about landing right now. And he is representing me. I look forward to being there soon.
But I just want to congratulate Poland. It’s a great country with great people. We also have many Polish people in our country; it could be 8 million. We love our Polish friends. And I will be there soon.
For those not versed in World War II history, Sunday was the anniversary of the day Nazi Germany invaded Poland, which led France and Great Britain to declare war two days later (i.e. 80 years ago Tuesday). Poland would wind up losing nearly one-fifth of its population in the war, according to estimates.
Han innbiller seg muligens, fortsatt, at det er kineserne som betaler?Ingen skal si at Trump ikke er rask på avtrekkeren, eller kanskje man skal si impulsiv, denne gang gjaldt det straffetoll.....
Dramatikk i kulissene: Rasende Trump ønsket å fordoble kinesiske straffetoller.
Handelskrigen mellom USA og Kina har eskalert kraftig de siste par ukene. Det kunne ha blitt mye verre hvis president Donald Trump hadde fått viljen. Rådgivere mobiliserte amerikanske toppsjefer.
Han innbiller seg at Kina subsidierer straffetollen som betales av de amerikanske importører, distributører og kunder ved å redusere sine priser og inntjening for fortsatt å være konkurransedyktige. Det har riktignok skjedd. I helt marginal grad.Han innbiller seg muligens, fortsatt, at det er kineserne som betaler?Ingen skal si at Trump ikke er rask på avtrekkeren, eller kanskje man skal si impulsiv, denne gang gjaldt det straffetoll.....
Dramatikk i kulissene: Rasende Trump ønsket å fordoble kinesiske straffetoller.
Handelskrigen mellom USA og Kina har eskalert kraftig de siste par ukene. Det kunne ha blitt mye verre hvis president Donald Trump hadde fått viljen. Rådgivere mobiliserte amerikanske toppsjefer.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/04/trump-is-serious-danger-his-own-advisers-know-it/Trump’s economic record took another turn into dangerous territory Tuesday with a widely tracked gauge of the U.S. manufacturing sector contracting for the first time in more than three years, walloping the stock market and reigniting fears of a recession. It added to mounting concerns about a global economic slowdown under the weight of Trump’s trade war.
More than at any point in his presidency, Trump’s biggest asset looks like it could become a liability.
“The state of the economy is the single biggest factor in determining whether the president is reelected, and right now, it feels like they are riding a rubber ducky into alligator-infested waters,” said Michael Steel, a partner at Hamilton Place Strategies and former top aide to Republican House Speaker John Boehner.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/04/trump-digs-his-own-political-grave/There is one aspect of Donald Trump’s presidency that continues to be under-appreciated: the extraordinary lengths to which he and his propagandists regularly go to mask his political weakness and record of profound failure.
To put this a bit differently, Trump’s conduct is so outsize and crazy, and his advisers’ defenses of it are so strained and absurd, that we often end up overlooking the much more mundane explanation for all of this — that Trump is failing on many fronts, and as a result, he and his advisers fear he’ll lose reelection.
For all his bluster and insults, Trump has taken on a somewhat feeble quality. He makes the bare-minimum statement on the latest gun massacre, ducks a World War II commemoration in Poland on the grounds that he has to monitor the hurricane (but then plays golf and misinforms the public about the hurricane’s path) and eggs Vice President Pence to stay at the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel in Ireland, raising once more the grotesque self-dealing and corruption that permeates this administration. (Recall that he’s trying to get the Group of Seven to meet at his Doral golf club next year, thereby presenting the federal courts that are considering emoluments cases one more example of the president’s willingness to use the power of the presidency to line his own pockets.)
As Trump is falling, Democrats remain oddly quiet, perhaps on the theory that one shouldn’t interfere with one’s political opponent when he’s in the midst of blowing himself up. However, at next week’s Democratic presidential primary debate, it would behoove candidates to use the free prime-time TV slot to pound away at the diminished president. Trump has taken credit for just about everything, so it is time to start holding him accountable for just about everything — the listing economy (thanks to Trump’s suffocating trade war), an epidemic of mass shootings (thanks to Trump’s refusal to cross the National Rifle Association), a culture of corruption (thanks to arguably the most corrupt president in history, who sets the pattern for everyone else), strained relations with allies (thanks to Trump’s picking fights with them as he carries water for Russian President Vladimir Putin) and ever-more-extreme weather (thanks to climate change deniers, led by Trump).
To the annals of American political scandal, we must now add Sharpiegate.
In the Oval Office at lunchtime on Wednesday, Donald Trump held a briefing on Hurricane Dorian. At one point, the president held up a National Hurricane Center (NHC) map from 29 August, displaying the hurricane’s track and intensity.
Bizarrely, someone had apparently used a Sharpie, a kind of marker pen, to add a black loop falsely extending the hurricane’s path from Florida to Alabama. It was apparently a belated effort to justify Trump’s previous baseless claim that the latter state could be affected.
The hamfisted, homespun addition triggered uproar on social media and a frenzy of speculation over whether the president himself, or perhaps some lackey eager to impress, was responsible.
Altering official government weather forecasts is against the law.
Trump denied all knowledge. According to the Washington Post, when he was asked about the doctored map later on Wednesday, Trump said his briefings had included a “95% chance probability” that Alabama would be hit.
– Jeg vet at Alabama var med i den første værmeldingen. Vi har faktisk et bedre kart enn det som kommer til å bli lagt fram, der vi har mange linjer som går direkte – mange modeller, hver linje er én modell – og de går rett gjennom. Og i alle tilfeller blir Alabama truffet om ikke lett så i noen tilfeller ganske hardt. De gir faktisk en 95 prosent risiko, sa Trump til pressen mandag om prognosen sin.
Ifølge værmeldingstjenestene i USA har ingen steder i USA hatt høyere enn 60 prosent risiko for å faktisk bli truffet av Dorian, ingen har hatt 95 prosent. NHC har også sendt ut 45 varsler om Dorian for et tosifret antall byer i flere delstater i USA. Ingen steder i Alabama er nevnt i noen av varslene.
Hva er det som gjør Warren til en identitetspolitiker?Tante Sofie vil ikke kunne slå Trump. Hvem vil ha en gneldrete sosialistisk identitetspolitiker som president? Da er selv Trump bedre.
Dette er jo morsomt, helt til man husker på at mannen sitter som øverste leder for historiens mektigste militære styrker og har atomkodene.Hvem er det som signerer alle dokumenter med en Sharpie, tro?
Vis vedlegget 552701
To the annals of American political scandal, we must now add Sharpiegate.
In the Oval Office at lunchtime on Wednesday, Donald Trump held a briefing on Hurricane Dorian. At one point, the president held up a National Hurricane Center (NHC) map from 29 August, displaying the hurricane’s track and intensity.
Bizarrely, someone had apparently used a Sharpie, a kind of marker pen, to add a black loop falsely extending the hurricane’s path from Florida to Alabama. It was apparently a belated effort to justify Trump’s previous baseless claim that the latter state could be affected.
The hamfisted, homespun addition triggered uproar on social media and a frenzy of speculation over whether the president himself, or perhaps some lackey eager to impress, was responsible.
Altering official government weather forecasts is against the law.
Trump denied all knowledge. According to the Washington Post, when he was asked about the doctored map later on Wednesday, Trump said his briefings had included a “95% chance probability” that Alabama would be hit.
Warren er kvinne og politisk plassert på venstresiden. For enkelte er det nok til å diskvalifisere henne fra det meste.Hva er det som gjør Warren til en identitetspolitiker?Tante Sofie vil ikke kunne slå Trump. Hvem vil ha en gneldrete sosialistisk identitetspolitiker som president? Da er selv Trump bedre.
Ps. Trump er mentalt syk, så jeg kan knapt tenke meg noen som er mindre egnet til å være president enn han.
Om noen er kvinne eller mann bør være revnende likegyldig i politikken. Det jeg misliker er om noen prøver å få fortrinn av å være kvinne eller mann, eller noen slags kvotering eller tåpelige forestillinger om at det må være like mange kvinner som menn eller noe.Warren er kvinne og politisk plassert på venstresiden. For enkelte er det nok til å diskvalifisere henne fra det meste.Hva er det som gjør Warren til en identitetspolitiker?Tante Sofie vil ikke kunne slå Trump. Hvem vil ha en gneldrete sosialistisk identitetspolitiker som president? Da er selv Trump bedre.
Ps. Trump er mentalt syk, så jeg kan knapt tenke meg noen som er mindre egnet til å være president enn han.
Hvilke fortrinn har hun skaffet seg? Sitter du på informasjon som ingen andre har?Kun hva slags politikk man står for og egne meritter. Så når f.eks. Warren later som om hun er indianer for å dermed skaffe seg fortrinn så er det et eksempel på en feilslått politikk og dårlige holdninger.
Jeg tror Fjernis versjon 1-7 kjøpte Sandesundbrua (Beste Dealen Noensinne!!!) i et forsøk på å bli Like Rik som Trump (TM) og fortsatt prøver å få bompengeinnkrevingen til å fungere. G_B er også bare en skygge av sitt gamle jeg. Det virker ikke engang som han forsøker lenger. Kanskje et eller annet ubehagelig er i ferd med å demre for ham.Men hvor er det egentlig blitt av Il Drumpf supportere her inne?
Mulig jeg har misset en del (og det har jeg) men jeg har ikke sett noen her nå?
President Trump has never been good at governing, and has never been able to fulfill the mourner-in-chief role. But wasn’t he a better liar and more clever grifter once upon a time?
Trump is flailing so he compounds errors, makes new ones at an alarming rate and manages to outrage the Republicans whose support he needs. About the only comparable case of political malpractice comes from Britain, where Trump’s favorite right-wing populist buddy, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, lost control of Parliament and, in key votes, saw his opponents reject a no-deal Brexit and his call for early elections, leaving him a pathetic figure with few cards to play. At this rate, Johnson likely will make his predecessor, Theresa May, look like Winston Churchill — whose grandson Johnson just kicked out of the Conservative Party — by comparison.
There we have the twin populists, full of bravado and short on logic and facts, both in a political death spiral of their own making. If only someone had warned their supporters they were making Faustian bargains with incompetent devils.
Må jo bare klappe for at muren er på vei da. Hvem hadde trodd at det han skulle få til det?Men hvor er det egentlig blitt av Il Drumpf supportere her inne?
Mulig jeg har misset en del (og det har jeg) men jeg har ikke sett noen her nå?
Men det gjør han jo ikke. Ikke det heller.Må jo bare klappe for at muren er på vei da. Hvem hadde trodd at det han skulle få til det?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/05/trumps-border-wall-is-now-monument-his-failure/Builders are at work along the southern border — but not on the concrete wall Trump promised in the 2016 campaign. Instead, they’re building see-through fences and vehicle barriers, in many cases replacing older infrastructure that was already there.
Nevertheless, this is the false claim Trump most often repeats. As of Aug. 5, the president had said 190 times that a border wall was under construction, according to The Fact Checker’s database tracking all of Trump’s false or misleading statements. (The remarks above, from Wednesday, show the count is higher by now.)
Donald Trump has failed at many things since becoming president, but none may be more glaring than his failure to build the wall he promised across the entirety of our southern border.
From the outset it was an idea both stupid and malign, but he was committed to it. Yet again and again, he tried to obtain funding for it, only to find that even many Republicans in Congress weren’t interested. He even shut down the government to get it, but failed then, too.
Until this February, when he declared a farcical “national emergency” as a way of circumventing the Constitution, which says that the executive branch may spend money only on things Congress has authorized. The administration will be taking funds from the military budget and using it to build 175 miles of new fencing and barriers at various points along the border.
So as we embark on the 2020 presidential campaign, what does Trump’s wall represent? Does it, as he had hoped, represent power and manliness, a country reasserting control of its destiny, getting rid of all the no-good foreigners and keeping the rest of them out?
Hardly. The wall barely exists, and accomplishes none of what he promised. It’s a monument to Trump’s failure: his rancid appeals to xenophobia and racism, his grandiose dishonesty and his incompetence.
Og uansett ser det ikke ut til at Mexico betaler, gjør det vel?Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper signed off on the diversion of funds, his aides said. In a letter sent to lawmakers that was obtained by The New York Times, he identified 11 projects that the money would go toward, including new construction and some fencing replacement along the southwestern border.
Og Pentagon er ikke glade. Trump erklærte tidligere i år 'nasjonal unntakstilstand' på grensen, for å omgå Kongressens rett til å blokkere utbetalinger til muren. Ved slik unntakstilstand kan man ta midler fra militærbudsjettet. Og høyesterett har nå bekreftet at det har presidenten adgang til. Dermed er det altså ikke Mexico, men amerikanske skattebetalere som skal legge ut for Trumps mur. Og militæret må skjære i poster det hadde avsatt midlene til.