In a pre-trial detention memorandum for Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins, prosecutors cite alleged internal "operational plans" in an effort to keep her behind bars.
Sitatet herfra:
“Watkins has no known criminal convictions and has previously served in the military,” prosecutors note. “
That said, she not only maintains, but has exhibited an extremist anti-government ideology that this Court has no reason to believe will abate if released. Watkins is also combat trained, known to possess firearms, is willing to incite and lead others, and harbors a doomsday mindset that, if anything, risks greater radicalization if released into a community of like-minded individuals whom she has been known to primarily associate with and that this Court cannot fashion a condition to prevent.”
Vet ikke helt - Jada, hun burde sperres inne, men rent juridisk høres dette ut som en tynn argumentasjon.
Og når ble en '
'extremist anti-government ideology'' en forbrytelse?
kan villede andre....? Nei - det er ikke fengslingsgrunn i et demokrati.
she not only maintains, but has exhibited an extremist anti-government ideology that this Court has no reason to believe will abate if released''
det er vel et grunnlag de bruker i Myanmar? - Hun kan komme til å fortsette sin argumentasjon om hun blir satt fri?
Ja, det er hennes rett.
Siste paragrafen er et profylaktisk argument - men ...
man kan ikke fengsle folk for
ting man antar at de kommer til å gjøre senere.
Nei - dette ser ikke bra ut.
Og - Nei, jeg er ikke utdannet jurist.