Roberth skrev:
Hei skal undertalerkenen på Rega sine platespillere gli som en varm kniv i smør ned i hullet på platespilleren, eller skal den være veldig seig og bruke lang tid å gli ned. Burde jeg skru av mutteren under spilleren for å få den på plass igen?
Skal gli sakte ned. Noen grunn til at du tok den ut?
Om du tar den ut burde spindle og lager renses helt og smøres opp igjen med noen dråper med egnet olje til formålet.
Har selv noe som heter Ultimate Turntable Main Bearing oil fra en tidligere platespiller, men det er mange år unna at det er nødvendig med en slik operasjon hos meg.
Rega anbefaler dette ca hvert 20 år om den har fått stå i fred.
How/when should I service my Rega Turntable:
Q How often do I need to replace a drive belt?
A Belts should be changed every 5 years.
Q Do I need to re-lubricate the bearing?
A As long as the bearing has not been tampered with at any point the bearing will not need re-lubricating for approx. 20 years.
N.B. If a turntable has been on its side or upside down for more than 20 minutes at any stage, a percentage of oil will have escaped, this will seriously affect speed stability and sonic performance.
Q How do I know, if I should, re-lubricate the bearing?
A Lift sub platter 2 cm out of housing to inspect.
Oil will be present on top of brass housing if the turntable has been upside down.
Q What oil should I use?
A To re-oil your turntable bearing please do not use just any old lubricant - sewing machine lubricant is often used - PLEASE DO NOT USE IT! this will cause no end of trouble to your turntable. Simply, go to your dealer and they will supply you with the correct oil and how to apply it. Or, it might be just as well to book your turntable in for a service. Your local dealer can provide this.