- Ble medlem
- 07.11.2005
- Innlegg
- 1.690
- Antall liker
- 8
Disse har tydligvis vært testet av Clement Perry i Stereo Times (nov 2004). Det virker som han ble imponert.
Hele testen: http://www.stereotimes.com/acc112304.shtmlBarring the Acoustic Resonator's exorbitant price, my experience with the them has served as a rude-awakening. Personally, I find their improvements, when Platinum, Gold and Silver is used, on par with that of an component--which somewhat justifies their cost. Therefore, I suggest strongly, that you give a set an audition especially if you've ideas of upgrading your system. for that ailing system. Theyve literally changed what Ive come to expect from a music playback system, and I am grateful for the experience. My thoughts about using products such as these, at the risk of being considered on the lunatic fringe, has changed, and many others here and in Europe have joined me. And if I have flipped my wig, then I wish I had done it sooner, considering the outcome. Highly recommended!
Acoustic Resonator is a proud recipient of Stereo Times' Publisher's Choice Most Wanted Component 2004 Award!
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