Joda, ser den.
Hvilken XO bruker du på frontene?
Han bruker 80 skrev han lenger opp her mener jeg.
Isåfall vil jo alt under 80Hz for FL & FR bli sendt til den ht som har nærmest XO, som vel blir senteren?
Dette ‘skurrer i mine ører....’
Dette stemmer ikke; crossover 60Hz på center og 80Hz på front betyr ikke at frontene blir sendt til center (under frontenes crossover). Alt går til sub'ene under crossover frekvens. Det alternativet du beskriver er også mulig å konfigurere, men det er ikke standard.
Jeg tror nok jeg misforstod litt. Argumentene mine var relatert til speaker config og ikke XO:
• For FL (Front Left) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker setup
does not include front L speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects front L channel
signals to the center output connectors.
• For CEN (Center) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker setup does
not include center speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects center channel signals
to the front L/R output connectors.
• For FR (Front Right) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker setup
does not include front R speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects front R channel
signals to the center output connectors.
• For SR (Surround Right) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker
setup does not include side R speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects side R
channel signals to the front R output connectors.
• For SBR (Surround Back Right) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the
speaker setup does not include surround rear R speaker. The Cinema 11a then
redirects surround rear R channel signals to the side R output connectors.
• For SBL (Surround Back Left) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the
speaker setup does not include surround rear L speaker. The Cinema 11a then
redirects surround rear L channel signals to the side L output connectors.
• For SL (Surround Left) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker setup
does not include side L speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects side L channel
signals to the front L output connectors.
• For SW (Subwoofer) you can select Yes or No. Select No when the speaker setup
does not include SW speaker. The Cinema 11a then redirects SW channel signals to the front L/R output connectors.