Om ikke det er noe feil mtp forskyvning/kalibrering der vi ser utfordringer med 50 og 100hz. Ikke uvanlig med bl.a. dårlig jording mm..
Hadde nett inspeksjon av hele huset her for en liten stund siden, av en guro fra kraftlaget, jordingen er helt innen for krav ikke noe og utsette på den sa han. Det er gått over alle kontakter stikk etc, ikke noe å finne, har byttet komponenter, alt fra ujordet produkter til jordet ikke noen forskjell. Dette er nettbassert kommer inn via strømnettet, Når hydro har service på linjene sine og vi fra strøm fra en annen kraftstasjon som ikke hydro henger på er det helt tyst, dette har jeg også testet med egen generator drift helt tyst.
Du vil aldri få gehør for at nettet vil påvirke audio utstyr her på HFS.
Målemafiaen har vedtatt dette.De har flagget dette så høyt at de er ingen vei tilbake.
Som en av de hevdet "Grenseverdiene i FoL (forskriften) er nå allikevel vilkårlig satt"
De leser det de vil lese,og passer det ikke inn i deres kunnskaps/erfaringverden
så snur de seg en annen vei.
" Når hydro har service på linjene sine og vi fra strøm fra en annen kraftstasjon som ikke hydro henger på er det helt tyst, dette har jeg også testet med egen generator drift helt tyst"
Slikt passer ikke inn i deres verden,da argumentasjonen om at feilen er elendig,defekt eller feilkonstruert strømforsyning.
Selv om det kommer inn ny kunnskap fra IEEE er målemafiaen her på HFS hevet over den organisasjonen,
med både mer og bedre kunnskaps og erfarings grunnlag.
Som du skriver,kraftelektronikk,aluminiums verk etc. og din erfaring med Schaffner filteret som forsterket problemet.
"Korvarig" som konsekvent fjerner filtre på elektronikken,og ser en det i sammenheng med Danmarks store bruk av
vindmøller og kraftelektronikk,så er det vel en mulig sammenheng.
IEEE Xplore Abstract - Standards for supraharmonics (2 to 150 kHz)
There is a serious interest from the international standard-setting community in knowledge about voltage and current distortion in the frequency range 2 to 150 kHz, referred to as supraharmonics. At the same time, research is ongoing at a number of locations, but the knowledge about supraharmonics remains limited. This paper compares some of the properties of harmonics and supraharmonics. An increase in supraharmonics for individual devices is observed in association with a decrease in harmonic emission (i.e. below 2 kHz). A proposal is made for setting limits in this frequency range. The proposal is based on existing standards and is meant to be for discussion. The authors strongly encourage an open discussion about the proposed limits. There are a number of differences between harmonics and supraharmonics that are not covered by the proposed set of limits. A substantial amount of further research is needed to extend the standard framework for supraharmonics such that this can be covered by standards.
Sjelden undersøkelse,mer direkte på høyfrekvent støy fra 2KHz opp til 150 KHz
undersöka hypotesen om regionnät, i likhet med lågspänningsnät, har övertonsinnehåll i frekvensområdet 2-150 kHz
En PSCAD studie för Lillgrund har visat att strömvärden vid 1 kHz, 2.8 kHz och 7.2 kHz från vindkraftparken förstärks ca 10 gånger i Bunkeflo. De strömtoner som kan mätas i det frekvensintervallet kan alltså dels ha emitterats från Lillgrunds turbiner och dels ha sammanfallit med resonanser. De uppmätta nivåerna är dock väldigt låga. Detta har redovisats i en artikel som skrivits tillsammans med Luleå Tekniska Universitet.
Investigate if power quality distortion in the frequency range 2-150 kHz, observed to be quickly filled up in low voltage networks, also exists in the sub-transmission grid at system voltage 130 kV.
3.4.3 Related problems Potential consequences of inter-harmonics are in IEC-61000-4-7 listed as: •
Noise in audio amplifiers
• Additional torque on motors and generators • Disturbed zero crossing detectors, for example in dimmers • Additional noise in inductive coils (magneto-striction) • Blocking or unintended operation of ripple control receivers
3.4.4 Origin Inter-harmonics mainly derive from the same sources as harmonic emissions. The inter-harmonics with a continuous spectrum are foremost emitted by arc generating equipment, i.e. arc welders, arc furnaces, mercury lamps and fluorescent lamps. The lamps individually have low levels of inter-harmonic emission but the amount of installations is increasing and the summarized effect is large [11]. Inter-harmonics also originate from induction motors (wound rotor and sub synchronous converter cascade), integral cycle control (heating applications) and low frequency power line carrier (ripple control) [23]. Apparatus and equipment based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) can also be an origin of
various inter-harmonics within a relatively large range of frequencies [11]. The biggest source to inter-harmonics is the cyclo-converters [23]. There are also indicators that active power electronic converters (IGBT or GTO based) generate a more continuous spectrum of emission than existing power electronics. This will result in more inter-harmonics, which will lead to increased risk of high distortion caused by resonances [20], [23].
3.5 HF distortion > 2 kHz The high frequency content is defined as components in current or voltage signals that are above the harmonic frequency range (2 kHz or 2.5 kHz) but below 9 kHz in IEC 61400-4-7. The components can appear at a single frequency or as a broadband. High frequency measurements have not been common, due to a lack of measuring equipment and restrictions. However, high frequency components have less energy and are consequently primarily found in the immediate surroundings of the converters. They are damped in long cables and transformers, hence only create disturbance in the low voltage system where the frequency source (converter) is located [24], [20]. New studies have showed the existence of high frequency components in low voltage networks. Research concerning high voltage levels has begun.
3.5.1 Related problems Of great concern is the possibility of radio communication interference, thus that the communication signal would drown in the disturbance and the communication would not succeed3. Another concern in Sweden and in other European countries is that the remote reading of power meters Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is performed via the power lines. The power line communication for AMR uses frequencies between 9 and 95 kHz which might be interfered [25].
3.5.2 Origin High frequency distortion can originate from fluorescent lamps with high-frequency ballast, computers equipped with active power-factor correction, adjustable-speed drives with active (transistor-based) front-end; and distributed generation using a power-electronic interface (common for wind turbines). The power-electronic interfaces often compass voltage source inverters with very high switching frequency (1 kHz and above). The switching scheme (PWM) often creates broadband emission and the switching frequency may be close to a system resonance, which can create large voltage ripple [20].
Her i Norge ligger det allerede penger klar.
Hvor kan netteiere som vil gripe fatt i dette ta kontakt?
"Søknad inne" på spenningskvalitetsprosjekt: Støybeskyttelse og supraharmoniske
Ta det med en klype salt hva enkelte hevder