Østlandet har landheving, ca 4mm i året i Oslo, avtar mot vest og når null lenge før Langfjellene.
Siden klimamodeller er feil, havet ikke stiger og CO2 er plantemat, er det heldigvis ikke noe å bekymre seg over. Derimot forsøker Pentagon, og spesielt USAs Marine, å få penger til sikring av sine mange flåtestasjoner. Problemet er at disse ligger ved havet og havet stiger, ifølge Pentagon. Skipene flyter, det står verre til med veier og hus og bygg på basene.
Men Representantenes hus er fylt med skrudde idioter, som har stemt mot at Pentagon får drive med slik klimaforvridd propaganda. 11 av representantene har vitenskapelig bakgrunn, om man teller åtte ingeniører. 40% av representantene er jurister - over 200. USAs fremtid er i hendene på jurister.
As the national response lags, experts warn that the flooding is putting the country’s defense at risk.
Several studies have concluded that Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval base, is profoundly threatened by rising seas, as are other coastal bases. The Pentagon has managed to build floodgates and other protective measures at some facilities. But attempts by the military to develop broader climate change plans have met fierce resistance in Congress.
That was the case this summer, when an effort by the Pentagon to appoint officers to take charge of climate resilience led to a House vote prohibiting taxpayer money from being spent on the plan.
“When we distract our military with a radical climate change agenda, we detract from their main purpose of defending America from enemies” like the Islamic State, said Mr. Buck of Colorado, the Republican congressman who sponsored the measure. His amendment passed the House 216 to 205, though the Senate has yet to agree to it.
Many people in Congress, almost all of them Republicans, express doubt about climate science, with some of them promulgating conspiracy theories claiming that researchers have invented the issue to justify greater governmental control over people’s lives. So far, this ideological position has been immune to the rising evidence of harm from human-induced climate change.