Dette er kanskje av interesse for Brekke. James O'Keefe's October Surprise Shows He's Still A Hack, Not A Journalist
Og bare så det er på plass - fordi man er overbevist om at Trump er ukvalifisert og en trussel mot demokratiet, er ikke det automatisk bevis for at man er "Clinton propagandist".
Det kan være nyttig å ta et steg tilbake og spørre hva årsaken er til at amerikanerne er i ferd med å rive i filler sin føderasjon.
Project Veritas Released Heavily Edited Footage Of Florida Democratic Party Staffers Who They Claim Are “Clinton Staffers,” Compared Their Comments To Trump’s Sexual Assault Video. Project Veritas released a video purporting to show "the 'misogynistic' nature of the Hillary Clinton campaign and its organizers, who joke about sexually harassing women and committing voter fraud on the campaign." The six-and-a-half-minute video features heavily edited undercover footage of two field organizers with the Florida Democratic Party -- not the Clinton presidential campaign -- making out-of-context statements about "acceptable conduct" on "this campaign" and about "the ballots." The only context provided to viewers about the discussions is provided by Project Veritas text, not by video. O’Keefe repeatedly compares the out-of-context footage of low-level field staffers to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s 2005 hot mic comments describing sexual assault. All three staffers shown by name in the video identify themselves on their LinkedIn accounts as field organizers for the Florida Democratic Party, not the Clinton campaign. A search of the Federal Election Commission database returned no results indicating any of the three staffers have been paid directly by the Clinton campaign in 2015 or 2016. [ProjectVeritas.com, accessed 10/12/16; LinkedIn, accessed 10/12/16, 10/12/16, 10/12/16; Federal Election Commission, accessed 10/12/16]
Og bare så det er på plass - fordi man er overbevist om at Trump er ukvalifisert og en trussel mot demokratiet, er ikke det automatisk bevis for at man er "Clinton propagandist".
Det kan være nyttig å ta et steg tilbake og spørre hva årsaken er til at amerikanerne er i ferd med å rive i filler sin føderasjon.
Project Veritas Released Heavily Edited Footage Of Florida Democratic Party Staffers Who They Claim Are “Clinton Staffers,” Compared Their Comments To Trump’s Sexual Assault Video. Project Veritas released a video purporting to show "the 'misogynistic' nature of the Hillary Clinton campaign and its organizers, who joke about sexually harassing women and committing voter fraud on the campaign." The six-and-a-half-minute video features heavily edited undercover footage of two field organizers with the Florida Democratic Party -- not the Clinton presidential campaign -- making out-of-context statements about "acceptable conduct" on "this campaign" and about "the ballots." The only context provided to viewers about the discussions is provided by Project Veritas text, not by video. O’Keefe repeatedly compares the out-of-context footage of low-level field staffers to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s 2005 hot mic comments describing sexual assault. All three staffers shown by name in the video identify themselves on their LinkedIn accounts as field organizers for the Florida Democratic Party, not the Clinton campaign. A search of the Federal Election Commission database returned no results indicating any of the three staffers have been paid directly by the Clinton campaign in 2015 or 2016. [ProjectVeritas.com, accessed 10/12/16; LinkedIn, accessed 10/12/16, 10/12/16, 10/12/16; Federal Election Commission, accessed 10/12/16]