Nok en to the point vedr. Comey:
Last night I was comparing campaign coverage on CNN and FOX News. It was like seeing two different realities.
On FOX, the big news is that the FBI is not only investigating the Weiner laptop emails, but separately the FBI has a major investigation about the Clinton Foundation. I watched Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani – who knows a thing or two about prosecutions – explain the money-laundering-bribery crimes the Clinton Foundation has allegedly committed. In other words, if you only watch FOX News, you might believe Clinton is the head of a crime organization that just got caught, and therefore she has no chance of winning the presidency.
Now switch to CNN.
CNN is temporarily a comedy network because it is hilarious to watch them avoid mentioning Clinton while pretending to cover a race that allegedly involves two candidates. They talked about process. They talked about Republican voter suppression. They talked about Trump. But they don’t say much about about Clinton. On CNN, what matters most is putting the messengers on trial. CNN pundits accuse the Russians of stealing DNC emails to influence the election. They accuse the Director of the FBI of announcing stuff he shouldn’t announce. On CNN, Clinton has a solid lead in the electoral college and she is likely to be our next president.
So choose your reality. If you like the reality where Trump wins, you can watch it happening live on FOX News. He’s crushing it over there. But if you hope for a Clinton win, watch CNN and see your dreams come true. She’s doing great on that network. On November 8th, one of those realities will fall away.
Enig med andre, en eminent artikkel.Som nevnt tidligere, det beste jeg har lest på norsk om hvorfor folk støtter Trump og hvorfor de er skeptiske til Hillary. Vel verdt å lese:Det gjelder hele hurven og måten de rekrutteres på og fra hvilke miljøer. Jeg skal ikke forsvare Trump, men det er en grunn til at han er der han er...Tja, det gjelder vel politikerne man selv er uenig med?.
Donald Trump – Trumfkortet : KULTURVERK
Det store spørsmålet for mange er hvem som vil seire 8. november. Rasjonaliteten som regjerer samtiden tilsier at Trump vil tape. Han har definisjonsmakten mot seg og størstedelen av media- og underholdningseliten mot seg. Men dess hardere nettopp denne kompakte blokken bygger muren mot de vanlige, de usette og uhørte, dess krassere og mer uforsonlig blir reaksjonen.
Begriper ikke hvorfor Scott Adams har blitt elevert til guru-status i enkelte kretser. Frem med stoppeklokken, hvor mye har Hillary snakket om den første kvinnelige president i løpet av valgkampen?
Enig; det må vel være noe av det mest stupide som er utsagt i en kommentar.Begriper ikke hvorfor Scott Adams har blitt elevert til guru-status i enkelte kretser. Frem med stoppeklokken, hvor mye har Hillary snakket om den første kvinnelige president i løpet av valgkampen?
Ikke mye tid, prosentvis, men det at hun vil bli den første kvinnelige president har vært et talking point hos Hillary gjennom hele kampanjen.Begriper ikke hvorfor Scott Adams har blitt elevert til guru-status i enkelte kretser. Frem med stoppeklokken, hvor mye har Hillary snakket om den første kvinnelige president i løpet av valgkampen?
Vi har åpenbart ikke de samme amerikanske FB-venner.Jeg klipper uhemmet fra mine amerikanske Facebook-venner, med min sedvanlige mangel på kildekritikk. Caveat emptor. Dersom dette er russisk psy-ops via RT, må man i det minste berømme dem for dyktig håndverk.
The big one.
"The WikiLeaks Bombshell has come. Hillary Clinton and ISIS are co-funded by the Saudi and Qatari Governments. While spending billions to build and fund ISIS, the Saudi’s and Qataris gave tens of millions to then Secretary of State Clinton. ISIS is needed to do the dirty work and topple governments not friendly to Saudi ambitions. Under Hillary Clinton – and the Clinton emails reveal a significant discussion of it – the biggest-ever arms deal in the world was made with Saudi Arabia: more than $80 billion. During her tenure, the total arms exports from the US doubled in dollar value. Additionally, US policy in Syria has been tailored to meet Saudi and Qatari goals.
Everything that happens, happens for money. People like to think Putin is a badass, wants to conquer the world, and that is why he is in Syria. It's what you were taught and it is how you are led in to war. Hillary needs us to think that Putin and Assad are madmen. She relies on it. It is how she will sell the fight. Throughout of our lives, we’ve learned Russia is evil and all about the ruling of peoples. We’re taught that America is good. We're all about liberating people from tyranny. That's why she will be sending our sons and daughters to Syria. As murderous as ISIS is, ISIS has been unable to topple Assad, thanks to Russia. It’s now on President Clinton to remove Assad for Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
To understand why all of this is happening, you just need to know the motive. It is the oldest and simplest, money. The Saudi’s and Qataris are energy producers. In addition to oil, they are sitting on top of the largest Natural Gas reserve in the world. Their chief competitor in Natural Gas is Russia. Both are targeting Europe as customers. Quite simply, Russia makes its living selling Oil and Natural Gas to Europe. Americas allies in the Gulf make their living off of selling Natural Gas and Oil. We’ve nearly reached peak oil. Clean Natural Gas is the future for energy.
Russia has a distinct advantage in Natural Gas due to geography. Oil is cheap and easy to transport by ship, Natural Gas is not. Russian Natural Gas is therefore cheaper in Europe. Russia has dozens of pipelines to carry gas in to Europe. Qatar and Saudi Arabia must ship it. In order for Saudi Arabia and Qatar to fully compete, they need a pipeline in to Europe. All that stands in the way is Assad.…/n…/74efcba9554c10bd35e280b63a9afb74
America is hell bent on helping its partners in the Gulf. One way we helped was turning Ukraine from a friend of Russia to a foe. Russia's pipeline to Europe runs through Ukraine. Rule Ukraine and you can effect the supply and cost of Russian Natural Gas. Suddenly our Gulf partners earn more.…/Major_russian_gas_pipelines_…
Clinton was a major player in the Ukraine Revolution. She, with the CIA, assisted Billionaire Viktor Pinchuk of Ukraine to lay the groundwork for unrest in Ukraine and to prep a replacement government. For her help, he donated to the Clinton Foundation. The democratically elected government was overthrown.…/clinton%20foundation%20donations…
Next stop is Syria. If America can make Qatar and Saudi Natural Gas and Oil cheaper, it will pretty much destroy Russia's economy. The easiest way to do this is to 1. build a pipeline from Qatar to Europe and 2. convince the Saudis to over produce oil. Over production has worked well. Americans are happy with cheaper gas and Russia is in deep economic trouble. The pipeline however needs to run through Syria, Russia's friend.…/094d5929f2a7da0ec47855659dcc8df8…/qatar-seeks-gas-pipeline-to-tur……/turkey-touts-proposed-gas-pipel…
To accomplish this goal, the Assad Government must either agree to the Qatar pipeline or be overthrown. Assad has rejected the plan in favor of a pipeline from Iran through Syria and Cypress in to Europe. This pipeline will be developed by Gazprom of Russia.…/335809bc5a4500918ff797c8a540c039
At this time, Clinton declared that Assad must go.
For her part, she got this:…/exclusive-persian-gulf-sheikhs-ga…/
So, essentially, we care about Syria not for its people, but for a pipeline. The right pipeline makes our Gulf partners and European elites richer, bankrupts Russia and deeply harms Iran. The wrong pipeline in Syria gives Russia some economic breathing space, gives Syria some income and helps Iran compete. Nobody cares about Syrian people dying in this conflict. It's all about the trillions to be made on Natural Gas and whether we can tank the Russian economy and bring them to heel.
And what about the refugees? Refugees are just collateral damage from this deal. The current migration crisis was expected. European leaders are partners in the deal. They stand to gain individual fortunes and free themselves of dependence of Russian energy. Taking in millions of refugees is how they do their part.
Read more here:…/n…/74efcba9554c10bd35e280b63a9afb74…/5410130
The REAL Reason Nearly EVERYONE Is In Syria AnonHQ…/secretary-hillary-clinton-sy…/story…
Det stemmer ikke:Ja, der er berammet en rettssak:Child rape?
Fint at de som kritiserer Hillary er de som får skylden for å være useriøse, det er en grunn til at begge kanditadene til å bli president er de mest upopulære som noen gang har vært i USA sin historie, likevel er det en stor andel her i tråden som fronter Hillary som hun er den beste noen gang.
Why the Media Won't Cover the Child Rape Case Pending Against Donald Trump
Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post
Kvinne som hevdet Trump voldtok henne da hun var 13 trekker søksmålet - DagbladetEtter planen skulle Trump ha møtt i retten 16. desember i år. Det slipper han nå.
Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar | The IndependentJulian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar
“We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to Isil and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Ms Clinton wrote.
According to the Clinton Foundation, the Saudi Arabian government has donated between $10m (£8m) and $25million since the foundation was set up in 1997. Last month it was reported the government of Qatar offered to donate $1m to the foundation in celebration of Bill Clinton’s birthday.
“Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”
Teksten kom fra en gruppe Sanders-tilhengere, FYI.
Vi har åpenbart ikke de samme amerikanske FB-venner.
Interessant. Folket slår tilbake mot gerrymandering ved hjelp av internett. Fiffig.Besynderlig fenomen: Stemmebytte over delstatsgrensene.
Forhåndsvalget i Nevada er avsluttet. Demokratisk-registrerte velgere har strømmet til urnene, i større grad enn hva GOP's valganalytikere mener de kan tåle mtp det totale valgresultatet. 14% demokratisk ledelse mot 6% som er GOPs tålegrense.Trump fosser fremover og leder nå nasjonalt på flere målinger.
Hillary har nesten ikke stemme igjen der hun roper på valgkampmøtene sine, mens Donald er sterk og klar.
Det går mot at The Establishment får seg en skikkelig på trynet.
Håndsopprekning har vel aldri vært fornuftsgaranti…Jeg er for øvrig enig i at Trump er et farlig og underlig fenomen men jeg forstår ikke hvordan dere kan sette dere over halve befolkningen på en slik arrogant måte![]()