Det blir krig mellom Saudi Arabia og Iran om Trump får viljen sin. Da blir amerikansk skiferolje lønnsom igjen.
Pierce berører krigspotensialet her, men bruker mest tid på behovet for å avsette Trump. En klok gjennomgang som må leses.
But the last couple of weeks have convinced me that, as long as the current president* remains the current president*, the government of the United States would fail any stress test you sought to apply to it. His ignorance is matched only by his incompetence, which is matched only by his obvious instability.
My god, he's even feuding with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III now. I didn't think that was possible.
His election was allegedly corrupted by Russian money and Russian influence, probably because his business empire is allegedly corrupted by Russian money and Russian influence. In turn, his government was allegedly corrupted by its attempt to cover up Russian money and Russian influence.
The federal law enforcement community and the intelligence apparatus, are in open—if largely anonymous—revolt. An FBI director begs the attorney general not to leave him alone with the president*. The director of national intelligence reportedly has said that the president* directed him to step between the FBI director and the investigation of the Russian money and Russian influence, the exact obstruction of justice that hung Richard Nixon.
Pretty soon, the administration will be staffed only by exiles from the wingnut media apparatus and his own insufferable spalpeens, who have ethical problems of their own. And this is only what's happened in this country over the past three days.
Donald Trump Should Leave the White House - How to End Trump's Presidency
USA våkner til litt av noen forsider. Høringen med Comey begynner i dag:
Pierce berører krigspotensialet her, men bruker mest tid på behovet for å avsette Trump. En klok gjennomgang som må leses.
But the last couple of weeks have convinced me that, as long as the current president* remains the current president*, the government of the United States would fail any stress test you sought to apply to it. His ignorance is matched only by his incompetence, which is matched only by his obvious instability.
My god, he's even feuding with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III now. I didn't think that was possible.
His election was allegedly corrupted by Russian money and Russian influence, probably because his business empire is allegedly corrupted by Russian money and Russian influence. In turn, his government was allegedly corrupted by its attempt to cover up Russian money and Russian influence.
The federal law enforcement community and the intelligence apparatus, are in open—if largely anonymous—revolt. An FBI director begs the attorney general not to leave him alone with the president*. The director of national intelligence reportedly has said that the president* directed him to step between the FBI director and the investigation of the Russian money and Russian influence, the exact obstruction of justice that hung Richard Nixon.
Pretty soon, the administration will be staffed only by exiles from the wingnut media apparatus and his own insufferable spalpeens, who have ethical problems of their own. And this is only what's happened in this country over the past three days.
Donald Trump Should Leave the White House - How to End Trump's Presidency
USA våkner til litt av noen forsider. Høringen med Comey begynner i dag:

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