Vil det amerikanske samfunnet tåle Covid-19 ? Jeg tviler. Alt for mange vil ikke rapportere at de er syke, de blir ruinert av regningen i etterkant. Er ikke få som vil prøve å greie seg sjøl. Spennende å se hvordan dette utvikler seg i et land som som lever ettter slagordet; " If you don't work, you don't eat"
A preliminary study published on The Lancet on January 24 [3] provides an early estimation of 3% for the overall case fatality rate. Below we show an extract (highlights added for the relevant data and observations):
As further data on the spectrum of mild or asymptomatic infection becomes available, one case of which was documented by Chan and colleagues, the case-fatality ratio is likely to decrease.
Nevertheless, the 1918 influenza pandemic is estimated to have had a case-fatality ratio of less than 5% but had an enormous impact due to widespread transmission, so there is no room for complacency.
A study on 138 hospitalized patients with 2019-nCoV infection, published on February 7 on JAMA, found that 26% of patients required admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 4.3% died, but a number of patients were still hospitalized at the time. [9]
A previous study had found that, out of 41 admitted hospital patients, 13 (32%) patients were admitted to an ICU and six (15%) died.[5]
The JANA study found that, among those discharged alive, the median hospital stay was 10 days.[9]