In the past, the average lifespan of a car was significantly lower than it is today. Now, you can expect a standard car to
last around 12 years or about 200,000 miles. More advanced vehicles like electric cars can go even longer, up to 300,000 miles. Not too long ago, you could expect a car’s lifespan to be around eight years and 150,000 miles. In fact, getting to that 100,000-mile mark used to be a pretty big deal. Now, it’s really just a stepping stone or halfway point to what you can expect from today’s vehicles. Advances in technology have made a big difference on the average lifespan of a car. Think about oil changes as an indication of how things have changed. Experts used to recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles. Now, you can go double, triple, even four or five times that long depending on your vehicle, how you drive it, and the type of oil you choose. Better electronics help your car run more smoothly and precisely, which adds to a car’s life expectancy.